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<member name="F:DG.DemiLib.Core.GUIUtils.isProSkin">
Set when calling <code>DeGUI.BeginGUI</code>
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.DeColorPalette">
Stores a color palette, which can be passed to default DeGUI layouts when calling <code>DeGUI.BeginGUI</code>,
and changed at any time by calling <code>DeGUI.ChangePalette</code>.
You can inherit from this class to create custom color palettes with more hColor options.
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.DeColorPalette.HexToColor(System.String)">
Converts a HEX color to a Unity Color and returns it
<param name="hex">The HEX color, either with or without the initial # (accepts both regular and short format)</param>
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.DeColorGlobal">
Global colors
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.DeColorBG">
Background colors
<member name="F:DG.DemiLib.DeColorBG.editor">
<summary>Editor background color</summary>
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.DeColorContent">
Content colors
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.DeScope">
Extend this to replicate Unity's Scope system with any Unity version.
Thanks to Dmitriy Yukhanov for pointing this out and creating an initial version.
Expand this class to create scopes.<para/>
<code>public class VBoxScope : DeScope
public VBoxScope(GUIStyle style)
protected override void CloseScope()
<code>using (new VBoxScope(myStyle) {
// Do something
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.DeSkinColor">
Contains both free and pro skins color variations,
and automatically returns the correct one when converted to Color
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent">
Used by DeHierarchy
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.MissingItemsIndexes">
Returns a list of all items whose gameObject is NULL, or NULL if there's no missing gameObjects.
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.StoreItemColor(UnityEngine.GameObject,DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.HColor)">
If the item exists sets it, otherwise first creates it and then sets it
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.StoreItemIcon(UnityEngine.GameObject,DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.IcoType)">
If the item exists sets it, otherwise first creates it and then sets it
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.RemoveItemData(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
Returns TRUE if the item existed and was removed.
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.External.DeHierarchyComponent.GetItem(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
Returns the customizedItem for the given gameObject, or NULL if none was found
<member name="">
<summary>Must be univocal</summary>
<member name="P:DG.DemiLib.IEditorGUINode.guiPosition">
<summary>Node position in editor GUI</summary>
<member name="P:DG.DemiLib.IEditorGUINode.connectedNodesIds">
<summary>Ids of all forward connected nodes. Length indicates how many forward connections are allowed.
Min length represents available connections from node.</summary>
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.IntRange">
A serializable struct including a min and a max int value
<member name="F:DG.DemiLib.IntRange.min">
<summary>Min value</summary>
<member name="F:DG.DemiLib.IntRange.max">
<summary>Max value</summary>
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.IntRange.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Creates a new Range
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.IntRange.RandomWithin">
Returns a random value within this range (min/max included)
<member name="T:DG.DemiLib.Range">
A serializable struct including a min and a max float value
<member name="F:DG.DemiLib.Range.min">
<summary>Min value</summary>
<member name="F:DG.DemiLib.Range.max">
<summary>Max value</summary>
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.Range.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single)">
Creates a new Range
<member name="M:DG.DemiLib.Range.RandomWithin">
Returns a random value within this range (min/max included)