Added character selection scene

nuruznaeem198 6 months ago
parent 77b729d710
commit 17f45c6e19

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class CharactersScript : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject[] characters; // Array of character models or portraits
private int currentIndex = 0;
public Button nextButton;
public Button prevButton;
public Button selectButton; // Separate "Select" button for current character
void Start()
// Load the saved character name from PlayerPrefs
string savedCharacterName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("selectedCharacterKey");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(savedCharacterName))
currentIndex = 0; // Automatically select the first character
PlayerPrefs.SetString("selectedCharacterKey", characters[currentIndex].name);
// Find the index of the saved character
currentIndex = Array.FindIndex(characters, character => == savedCharacterName);
if (currentIndex < 0 || currentIndex >= characters.Length)
currentIndex = 0; // Default to the first character if not found
// Show the initial character and update the button text
void ShowNextCharacter()
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % characters.Length;
void ShowPreviousCharacter()
currentIndex = (currentIndex - 1 + characters.Length) % characters.Length;
void OnSelectButtonClick()
// Handle the selection logic
GameObject selectedCharacter = characters[currentIndex];
// Save the selected character name to PlayerPrefs
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("currentIndex", currentIndex);
Debug.Log("current index" + currentIndex);
Debug.Log("Selected Character: " +;
// Update the "Select" button text to "Selected"
void ShowCharacter(int index)
// Hide all characters
foreach (GameObject character in characters)
// Show the character at the specified index
if (index >= 0 && index < characters.Length)
void UpdateSelectButtonText(GameObject currentCharacter)
// Update the "Select" button text to "Selected" if this character is the one saved in PlayerPrefs
string savedCharacterName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("selectedCharacterKey");
if ( == savedCharacterName)
selectButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Selected";
selectButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Select";
public void playGame()
SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);

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Binary file not shown.


