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All notable changes to the Code Coverage package will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.2.6] - 2024-07-26


  • Documentation: Fixed formatting in Using Code Coverage in batchmode page (case COV-40).
  • Removed the references to the deprecated FindObjectOfType method in the Asteroids sample project (case COV-42).
  • Added missing logs for the ReportGenerator (case COV-46).

[1.2.5] - 2023-12-20


  • Fixed failing to generate code coverage for assemblies whose name starts with 'system' (case COV-38).
  • Fixed results xml file not been correctly stored under the EditMode folder if it is written after a domain reload (case COV-36).

[1.2.4] - 2023-06-02


  • Fixed failing to gather code coverage for normal methods in generic classes (case COV-27).
  • Documentation: Corrected Settings.json path in useProjectSettings section in -coverageOptions (case COV-26).
  • Make sure Auto Generate Report defaults to true when running from the command line (case COV-25).

[1.2.3] - 2023-04-14


  • Fixed failing to gather code coverage for generic methods (case COV-17).


  • Added filtersFromFile in -coverageOptions for batchmode. This allows specifying an external Json file which contains path and assembly filtering rules. When this file contains relative paths, the sourcePaths option can be used to specify the source directories.
    Note: The pathFiltersFromFile option will be deprecated in the next package major release. Please use the new filtersFromFile option instead.
  • Make sure --burst-disable-compilation is expected to be passed with two dashes, unlike other editor command line options.

[1.2.2] - 2022-11-18


  • Temporary fix for the Test Framework 1.3 issue where the RunFinished callback is not called when running from the command line and there is a domain reload (case DSTR-692).


  • Reduced the number of logs for the default Verbosity:Info.
  • Added Uncoverable lines definition in How to interpret the results page in the documentation.
  • Updated documentation to match version 1.2.2.

[1.2.1] - 2022-10-27



  • A single file summary version of the report is now generated in Json format, in addition to the XML and Markdown formats.
  • Added a warning when an invalid coverage option is passed in -coverageOptions in batchmode.

[1.2.0] - 2022-08-01


  • Ensure assemblies are removed from the Included Assemblies field if they no longer exist (case 1318668).
  • Ensure hidden sequence points are ignored (case 1372305).


  • Updated Report Generator to version 5.0.4.
  • Updated the UI of the Code Coverage window moving the action buttons into a toolbar at the top.
  • Renamed assemblyFilters aliases in batchmode; <user> was renamed to <assets> and <project> was renamed to <all>.
  • Replaced pathStrippingPatterns with pathReplacePatterns in batchmode. The pathReplacePatterns option allows stripping and replacing specific sections from the paths that are stored in the coverage results xml files.

See the Upgrade guide if upgrading to Code Coverage package version 1.2.


  • The size of the coverage result files and the Code Coverage session duration have been optimized. At the start of the session a coverage xml result file is generated which includes all the lines but with zero coverage. The following coverage xml result files that are generated within a Code Coverage session include only the coverage data of the visited lines.
  • Added Help IconButton in the toolbar in the Code Coverage window.
  • Updated the mechanic for opening the containing folder, change the location or reset to the default location for Results Location and Report History Location.
  • Refactored the Code Coverage window UI to include a new Report Options section and removing the word 'Generate' from the options.
  • Introduced new selection buttons under the Included Assemblies dropdown in the Code Coverage window; use the All button to select all the assemblies in the project. Use the Assets button to select only the assemblies under the Assets folder. Use the Packages button to select only the Packages' assemblies. If searching, the buttons will apply only to the assemblies visible in the list.
  • Updated What's new and Upgrade guide pages in the documentation.
  • Added Using relative paths in path filters section in documentation.
  • Updated the editor and console logs; added information about the assembly and path filters, improved coverage session logs.
  • Improved the progress bars for Writing coverage results and Generating the report.
  • Added an icon for the Code Coverage window.
  • Updated documentation to match version 1.2.0.


