Merge branch 'dev-hazim' into dev-main

Hazim Bin Ijaz 18 hours ago
commit 466a176250

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ AnimatorController:
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m_AnimatorLayers: m_AnimatorLayers:
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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ AnimatorState:
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m_Tag: m_Tag:
m_SpeedParameter: m_SpeedParameter:
m_MirrorParameter: m_MirrorParameter:

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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--- !u!4 &2580402896402371906 stripped --- !u!4 &2580402896402371906 stripped
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m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 1914257455311964169, guid: d3e4ffd5da62ee94e9eccf3ab52ec129, type: 3} m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 1914257455311964169, guid: d3e4ffd5da62ee94e9eccf3ab52ec129, type: 3}
@ -586,7 +539,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
addedObject: {fileID: 1387471517613578449} addedObject: {fileID: 1387471517613578449}
- targetCorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 4600110157238723791, guid: 0d2d836e2e83b754fa1a1c4022d6d65d, type: 3} - targetCorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 4600110157238723791, guid: 0d2d836e2e83b754fa1a1c4022d6d65d, type: 3}
insertIndex: -1 insertIndex: -1
addedObject: {fileID: 9134920137223146164} addedObject: {fileID: 3517306559314791930}
m_AddedComponents: m_AddedComponents:
- targetCorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 4600110157238723781, guid: 0d2d836e2e83b754fa1a1c4022d6d65d, type: 3} - targetCorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 4600110157238723781, guid: 0d2d836e2e83b754fa1a1c4022d6d65d, type: 3}
insertIndex: -1 insertIndex: -1
@ -1081,7 +1034,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
abilitiesUI: [] abilitiesUI: []
currentAbilityIndicator: {fileID: 92142163933926358} currentAbilityIndicator: {fileID: 92142163933926358}
wallIndicator: {fileID: 1257869342993333690} wallIndicator: {fileID: 1257869342993333690}
radiusIndicator: {fileID: 3201343961422696852} radiusIndicator: {fileID: 5777075014631279474}
validPlacementMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 3a415e4b90d5e7346a544b94fa0f34bd, type: 2} validPlacementMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 3a415e4b90d5e7346a544b94fa0f34bd, type: 2}
invalidPlacementMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 17c37eab78656344ebb7bb5c1657b81c, type: 2} invalidPlacementMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 17c37eab78656344ebb7bb5c1657b81c, type: 2}
wallRotationSpeed: 1.2 wallRotationSpeed: 1.2

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ public class CrowManager : NetworkBehaviour
if (currentCrow != null) if (currentCrow != null)
{ {
currentCrow.SetAsCrow(false); // Clear old crow currentCrow.SetAsCrow(false); // Clear old crow
} }
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ public class CrowManager : NetworkBehaviour
currentCrow.SetAsCrow(true); currentCrow.SetAsCrow(true);
Debug.Log($"{} is now the Crow."); Debug.Log($"{} is now the Crow.");
// Notify all clients about the new crow // Notify all clients about the new crow
NotifyCrowChangeClientRpc(currentCrow.OwnerClientId); NotifyCrowChangeClientRpc(currentCrow.OwnerClientId);
} }

@ -281,6 +281,17 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character
if (IsServer) if (IsServer)
{ {
IsOnAPlatform = status; // Update on the server IsOnAPlatform = status; // Update on the server
if (status)
Debug.Log($"[ServerChar] Setting CurrentPlatformId = {platformId}");
CurrentPlatformId = platformId;
Debug.Log($"[ServerChar] Setting PreviousPlatformId = {platformId}");
PreviousPlatformId = platformId;
CurrentPlatformId = null;
UpdatePlatformStatusClientRpc(status, platformId); // Notify all clients UpdatePlatformStatusClientRpc(status, platformId); // Notify all clients
} }
else else
@ -296,10 +307,12 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character
IsSwapping = false; IsSwapping = false;
if (status) if (status)
{ {
Debug.Log($"[ServerChar] Setting CurrentPlatformId = {platformId}");
CurrentPlatformId = platformId; CurrentPlatformId = platformId;
} }
else else
{ {
Debug.Log($"[ServerChar] Setting PreviousPlatformId = {platformId}");
PreviousPlatformId = platformId; PreviousPlatformId = platformId;
CurrentPlatformId = null; CurrentPlatformId = null;
} }

