You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1347 lines
114 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PlayFab.AdminModels;
using PlayFab.Internal;
using PlayFab.SharedModels;
namespace PlayFab
/// <summary>
/// APIs for managing title configurations, uploaded Game Server code executables, and user data
/// </summary>
public class PlayFabAdminInstanceAPI : IPlayFabInstanceApi
public readonly PlayFabApiSettings apiSettings = null;
public readonly PlayFabAuthenticationContext authenticationContext = null;
public PlayFabAdminInstanceAPI() { }
public PlayFabAdminInstanceAPI(PlayFabApiSettings settings)
apiSettings = settings;
public PlayFabAdminInstanceAPI(PlayFabAuthenticationContext context)
authenticationContext = context;
public PlayFabAdminInstanceAPI(PlayFabApiSettings settings, PlayFabAuthenticationContext context)
apiSettings = settings;
authenticationContext = context;
/// <summary>
/// Clear the Client SessionToken which allows this Client to call API calls requiring login.
/// A new/fresh login will be required after calling this.
/// </summary>
public void ForgetAllCredentials()
if (authenticationContext != null)
/// <summary>
/// Abort an ongoing task instance.
/// </summary>
public void AbortTaskInstance(AbortTaskInstanceRequest request, Action<EmptyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AbortTaskInstance", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Update news item to include localized version
/// </summary>
public void AddLocalizedNews(AddLocalizedNewsRequest request, Action<AddLocalizedNewsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AddLocalizedNews", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new news item to the title's news feed
/// </summary>
public void AddNews(AddNewsRequest request, Action<AddNewsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AddNews", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a given tag to a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.
/// </summary>
public void AddPlayerTag(AddPlayerTagRequest request, Action<AddPlayerTagResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AddPlayerTag", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Increments the specified virtual currency by the stated amount
/// </summary>
public void AddUserVirtualCurrency(AddUserVirtualCurrencyRequest request, Action<ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AddUserVirtualCurrency", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Adds one or more virtual currencies to the set defined for the title. Virtual Currencies have a maximum
/// value of 2,147,483,647 when granted to a player. Any value over that will be discarded.
/// </summary>
public void AddVirtualCurrencyTypes(AddVirtualCurrencyTypesRequest request, Action<BlankResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/AddVirtualCurrencyTypes", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Bans users by PlayFab ID with optional IP address, or MAC address for the provided game.
/// </summary>
public void BanUsers(BanUsersRequest request, Action<BanUsersResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/BanUsers", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Checks the global count for the limited edition item.
/// </summary>
public void CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailability(CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequest request, Action<CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CheckLimitedEditionItemAvailability", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Create an ActionsOnPlayersInSegment task, which iterates through all players in a segment to execute action.
/// </summary>
public void CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask(CreateActionsOnPlayerSegmentTaskRequest request, Action<CreateTaskResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreateActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTask", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Create a CloudScript task, which can run a CloudScript on a schedule.
/// </summary>
public void CreateCloudScriptTask(CreateCloudScriptTaskRequest request, Action<CreateTaskResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreateCloudScriptTask", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Create a Insights Scheduled Scaling task, which can scale Insights Performance Units on a schedule
/// </summary>
public void CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTask(CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTaskRequest request, Action<CreateTaskResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreateInsightsScheduledScalingTask", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Registers a relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider.
/// </summary>
public void CreateOpenIdConnection(CreateOpenIdConnectionRequest request, Action<EmptyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreateOpenIdConnection", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this key to become generally available after
/// this API returns.
/// </summary>
public void CreatePlayerSharedSecret(CreatePlayerSharedSecretRequest request, Action<CreatePlayerSharedSecretResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreatePlayerSharedSecret", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new player statistic configuration to the title, optionally allowing the developer to specify a reset interval
/// and an aggregation method.
/// </summary>
public void CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition(CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequest request, Action<CreatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreatePlayerStatisticDefinition", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new player segment by defining the conditions on player properties. Also, create actions to target the player
/// segments for a title.