  • Added Pause Recording and Resume Recording buttons in the toolbar in the Code Coverage window.
  • Added Log Verbosity Level setting in the Code Coverage window which allows setting the verbosity level for the editor and console logs.
  • Added Additional Reports option in the Code Coverage window which if checked SonarQube, Cobertura and LCOV reports will be generated. Added generateAdditionalReports in -coverageOptions for batchmode.
  • Added Test Runner References report option in the Code Coverage window which if checked includes test references to the generated coverage results and enables the Coverage by test methods section in the HTML report, allowing you to see how each test contributes to the overall coverage. Added generateTestReferences in -coverageOptions for batchmode.
  • Added Auto Open Report option in the Code Coverage window which if checked the coverage report will open automatically after it has been generated.
  • Added pathFiltersFromFile in -coverageOptions for batchmode which allows specifying an external file which contains a list of path filters. When this file contains relative paths, the sourcePaths option can be used to specify the source directories.
  • Added dontClear in -coverageOptions for batchmode which allows coverage results to be accumulated after every code coverage session. If not passed the results are cleared before a new session. For more information see Generate combined report from EditMode and PlayMode tests.
  • When the pathFilters option or the pathFiltersFromFile option in -coverageOptions contains relative paths, the sourcePaths option can be used to specify the source directories.

[1.1.1] - 2021-12-17


  • Ensure assemblies are removed from the Included Assemblies field if they no longer exist (case 1318668)


  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.8.13


[1.1.0] - 2021-06-09



  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.8.9



  • Added Code Coverage session Events API to subscribe to events invoked during a Code Coverage session
  • Added useProjectSettings in -coverageOptions for batchmode which allows using the settings specified in ProjectSettings/Settings.json
  • Added pathStrippingPatterns in -coverageOptions for batchmode which allows stripping specific sections from the paths that are stored in the coverage results xml files
  • Added sourcePaths in -coverageOptions for batchmode which allows specifying the source directories which contain the corresponding source code

[1.0.0] - 2021-03-09



  • Selection/focus is cleared when mouse is clicked outside of the individual settings' areas
  • Added Quickstart guide in documentation
  • Renamed the Code Coverage Workshop sample to Code Coverage Tutorial
  • Updated documentation and workshop to match version 1.0.0

Note: In Unity 2019 and 2020 you can enable Code Coverage in General Preferences. This was removed in Unity 2021; the user interface for managing Code Coverage is now entirely inside the Code Coverage package.

[1.0.0-pre.4] - 2021-02-26


  • Fixed assembly version validation error due to internal libraries included in the ReportGeneratorMerged.dll (case 1312121)


  • Added Enable Code Coverage checkbox under Settings in Code Coverage window.
    Note: In Unity 2019 and 2020 you can enable Code Coverage in General Preferences. This was removed in Unity 2021; the user interface for managing Code Coverage is now entirely inside the Code Coverage package.
  • The settings and options passed in the command line override/disable the settings in the Code Coverage window and relevant warnings display to indicate this
  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.8.5
  • Updated documentation and workshop to match version 1.0.0-pre.4


[1.0.0-pre.3] - 2021-01-21


  • Updated Include Platforms to Editor only in the ReportGeneratorMerged.dll settings. Fixes an Android build error introduced in 1.0.0-pre.2 (case 1306557)

[1.0.0-pre.2] - 2021-01-13


  • Fixed multiple reports generated in batchmode when passing generateHtmlReport in -coverageOptions without passing -runTests


  • All project assemblies are included when there are included paths specified in pathFilters but no included assemblies in assemblyFilters, when running in batchmode
  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.8.4
  • Updated documentation to match version 1.0.0-pre.2


  • Introduced new assemblyFilters aliases in batchmode, used for referencing a group of assemblies to include or exclude. These are <user>, <project> and <packages>

[1.0.0-pre.1] - 2020-11-12

  • 1.0.0-pre.1 matches 0.4.0-preview

[0.4.0-preview] - 2020-11-11


  • Moved Code Coverage window under Window > Analysis
  • Included Assemblies now use a single dropdown instead of an editable text field which acted as a dropdown
  • Added CommandLineParser and removed dependency to internals in Test Framework
  • Removed the old EditorPref workflow from CoveragePreferences
  • Moved Generate History outside of Generate HTML Report. It is now disabled only if both Generate HTML Report and Generate Badges are not selected
  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.7.1
  • Updated documentation and workshop to match version 0.4.0-preview


  • Implemented {ProjectPath} alias in Settings.json
  • Added a console warning when Burst Compilation is enabled and an info HelpBox with a button to disable
  • Added Analytics to help improve the user experience
  • Disabled Generate from Last button when there are no assemblies selected
  • Display an info HelpBox when there are no assemblies selected
  • Paths are now stored with forward slashes on Windows
  • Added warning about Code Coverage not being supported currently when running PlayMode tests in standalone player
  • Refactored code; in Utils, Filtering, ResultWriter, Window and API classes
  • Added CoverageWindow and Filtering folders


