DOTweenPro Restarts the tween Restarts the tween If TRUE, re-evaluates the tween's start and end values from its current position. Set it to TRUE when spawning the same DOTweenPath in different positions (like when using a pooling system) Attach this to a GameObject to create and assign a path to it Used internally by the editor Restarts the tween Restarts the tween If TRUE, re-evaluates the tween's start and end values from its current position. Set it to TRUE when spawning the same DOTweenPath in different positions (like when using a pooling system) Sends the tween to the given time then pauses it Time to send the tween to Sends the tween to the given time then plays it Time to send the tween to Kills all tweens (path/animations/etc.) with the given ID (regardless of their target gameObject) Returns a list of points that are used to draw the path inside the editor, or NULL if the path hasn't been initialized yet or if its tween has been killed Tweens a Vector3 along a spiral. EndValue represents the direction of the spiral Spiral tween mode The spiral motion will expand outwards for the whole the tween The spiral motion will expand outwards for half the tween and then will spiral back to the starting position