/// </summary>
public void CreateSegment(CreateSegmentRequest request, Action<CreateSegmentResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/CreateSegment", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Delete a content file from the title. When deleting a file that does not exist, it returns success.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteContent(DeleteContentRequest request, Action<BlankResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteContent", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a master player account entirely from all titles and deletes all associated data
/// </summary>
public void DeleteMasterPlayerAccount(DeleteMasterPlayerAccountRequest request, Action<DeleteMasterPlayerAccountResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteMasterPlayerAccount", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes PlayStream and telemetry event data associated with the master player account from PlayFab storage
/// </summary>
public void DeleteMasterPlayerEventData(DeleteMasterPlayerEventDataRequest request, Action<DeleteMasterPlayerEventDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteMasterPlayerEventData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes a player's subscription
/// </summary>
public void DeleteMembershipSubscription(DeleteMembershipSubscriptionRequest request, Action<DeleteMembershipSubscriptionResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteMembershipSubscription", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a relationship between a title and an OpenID Connect provider.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteOpenIdConnection(DeleteOpenIdConnectionRequest request, Action<EmptyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteOpenIdConnection", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a user's player account from a title and deletes all associated data
/// </summary>
public void DeletePlayer(DeletePlayerRequest request, Action<DeletePlayerResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeletePlayer", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes an existing Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this delete to be reflected after this API
/// returns.
/// </summary>
public void DeletePlayerSharedSecret(DeletePlayerSharedSecretRequest request, Action<DeletePlayerSharedSecretResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeletePlayerSharedSecret", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes an existing player segment and its associated action(s) for a title.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteSegment(DeleteSegmentRequest request, Action<DeleteSegmentsResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteSegment", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Deletes an existing virtual item store
/// </summary>
public void DeleteStore(DeleteStoreRequest request, Action<DeleteStoreResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteStore", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Delete a task.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteTask(DeleteTaskRequest request, Action<EmptyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteTask", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Permanently deletes a title and all associated configuration
/// </summary>
public void DeleteTitle(DeleteTitleRequest request, Action<DeleteTitleResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteTitle", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes a specified set of title data overrides.
/// </summary>
public void DeleteTitleDataOverride(DeleteTitleDataOverrideRequest request, Action<DeleteTitleDataOverrideResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/DeleteTitleDataOverride", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Exports all associated data of a master player account
/// </summary>
public void ExportMasterPlayerData(ExportMasterPlayerDataRequest request, Action<ExportMasterPlayerDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ExportMasterPlayerData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Starts an export for the player profiles in a segment. This API creates a snapshot of all the player profiles which
/// match the segment definition at the time of the API call. Profiles which change while an export is in progress will not
/// be reflected in the results.
/// </summary>
public void ExportPlayersInSegment(ExportPlayersInSegmentRequest request, Action<ExportPlayersInSegmentResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ExportPlayersInSegment", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Get information about a ActionsOnPlayersInSegment task instance.
/// </summary>
public void GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstance(GetTaskInstanceRequest request, Action<GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstanceResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetActionsOnPlayersInSegmentTaskInstance", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves an array of player segment definitions. Results from this can be used in subsequent API calls such as
/// GetPlayersInSegment which requires a Segment ID. While segment names can change the ID for that segment will not change.
/// </summary>
public void GetAllSegments(GetAllSegmentsRequest request, Action<GetAllSegmentsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetAllSegments", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Retrieves the specified version of the title's catalog of virtual goods, including all defined properties
/// </summary>
public void GetCatalogItems(GetCatalogItemsRequest request, Action<GetCatalogItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetCatalogItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the contents and information of a specific Cloud Script revision.
/// </summary>
public void GetCloudScriptRevision(GetCloudScriptRevisionRequest request, Action<GetCloudScriptRevisionResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetCloudScriptRevision", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Get detail information about a CloudScript task instance.
/// </summary>
public void GetCloudScriptTaskInstance(GetTaskInstanceRequest request, Action<GetCloudScriptTaskInstanceResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetCloudScriptTaskInstance", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Lists all the current cloud script versions. For each version, information about the current published and latest
/// revisions is also listed.
/// </summary>
public void GetCloudScriptVersions(GetCloudScriptVersionsRequest request, Action<GetCloudScriptVersionsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetCloudScriptVersions", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// List all contents of the title and get statistics such as size
/// </summary>
public void GetContentList(GetContentListRequest request, Action<GetContentListResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetContentList", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the pre-signed URL for uploading a content file. A subsequent HTTP PUT to the returned URL uploads the
/// content. Also, please be aware that the Content service is specifically PlayFab's CDN offering, for which standard CDN
/// rates apply.