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length: 0
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length: 0
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length: 0
modified: 0
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position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: Wizard_Redo_withRig(Clone)
position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067}
scale: {x: 22.358072, y: 22.358072, z: 22.358072}
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parentName: Wizard_Redo_withRig(Clone)
position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067}
scale: {x: 100, y: 100, z: 100}
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parentName: Armature
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scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.9999998}
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parentName: mixamorig:Hips
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: mixamorig:Spine1
position: {x: -0, y: 0.00091696135, z: -4.6566128e-12}
rotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: mixamorig:Spine2
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.99999994}
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parentName: mixamorig:Neck
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rotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 1}
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parentName: mixamorig:Head
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rotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 1}
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parentName: mixamorig:Spine2
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parentName: mixamorig:LeftShoulder
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parentName: mixamorig:LeftArm
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rotation: {x: -0.07102764, y: 0.0031655391, z: -0.037075188, w: 0.9967801}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000002}
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parentName: mixamorig:LeftForeArm
position: {x: 9.0221875e-12, y: 0.0016940662, z: -2.1069353e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.05516302, y: 0.005979718, z: 0.0014737152, w: 0.9984584}
scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
- name: mixamorig:RightShoulder
parentName: mixamorig:Spine2
position: {x: 0.00043921496, y: 0.0008826126, z: -0.0000019886438}
rotation: {x: 0.57332385, y: 0.41300702, z: -0.5759321, w: 0.41112927}
scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
- name: mixamorig:RightArm
parentName: mixamorig:RightShoulder
position: {x: 1.9208527e-11, y: 0.0009264665, z: 0.0000000057782015}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000001}
- name: mixamorig:RightForeArm
parentName: mixamorig:RightArm
position: {x: 1.268927e-10, y: 0.00084945594, z: -3.6940037e-10}
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scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.99999994}
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parentName: mixamorig:RightForeArm
position: {x: -9.984433e-11, y: 0.0015588365, z: -0.0000000015721161}
rotation: {x: 0.05487291, y: -0.007834173, z: 0.009101492, w: 0.9984212}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000001, z: 1}
- name: mixamorig:LeftUpLeg
parentName: mixamorig:Hips
position: {x: -0.0010205382, y: -0.00038235186, z: 0.000015514524}
rotation: {x: -0.00023846189, y: 0.021823913, z: 0.99970245, w: 0.010899294}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.9999999, z: 1.0000012}
- name: mixamorig:LeftLeg
parentName: mixamorig:LeftUpLeg
position: {x: -2.217348e-10, y: 0.0013013834, z: 5.1572946e-10}
rotation: {x: -0.12150424, y: -0.0073919427, z: 0.06027628, w: 0.9907315}
scale: {x: 1.0000006, y: 1.0000004, z: 1}
- name: mixamorig:LeftFoot
parentName: mixamorig:LeftLeg
position: {x: 6.511982e-11, y: 0.0010961046, z: 2.5145708e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.4859202, y: 0.042192116, z: -0.023493633, w: 0.8726681}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000006, z: 0.99999976}
- name: mixamorig:LeftToeBase
parentName: mixamorig:LeftFoot
position: {x: -9.8953025e-12, y: 0.0010434551, z: -1.839362e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.378947, y: -0.050216164, z: 0.020599198, w: 0.92382526}
scale: {x: 1.0000008, y: 0.9999999, z: 1.0000012}
- name: mixamorig:LeftToe_End
parentName: mixamorig:LeftToeBase
position: {x: -6.4774214e-11, y: 0.0004491552, z: -1.6007107e-12}
rotation: {x: -0.000000029802315, y: -0.0000011920927, z: -0.0000000018626447, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000005}
- name: mixamorig:RightUpLeg
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value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
length: 0
modified: 0
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: mysto_withRig(Clone)
position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067}
scale: {x: 100, y: 100, z: 100}
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parentName: Armature
position: {x: -0, y: 0.0000029492046, z: 0.0035069874}
rotation: {x: 0.7071068, y: -0, z: -0, w: 0.7071068}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: mixamorig:Spine1
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rotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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position: {x: -0, y: 0.0010315785, z: -1.2107193e-10}
rotation: {x: -0.009136379, y: -0, z: -0, w: 0.99995834}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.99999994}
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rotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 1}
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position: {x: 5.844049e-10, y: 0.00085128506, z: 0.0000000025527698}
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scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000005}
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scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000004}
- name: mixamorig:RightArm
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position: {x: 2.4447217e-11, y: 0.00092646637, z: 0.000000006380214}
rotation: {x: 0.12382722, y: -0.0023922469, z: 0.013977077, w: -0.9922025}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000004}
- name: mixamorig:RightForeArm
parentName: mixamorig:RightArm
position: {x: 1.466833e-10, y: 0.00084945624, z: -4.807225e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.0734971, y: 0.0013445078, z: -0.018240474, w: -0.9971277}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.99999976, z: 0.9999999}
- name: mixamorig:RightHand
parentName: mixamorig:RightForeArm
position: {x: -1.1741576e-10, y: 0.0018483752, z: -6.0463207e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.05952603, y: -0.007884222, z: 0.01285572, w: 0.99811286}
scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999998}
- name: mixamorig:LeftUpLeg
parentName: mixamorig:Hips
position: {x: -0.0010205382, y: -0.00038235186, z: 0.000015514524}
rotation: {x: -0.0002382379, y: 0.021823913, z: 0.99970245, w: 0.010899301}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1.0000012}
- name: mixamorig:LeftLeg
parentName: mixamorig:LeftUpLeg
position: {x: -3.144123e-10, y: 0.0013013835, z: 5.075295e-10}
rotation: {x: -0.121504165, y: -0.0073919315, z: 0.06027633, w: 0.99073154}
scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.9999998}
- name: mixamorig:LeftFoot
parentName: mixamorig:LeftLeg
position: {x: 1.2732926e-11, y: 0.0010961044, z: 2.2584572e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.4859202, y: 0.042192142, z: -0.023493852, w: 0.8726681}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000004, z: 0.9999998}
- name: mixamorig:LeftToeBase
parentName: mixamorig:LeftFoot
position: {x: -1.6938428e-10, y: 0.0010434551, z: -1.6530975e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.37894687, y: -0.050217114, z: 0.020598674, w: 0.9238254}
scale: {x: 1.0000008, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000006}
- name: mixamorig:LeftToe_End
parentName: mixamorig:LeftToeBase
position: {x: -5.270522e-12, y: 0.00044915525, z: 2.6921044e-12}
rotation: {x: 0.000000029802312, y: 0.000000026077023, z: 0.000000003725289, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 0.99999994, z: 1.0000006}
- name: mixamorig:RightUpLeg
parentName: mixamorig:Hips
position: {x: 0.0010205383, y: -0.00038235128, z: 0.00000055082774}
rotation: {x: 0.00025552185, y: 0.023467686, z: 0.99966526, w: -0.010897248}
scale: {x: 1.0000004, y: 0.9999998, z: 1.0000013}
- name: mixamorig:RightLeg
parentName: mixamorig:RightUpLeg
position: {x: 6.422442e-10, y: 0.0013015771, z: 4.301264e-10}
rotation: {x: -0.112513684, y: 0.006845473, z: -0.060328387, w: 0.9917935}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999999}
- name: mixamorig:RightFoot
parentName: mixamorig:RightLeg
position: {x: -9.822543e-12, y: 0.0010916049, z: 1.16415315e-11}
rotation: {x: 0.47108963, y: -0.044161312, z: 0.023623068, w: 0.88066244}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000002, z: 0.9999997}
- name: mixamorig:RightToeBase
parentName: mixamorig:RightFoot
position: {x: 1.9586878e-10, y: 0.0010299657, z: -7.683411e-11}
rotation: {x: 0.38470823, y: 0.051783476, z: -0.021622496, w: 0.9213308}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 0.9999998, z: 1.0000006}
- name: mixamorig:RightToe_End
parentName: mixamorig:RightToeBase
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rotation: {x: 0.00000020861621, y: -0.000000029802315, z: 0.000000005587934, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1.0000006, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
- name: Mysto.001
parentName: mysto_withRig(Clone)
position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067}
scale: {x: 100, y: 100, z: 100}
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@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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- {fileID: 919132149155446097, guid: 497b34d08419a1340bfb4c86fdb3c1be, type: 3}
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@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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- {fileID: 4237591272215210808, guid: a83601dfcee9a0a4bb6bb284cf6cb348, type: 3}
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duration: 2
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@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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