Cleaned Hierarchy

Ali Sharoz 2 days ago
parent 594e31eb70
commit 661bae81b8

@ -155,152 +155,3 @@ public class EdgePanningController : MonoBehaviour
cameraOffset.m_Offset = originalOffset; // Reset to default offset
//using UnityEngine;
//using Cinemachine;
//using System.Collections;
//using Unity.BossRoom.CameraUtils;
//public class EdgePanningController : MonoBehaviour
// public CinemachineFreeLook virtualCamera;
// private CinemachineCameraOffset cameraOffset;
// private Coroutine shakeCoroutine;
// public float edgeThreshold = 50f; // Edge detection distance from screen edges
// public float resetRadiusPercentage = 3f; // Center reset radius in percentage of screen
// public float panSpeed = 0.1f; // How much to offset per frame
// public float resetSpeed = 2f; // Speed of resetting panning
// public Vector2 panLimit = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); // Max panning limit (x, y)
// private Vector3 defaultOffset;
// private Vector3 panningOffset;
// private bool isPanning = false;
// bool targetFound = false;
// private Transform targetCharacter; // The character that the camera follows
// private void Start()
// {
// cameraOffset = virtualCamera.GetComponent<CinemachineCameraOffset>();
// if (cameraOffset == null)
// {
// Debug.LogError("[EdgePanningController] No CinemachineCameraOffset component found! Add it to the FreeLook Camera.");
// return;
// }
// defaultOffset = cameraOffset.m_Offset;
// panningOffset = defaultOffset;
// }
// private void Awake()
// {
// CameraController.OnCameraAttached += SetTargetCharacter;
// }
// private void OnDestroy()
// {
// CameraController.OnCameraAttached -= SetTargetCharacter;
// }
// void SetTargetCharacter(Transform characterTransform)
// {
// targetCharacter = characterTransform.parent;
// targetFound = true;
// }
// private void Update()
// {
// if (targetFound)
// HandleEdgePanning();
// }
// private void HandleEdgePanning()
// {
// if (targetCharacter == null) return; // Ensure we have a valid target
// Vector3 newOffset = panningOffset;
// Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
// float screenWidth = Screen.width;
// float screenHeight = Screen.height;
// // Center Reset Radius (3% of screen size)
// float resetRadiusX = screenWidth * (resetRadiusPercentage / 100f);
// float resetRadiusY = screenHeight * (resetRadiusPercentage / 100f);
// Vector2 screenCenter = new Vector2(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2);
// bool isNearCenter = Mathf.Abs(mousePos.x - screenCenter.x) <= resetRadiusX &&
// Mathf.Abs(mousePos.y - screenCenter.y) <= resetRadiusY;
// bool isHoveringTarget = IsCursorOverTargetCharacter();
// // Reset if cursor is near the center OR hovering over the target character
// if ((isNearCenter || isHoveringTarget) && isPanning)
// {
// cameraOffset.m_Offset = Vector3.Lerp(cameraOffset.m_Offset, defaultOffset, Time.deltaTime * resetSpeed);
// // If close enough to default, stop panning
// if (Vector3.Distance(cameraOffset.m_Offset, defaultOffset) < 0.01f)
// {
// isPanning = false;
// panningOffset = defaultOffset;
// }
// return;
// }
// // If cursor is near the edges, start panning (up to limit)
// if (mousePos.x <= edgeThreshold) newOffset.x = Mathf.Max(defaultOffset.x - panLimit.x, newOffset.x - panSpeed);
// if (mousePos.x >= screenWidth - edgeThreshold) newOffset.x = Mathf.Min(defaultOffset.x + panLimit.x, newOffset.x + panSpeed);
// if (mousePos.y <= edgeThreshold) newOffset.y = Mathf.Max(defaultOffset.y - panLimit.y, newOffset.y - panSpeed);
// if (mousePos.y >= screenHeight - edgeThreshold) newOffset.y = Mathf.Min(defaultOffset.y + panLimit.y, newOffset.y + panSpeed);
// if (newOffset != panningOffset)
// {
// isPanning = true;
// }
// cameraOffset.m_Offset = Vector3.Lerp(cameraOffset.m_Offset, newOffset, Time.deltaTime * 3f);
// panningOffset = cameraOffset.m_Offset;
// }
// private bool IsCursorOverTargetCharacter()
// {
// if (targetCharacter == null) return false;
// Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
// if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit,Mathf.Infinity))
// {
// Debug.Log("hit.transform: " + hit.transform);
// return hit.transform == targetCharacter;
// }
// return false;
// }
// public void ShakeCamera(float duration = 0.3f, float magnitude = 0.2f)
// {
// if (shakeCoroutine != null)
// {
// StopCoroutine(shakeCoroutine);
// }
// shakeCoroutine = StartCoroutine(ShakeRoutine(duration, magnitude));
// }
// private IEnumerator ShakeRoutine(float duration, float magnitude)
// {
// float elapsed = 0f;
// Vector3 originalOffset = defaultOffset;
// while (elapsed < duration)
// {
// float x = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * magnitude;
// float y = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * magnitude;
// float z = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * magnitude;
// cameraOffset.m_Offset = originalOffset + new Vector3(x, y, z);
// elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
// yield return null;
// }
// cameraOffset.m_Offset = originalOffset; // Reset to default offset
// }