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using Unity.Netcode; using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine;
@ -14,15 +16,10 @@ namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom
private NetworkVariable<ulong> occupierId = new NetworkVariable<ulong>(0, NetworkVariableReadPermission.Everyone, NetworkVariableWritePermission.Server); private NetworkVariable<ulong> occupierId = new NetworkVariable<ulong>(0, NetworkVariableReadPermission.Everyone, NetworkVariableWritePermission.Server);
private Collider platformCollider; private Collider platformCollider;
private Animator animator; private Animator animator;
public void scoreMultiplierResetterInitiator() private float occupationTime = 0f;
{ private float penaltyInterval = 3f; // Interval for penalty deduction
Invoke(nameof(scoreMultiplierResetter), 2); private Coroutine penaltyCoroutine;
} [SerializeField] private GameObject barrierObject;
public void scoreMultiplierResetter()
toBeSwapped = false;
scoreMultiplier = 1;
private void Awake() private void Awake()
{ {
platformCollider = GetComponent<Collider>(); platformCollider = GetComponent<Collider>();
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom
DOTween.Play(PlatformID); DOTween.Play(PlatformID);
} }
public void Pause() public void PausePlatformAnimation()
{ {
if (IsServer) if (IsServer)
{ {
@ -96,58 +93,154 @@ namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom
{ {
animator.speed = 1f; animator.speed = 1f;
} }
public bool toBeSwapped = false;
public float scoreMultiplier = 1.0f; public void Occupy(ServerCharacter player)
public ulong swapeeID;
public GameObject OccupiedFX;
public void Occupy(ServerCharacter player,ulong swapeeIDCheck)
{ {
if (!IsServer || IsOccupied) if (!IsServer)
Debug.LogWarning($"[Occupy] Attempted to occupy platform {PlatformID.Value} on a non-server instance.");
if (IsOccupied)
{ {
Debug.LogWarning($"[Occupy] Platform {PlatformID.Value} is already occupied. Player {player.OwnerClientId} cannot occupy.");
return; return;
} }
OccupiedFX.SetActive(true); IsOccupied = true;
player.m_OccupiedPlatform = this; occupierId.Value = player.OwnerClientId;
Debug.Log("Player "+player.NetworkObjectId + "Platform:" + PlatformID + " occupied"); player.OnArrivalOnPlatform(PlatformID.Value);
bool giveScore = player.PreviousPlatformId != PlatformID.Value; Debug.Log($"[Occupy] Player {player.OwnerClientId} is occupying platform {PlatformID.Value}.");
float score = (player.TargetPlatformId == PlatformID.Value) ? 10 : 20;
bool giveScore = player.PreviousPlatformId.HasValue && player.PreviousPlatformId.Value != PlatformID.Value;
Debug.Log($"[Occupy] GiveScore check: PreviousPlatformId = {player.PreviousPlatformId}, CurrentPlatformId = {PlatformID.Value}, Result = {giveScore}");
if (giveScore) if (giveScore)
{ {
if (toBeSwapped&&swapeeID==swapeeIDCheck) bool isOnTargetedPlatform = player.TargetPlatformId.HasValue && player.TargetPlatformId.Value == this.PlatformID.Value;
Debug.Log($"[Occupy] Is on targeted platform: {isOnTargetedPlatform}");
Platform platformB = isOnTargetedPlatform
? PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformById(player.TargetPlatformId.Value)
: PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformById(this.PlatformID.Value);
if (!player.PreviousPlatformId.HasValue)
{ {
toBeSwapped = false; Debug.LogError($"[Occupy] Error: player.PreviousPlatformId is null! Cannot calculate distance.");
score *= scoreMultiplier; return;
Debug.Log("Swap Score Multiplier: " + scoreMultiplier);
} }
ScoreManager.Instance.AddPlayerScore(player.OwnerClientId, (int)score);
Platform platformA = PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformById(player.PreviousPlatformId.Value);
if (platformA == null || platformB == null)
Debug.LogError($"[Occupy] Platform lookup failed: platformA ({player.PreviousPlatformId.Value}) or platformB ({(isOnTargetedPlatform ? player.TargetPlatformId.Value : this.PlatformID.Value)}) is null!");
int multiplier = (int)Vector3.Distance(platformA.transform.position, platformB.transform.position);
Debug.Log($"[Occupy] Distance multiplier: {multiplier} (from {platformA.PlatformID.Value} to {platformB.PlatformID.Value})");
int score = (player.TargetPlatformId.HasValue && player.TargetPlatformId.Value == PlatformID.Value) ? 10 : 20;
score *= multiplier;
Debug.Log($"[Occupy] Calculated score for player {player.OwnerClientId}: {score}");
ScoreManager.Instance.AddPlayerScore(player.OwnerClientId, score);
} }
Debug.Log($"[Occupy] Player {player.OwnerClientId} successfully occupied platform {PlatformID.Value}. Starting penalty coroutine.");
IsOccupied = true; penaltyCoroutine = StartCoroutine(HandleOccupationPenalty(player));
occupierId.Value = player.OwnerClientId; EnableBarrier();
player.OnArrivalOnPlatform(PlatformID.Value); Debug.Log($"[Occupy] Barrier enabled for platform {PlatformID.Value}.");
} }
private IEnumerator HandleOccupationPenalty(ServerCharacter player)
occupationTime = 0f;
while (IsOccupied)
occupationTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (occupationTime >= 10f)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(penaltyInterval);
// Deduct points
ScoreManager.Instance.SubtractPlayerScore(player.OwnerClientId, 10);
Debug.Log($"Player {player.OwnerClientId} lost 10 points for occupying the platform too long.");
yield return null;
public void Vacate(ServerCharacter player) public void Vacate(ServerCharacter player)
{ {
if (!IsServer || !IsOccupied || occupierId.Value != player.OwnerClientId) if (!IsServer || !IsOccupied || occupierId.Value != player.OwnerClientId)
{ {
return; return;
} }
Resume(); Resume();
IsOccupied = false; IsOccupied = false;
occupierId.Value = 0; occupierId.Value = 0;
player.OnLeavingPlatform(PlatformID.Value); player.OnLeavingPlatform(PlatformID.Value);
if (penaltyCoroutine != null)
penaltyCoroutine = null;
private void EnableBarrier()
var excludedClient = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId;
var clientRpcParams = new ClientRpcParams
Send = new ClientRpcSendParams
TargetClientIds = NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedClientsIds
.Where(clientId => clientId != excludedClient)
private void DisableBarrier()
private void EnableBarrierClientRpc(ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = default)
if (barrierObject != null)
} }
private void DisableBarrierClientRpc()
if (barrierObject != null)
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
{ {
if (IsServer && other.TryGetComponent<ServerCharacter>(out var player) && !IsOccupied) if (IsServer && other.TryGetComponent<ServerCharacter>(out var player) && !IsOccupied)
{ {
Occupy(player, other.GetComponent<ServerCharacter>().OwnerClientId); Occupy(player);
} }
} }
@ -165,114 +258,3 @@ namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom
} }
} }
} }
//using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
//using Unity.Netcode;
//using UnityEngine;
//using DG.Tweening;
//using Unity.Netcode.Components;
//namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom
// [RequireComponent(typeof(Collider))]
// public class Platform : NetworkBehaviour
// {
// public NetworkVariable<int> PlatformID = new NetworkVariable<int>(0);
// public bool IsOccupied { get; private set; }
// private NetworkVariable<ulong> occupierId = new NetworkVariable<ulong>(0, NetworkVariableReadPermission.Everyone, NetworkVariableWritePermission.Server);
// private Collider platformCollider;
// private Animator animator;
// private void Awake()
// {
// platformCollider = GetComponent<Collider>();
// if (!platformCollider.isTrigger)
// platformCollider.isTrigger = true;
// animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
// }
// private void Start()
// {
// Invoke(nameof(ColliderEnabler),2);
// }
// public void AssignID(int id)
// {
// if (IsServer) PlatformID.Value = id;
// }
// void ColliderEnabler()
// {
// platformCollider.enabled = true;
// }
// public void StartRotation() => transform.DOLocalRotate(Vector3.up, 120).SetSpeedBased(true).SetId(PlatformID).SetLoops(-1, LoopType.Incremental);
// private void PauseRotation() => DOTween.Pause(PlatformID);
// private void ResumeRotation() => DOTween.Play(PlatformID);
// public void Pause()
// {
// if (IsOwner)
// {
// animator.speed = 0f;
// PauseServerRpc();
// }
// }
// public void Resume()
// {
// if (IsOwner)
// {
// animator.speed = 1f;
// ResumeServerRpc();
// }
// }
// [ServerRpc]
// private void PauseServerRpc() => PauseClientRpc();
// [ClientRpc]
// private void PauseClientRpc() => animator.speed = 0f;
// [ServerRpc]
// private void ResumeServerRpc() => ResumeClientRpc();
// [ClientRpc]
// private void ResumeClientRpc() => animator.speed = 1f;
// public void Occupy(ServerCharacter player)
// {
// if (!IsServer || IsOccupied) return;
// Pause();
// bool giveScore = player.PreviousPlatformId != PlatformID.Value;
// int score = (player.TargetPlatformId == PlatformID.Value) ? 10 : 20;
// if (giveScore) ScoreManager.Instance.AddPlayerScore(player.OwnerClientId, score);
// IsOccupied = true;
// occupierId.Value = player.OwnerClientId;
// player.OnArrivalOnPlatform(PlatformID.Value);
// }
// public void Vacate(ServerCharacter player)
// {
// if (!IsServer || !IsOccupied || occupierId.Value != player.OwnerClientId) return;
// Resume();
// IsOccupied = false;
// occupierId.Value = 0;
// player.OnLeavingPlatform(PlatformID.Value);
// }
// private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
// {
// if (IsServer && other.TryGetComponent<ServerCharacter>(out var player) && !IsOccupied)
// Occupy(player);
// }
// private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
// {
// if (IsServer && other.TryGetComponent<ServerCharacter>(out var player))
// Vacate(player);
// }
// public ulong GetOccupierId() => occupierId.Value;
// }

