SkyBox and Basic

Ali Sharoz 4 months ago
parent 989b70ddcd
commit d9e2a2377b

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public class CameraFollow : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target; // Reference to the character
public float smoothSpeed = 0.125f;
void LateUpdate()
if (target != null)
Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x, target.position.y, transform.position.z);
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, smoothSpeed);

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using UnityEngine;
public class CharacterController : MonoBehaviour
public Rigidbody2D characterRigidbody;
public float swingForce = 10f;
void Update()
// Control the character with horizontal input
float input = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
characterRigidbody.AddForce(Vector2.right * input * swingForce);

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rotation: {x: 0.57332355, y: 0.41300732, z: -0.57593185, w: 0.41112962}
scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000004}
- name: mixamorig:RightArm
parentName: mixamorig:RightShoulder
position: {x: 3.4226094e-13, y: 0.000012970528, z: 8.932298e-11}
rotation: {x: 0.12382722, y: -0.0023922469, z: 0.013977077, w: -0.9922025}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000004}
- name: mixamorig:RightForeArm
parentName: mixamorig:RightArm
position: {x: 2.0535659e-12, y: 0.0000118923845, z: -6.7301143e-12}
rotation: {x: 0.0734971, y: 0.0013445078, z: -0.018240474, w: -0.9971277}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999976, z: 0.9999999}
- name: mixamorig:RightHand
parentName: mixamorig:RightForeArm
position: {x: -1.6438202e-12, y: 0.000025877247, z: -8.464848e-12}
rotation: {x: 0.05952603, y: -0.007884222, z: 0.01285572, w: 0.99811286}
scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999998}
- name: mixamorig:LeftUpLeg
parentName: mixamorig:Hips
position: {x: -0.000014287532, y: -0.000005352925, z: 0.00000021720332}
rotation: {x: -0.0002382379, y: 0.021823913, z: 0.99970245, w: 0.010899301}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1.0000012}
- name: mixamorig:LeftLeg
parentName: mixamorig:LeftUpLeg
position: {x: -4.4017723e-12, y: 0.000018219367, z: 7.1054113e-12}
rotation: {x: -0.121504165, y: -0.0073919315, z: 0.06027633, w: 0.99073154}
scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.9999998}
- name: mixamorig:LeftFoot
parentName: mixamorig:LeftLeg
position: {x: 1.7826094e-13, y: 0.000015345457, z: 3.1618395e-12}
rotation: {x: 0.4859202, y: 0.042192142, z: -0.023493852, w: 0.8726681}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.9999998}
- name: mixamorig:LeftToeBase
parentName: mixamorig:LeftFoot
position: {x: -2.3713796e-12, y: 0.0000146083685, z: -2.3143362e-12}
rotation: {x: 0.37894687, y: -0.050217114, z: 0.020598674, w: 0.9238254}
scale: {x: 1.0000008, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000006}
- name: mixamorig:LeftToe_End
parentName: mixamorig:LeftToeBase
position: {x: -7.3787297e-14, y: 0.0000062881713, z: 3.7689456e-14}
rotation: {x: 0.000000029802312, y: 0.000000026077023, z: 0.000000003725289, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000006}
- name: mixamorig:RightUpLeg
parentName: mixamorig:Hips
position: {x: 0.000014287536, y: -0.000005352917, z: 0.000000007711586}
rotation: {x: 0.00025552185, y: 0.023467686, z: 0.99966526, w: -0.010897248}
scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 0.9999998, z: 1.0000013}
- name: mixamorig:RightLeg
parentName: mixamorig:RightUpLeg
position: {x: 8.991416e-12, y: 0.000018222076, z: 6.021769e-12}
rotation: {x: -0.112513684, y: 0.006845473, z: -0.060328387, w: 0.9917935}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999999}
- name: mixamorig:RightFoot
parentName: mixamorig:RightLeg
position: {x: -1.3751558e-13, y: 0.000015282465, z: 1.6298143e-13}
rotation: {x: 0.47108963, y: -0.044161312, z: 0.023623068, w: 0.88066244}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.9999997}
- name: mixamorig:RightToeBase
parentName: mixamorig:RightFoot
position: {x: 2.7421622e-12, y: 0.000014419517, z: -1.0756773e-12}
rotation: {x: 0.38470823, y: 0.051783476, z: -0.021622496, w: 0.9213308}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 0.9999998, z: 1.0000006}
- name: mixamorig:RightToe_End
parentName: mixamorig:RightToeBase
position: {x: -1.1639803e-12, y: 0.000006272962, z: 2.852175e-14}
rotation: {x: 0.00000020861621, y: -0.000000029802315, z: 0.000000005587934, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1.0000006, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
- name: Mysto.001
parentName: mysto_withRig(Clone)
position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067}
scale: {x: 100, y: 100, z: 100}
armTwist: 0.5
foreArmTwist: 0.5
upperLegTwist: 0.5
legTwist: 0.5
armStretch: 0.05
legStretch: 0.05
feetSpacing: 0
globalScale: 0.0139999995
hasTranslationDoF: 0
hasExtraRoot: 1
skeletonHasParents: 1
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0}
autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1
animationType: 3
humanoidOversampling: 1
avatarSetup: 1
addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1
importBlendShapeDeformPercent: 1
remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0
additionalBone: 0

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
using UnityEngine;
public class RocketMovement : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 5f;
void Update()
// Move the rocket upward
transform.Translate(Vector3.up * speed * Time.deltaTime);

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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icon: {instanceID: 0}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
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