/// </summary>
public void GetContentUploadUrl(GetContentUploadUrlRequest request, Action<GetContentUploadUrlResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetContentUploadUrl", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a download URL for the requested report
/// </summary>
public void GetDataReport(GetDataReportRequest request, Action<GetDataReportResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetDataReport", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Get the list of titles that the player has played
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayedTitleList(GetPlayedTitleListRequest request, Action<GetPlayedTitleListResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayedTitleList", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a player's ID from an auth token.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerIdFromAuthToken(GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenRequest request, Action<GetPlayerIdFromAuthTokenResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerIdFromAuthToken", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the player's profile
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerProfile(GetPlayerProfileRequest request, Action<GetPlayerProfileResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerProfile", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// List all segments that a player currently belongs to at this moment in time.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerSegments(GetPlayersSegmentsRequest request, Action<GetPlayerSegmentsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerSegments", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Returns all Player Shared Secret Keys including disabled and expired.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerSharedSecrets(GetPlayerSharedSecretsRequest request, Action<GetPlayerSharedSecretsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerSharedSecrets", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Allows for paging through all players in a given segment. This API creates a snapshot of all player profiles that match
/// the segment definition at the time of its creation and lives through the Total Seconds to Live, refreshing its life span
/// on each subsequent use of the Continuation Token. Profiles that change during the course of paging will not be reflected
/// in the results. AB Test segments are currently not supported by this operation. NOTE: This API is limited to being
/// called 30 times in one minute. You will be returned an error if you exceed this threshold.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayersInSegment(GetPlayersInSegmentRequest request, Action<GetPlayersInSegmentResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayersInSegment", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the configuration information for all player statistics defined in the title, regardless of whether they have
/// a reset interval.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerStatisticDefinitions(GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsRequest request, Action<GetPlayerStatisticDefinitionsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerStatisticDefinitions", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the information on the available versions of the specified statistic.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerStatisticVersions(GetPlayerStatisticVersionsRequest request, Action<GetPlayerStatisticVersionsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerStatisticVersions", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Get all tags with a given Namespace (optional) from a player profile.
/// </summary>
public void GetPlayerTags(GetPlayerTagsRequest request, Action<GetPlayerTagsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPlayerTags", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the requested policy.
/// </summary>
public void GetPolicy(GetPolicyRequest request, Action<GetPolicyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPolicy", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the key-value store of custom publisher settings
/// </summary>
public void GetPublisherData(GetPublisherDataRequest request, Action<GetPublisherDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetPublisherData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Retrieves the random drop table configuration for the title
/// </summary>
public void GetRandomResultTables(GetRandomResultTablesRequest request, Action<GetRandomResultTablesResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetRandomResultTables", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the result of an export started by ExportPlayersInSegment API. If the ExportPlayersInSegment is successful and
/// complete, this API returns the IndexUrl from which the index file can be downloaded. The index file has a list of urls
/// from which the files containing the player profile data can be downloaded. Otherwise, it returns the current 'State' of
/// the export
/// </summary>
public void GetSegmentExport(GetPlayersInSegmentExportRequest request, Action<GetPlayersInSegmentExportResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetSegmentExport", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Get detail information of a segment and its associated definition(s) and action(s) for a title.
/// </summary>
public void GetSegments(GetSegmentsRequest request, Action<GetSegmentsResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetSegments", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Retrieves the set of items defined for the specified store, including all prices defined
/// </summary>
public void GetStoreItems(GetStoreItemsRequest request, Action<GetStoreItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetStoreItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Query for task instances by task, status, or time range.
/// </summary>
public void GetTaskInstances(GetTaskInstancesRequest request, Action<GetTaskInstancesResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetTaskInstances", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Get definition information on a specified task or all tasks within a title.
/// </summary>
public void GetTasks(GetTasksRequest request, Action<GetTasksResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetTasks", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the key-value store of custom title settings which can be read by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetTitleData(GetTitleDataRequest request, Action<GetTitleDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetTitleData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the key-value store of custom title settings which cannot be read by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetTitleInternalData(GetTitleDataRequest request, Action<GetTitleDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetTitleInternalData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the relevant details for a specified user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier
/// </summary>
public void GetUserAccountInfo(LookupUserAccountInfoRequest request, Action<LookupUserAccountInfoResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserAccountInfo", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Gets all bans for a user.