@ -77,9 +77,8 @@ public class ScoreManager : NetworkBehaviour
[ClientRpc] [ClientRpc]
public void UpdatePlayerScoreClientRpc(ulong ownerClientId, int newScore) public void UpdatePlayerScoreClientRpc(ulong ownerClientId, int newScore)
{ {
if (playerNames.ContainsKey(ownerClientId)) if (playerNames.TryGetValue(ownerClientId, out var playerName))
{ {
string playerName = playerNames[ownerClientId];
Debug.Log($"[ScoreManager] Received score update for Player {ownerClientId} (Name: {playerName}): {newScore}"); Debug.Log($"[ScoreManager] Received score update for Player {ownerClientId} (Name: {playerName}): {newScore}");
Scoreboard.instance.UpdateScoreboard(playerName, newScore); Scoreboard.instance.UpdateScoreboard(playerName, newScore);
} }
@ -101,9 +100,9 @@ public class ScoreManager : NetworkBehaviour
public void SubtractPlayerScore(ulong ownerClientId, int scoreToSubtract) public void SubtractPlayerScore(ulong ownerClientId, int scoreToSubtract)
{ {
if (playerScores.ContainsKey(ownerClientId)) if (playerScores.TryGetValue(ownerClientId, out var score))
{ {
int newScore = Mathf.Max(0, playerScores[ownerClientId] - scoreToSubtract); int newScore = Mathf.Max(0, score - scoreToSubtract);
UpdatePlayerScore(ownerClientId, newScore); UpdatePlayerScore(ownerClientId, newScore);
} }
} }