  • Added Included Paths and Excluded Paths as ReorderableLists in the Code Coverage window
  • Added support for ExcludeFromCoverage and ExcludeFromCodeCoverage attributes
  • Added CodeCoverage.VerbosityLevel API to set the verbosity level used in editor and console logs

[0.3.1-preview] - 2020-08-03


  • Fixed issue where CRAP calculation was incorrect when generic methods were parsed
  • Corrected Six Labors License copyright in Third Party Notices


  • If assemblyFilters is not specified in -coverageOptions in batchmode, include only the assemblies found under the Assets folder
  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.6.4

[0.3.0-preview] - 2020-05-20


  • Make sure operator and anonymous function names are generated correctly


  • Added Generate Additional Metrics setting in the Code Coverage window and removed Cyclomatic Complexity (it is now included in Additional Metrics)
  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.5.8
  • Updated documentation to match version 0.3.0-preview


  • Added Code Coverage Workshop sample project
  • Using the Settings Manager package to handle the serialization of project settings
  • Added an info HelpBox when Code Optimization is set to Release mode with a button to switch to Debug mode
  • Execute Stop Recording on the update loop, instead of the OnGUI (removes an EndLayoutGroup error)
  • Refactored code; in OpenCoverReporter class (to reduce Cyclomatic Complexity), in CodeCoverageWindow class and others


  • Added History Location and Generate History settings in the Code Coverage window
  • Added coverageHistoryPath and generateHtmlReportHistory in -coverageOptions for batchmode
  • Added generateAdditionalMetrics in -coverageOptions for batchmode and removed enableCyclomaticComplexity (it is now included in Additional Metrics)
  • Added Crap Score in Additional Metrics. See How to interpret the results.

[0.2.3-preview] - 2020-02-18


  • Included Assemblies dropdown is now resizing to the longest assembly name (1215600)
  • When closing (selecting outside of) the Included Assemblies dropdown, input is not accidentally propagated to the Code Coverage window


  • If more than one instance of the -coverageOptions command-line argument is specified, they will now be merged into a single instance
  • If more than one instance of the -coverageResultsPath command-line argument is specified, only the first instance will be accepted
  • Added Generate combined report from EditMode and PlayMode tests section in documentation, under Using Code Coverage in batchmode

[0.2.2-preview] - 2019-12-11


  • Fixed unassigned CodeCoverageWindow.m_IncludeWarnings warning in 2019.3


  • The default Included Assemblies are now only the assemblies found under the project's Assets folder, instead of all project assemblies


  • After the report is generated, the file viewer window highlights the index.htm file, if Generate HTML Report is selected

[0.2.1-preview] - 2019-12-04


  • Improved globbing for pathFilters and assemblyFilters
  • Added new sections and examples in documentation
  • Added confirmation dialogs when selecting Clear Data and Clear History buttons
  • Added warning and button to switch to debug mode, when using Code Optimization in release mode in 2020.1 and above


  • Added pathFilters in -coverageOptions for batchmode

[0.2.0-preview] - 2019-11-13


  • Make sure recording coverage results are saved in the Recording folder, and starting a new recording session does not affect existing non-recording data


  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.3.6
  • Split documentation into separate pages


  • Updated UX design of the Code Coverage window
  • Make sure settings and Record button are disabled when coverage is running
  • Make sure coverage window is disabled before unity is restarted when Enabling Code Coverage in Preferences
  • Only parse xml files with the correct filename format when generating the report
  • Implemented try/catch when deleting files/folders when selecting Clear Data or Clear History
  • Handle nested classes, nested generic classes and anonymous functions


  • Exposed CodeCoverage.StartRecording(), CodeCoverage.StopRecording(), CodeCoverage.PauseRecording() and CodeCoverage.UnpauseRecording() API

[0.1.0-preview.3] - 2019-09-27


  • Passing -coverageOptions generateHtmlReport on the command line now creates a report if -runTests is not passed

[0.1.0-preview.2] - 2019-09-23


  • Updated Report Generator to version 4.2.20


  • Added support for correct naming of c# operators
  • Added support for correct naming of constructors
  • Added declaring type name as a prefix
  • Added support for return types in method names


[0.1.0-preview.0] - 2019-03-18

This is the first release of Code Coverage Package