@ -534,14 +534,29 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UserInput
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) // Dash'N'Crash if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) // Dash'N'Crash
{ {
if (!m_ServerCharacter.IsCrow)
m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage("You must be the Crow to activate this ability");
ActivateAbilityIfAllowed(GameDataSource.Instance.DashNCrashAbilityKey, "Abilities are only for crow"); ActivateAbilityIfAllowed(GameDataSource.Instance.DashNCrashAbilityKey, "Abilities are only for crow");
} }
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) // Freeze Throw if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) // Freeze Throw
{ {
if (m_ServerCharacter.IsCrow)
m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage("Ability not available for crow");
ActivateAbilityIfAllowed(GameDataSource.Instance.FreezeThrowAbilityKey); ActivateAbilityIfAllowed(GameDataSource.Instance.FreezeThrowAbilityKey);
} }
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) // Vector Wall if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) // Vector Wall
{ {
if (m_ServerCharacter.IsCrow)
m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage("Ability not available for crow");
ActivateAbilityIfAllowed(GameDataSource.Instance.VectorWallAbilityKey); ActivateAbilityIfAllowed(GameDataSource.Instance.VectorWallAbilityKey);
} }
} }
@ -597,19 +612,19 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UserInput
return; return;
} }
if (abilityKey == GameDataSource.Instance.DashNCrashAbilityKey && !m_ServerCharacter.IsCrow) // if (abilityKey == GameDataSource.Instance.DashNCrashAbilityKey && !m_ServerCharacter.IsCrow)
{ // {
if (errorMessage != null) // if (errorMessage != null)
{ // {
m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage(errorMessage); // m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage(errorMessage);
} // }
Debug.Log("You must be the Crow to activate this ability."); // Debug.Log("You must be the Crow to activate this ability.");
return; // return;
} // }
else // else
{ // {
Debug.Log("abilitykey: " + abilityKey); // Debug.Log("abilitykey: " + abilityKey);
} // }
m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage("Activated Ability mode"); m_UIMessageFeed.DisplayMessage("Activated Ability mode");
m_AbilitySystem.ActivateAbilityByKey(abilityKey); m_AbilitySystem.ActivateAbilityByKey(abilityKey);

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