/// </summary>
public void GetUserBans(GetUserBansRequest request, Action<GetUserBansResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserBans", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetUserData(GetUserDataRequest request, Action<GetUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetUserInternalData(GetUserDataRequest request, Action<GetUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserInternalData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Retrieves the specified user's current inventory of virtual goods
/// </summary>
public void GetUserInventory(GetUserInventoryRequest request, Action<GetUserInventoryResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserInventory", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetUserPublisherData(GetUserDataRequest request, Action<GetUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserPublisherData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetUserPublisherInternalData(GetUserDataRequest request, Action<GetUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserPublisherInternalData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetUserPublisherReadOnlyData(GetUserDataRequest request, Action<GetUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserPublisherReadOnlyData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
/// </summary>
public void GetUserReadOnlyData(GetUserDataRequest request, Action<GetUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GetUserReadOnlyData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Adds the specified items to the specified user inventories
/// </summary>
public void GrantItemsToUsers(GrantItemsToUsersRequest request, Action<GrantItemsToUsersResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/GrantItemsToUsers", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Increases the global count for the given scarce resource.
/// </summary>
public void IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailability(IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityRequest request, Action<IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailabilityResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/IncrementLimitedEditionItemAvailability", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Resets the indicated statistic, removing all player entries for it and backing up the old values.
/// </summary>
public void IncrementPlayerStatisticVersion(IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionRequest request, Action<IncrementPlayerStatisticVersionResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/IncrementPlayerStatisticVersion", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a list of all Open ID Connect providers registered to a title.
/// </summary>
public void ListOpenIdConnection(ListOpenIdConnectionRequest request, Action<ListOpenIdConnectionResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ListOpenIdConnection", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Retuns the list of all defined virtual currencies for the title
/// </summary>
public void ListVirtualCurrencyTypes(ListVirtualCurrencyTypesRequest request, Action<ListVirtualCurrencyTypesResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ListVirtualCurrencyTypes", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Attempts to process an order refund through the original real money payment provider.
/// </summary>
public void RefundPurchase(RefundPurchaseRequest request, Action<RefundPurchaseResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RefundPurchase", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Remove a given tag from a player profile. The tag's namespace is automatically generated based on the source of the tag.
/// </summary>
public void RemovePlayerTag(RemovePlayerTagRequest request, Action<RemovePlayerTagResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RemovePlayerTag", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Removes one or more virtual currencies from the set defined for the title.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes(RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypesRequest request, Action<BlankResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RemoveVirtualCurrencyTypes", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Completely removes all statistics for the specified character, for the current game
/// </summary>
public void ResetCharacterStatistics(ResetCharacterStatisticsRequest request, Action<ResetCharacterStatisticsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ResetCharacterStatistics", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Reset a player's password for a given title.
/// </summary>
public void ResetPassword(ResetPasswordRequest request, Action<ResetPasswordResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ResetPassword", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Completely removes all statistics for the specified user, for the current game
/// </summary>
public void ResetUserStatistics(ResetUserStatisticsRequest request, Action<ResetUserStatisticsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ResetUserStatistics", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Attempts to resolve a dispute with the original order's payment provider.
/// </summary>
public void ResolvePurchaseDispute(ResolvePurchaseDisputeRequest request, Action<ResolvePurchaseDisputeResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/ResolvePurchaseDispute", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Revoke all active bans for a user.
/// </summary>
public void RevokeAllBansForUser(RevokeAllBansForUserRequest request, Action<RevokeAllBansForUserResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RevokeAllBansForUser", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Revoke all active bans specified with BanId.
/// </summary>
public void RevokeBans(RevokeBansRequest request, Action<RevokeBansResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RevokeBans", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Revokes access to an item in a user's inventory
/// </summary>
public void RevokeInventoryItem(RevokeInventoryItemRequest request, Action<RevokeInventoryResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RevokeInventoryItem", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Revokes access for up to 25 items across multiple users and characters.
/// </summary>
public void RevokeInventoryItems(RevokeInventoryItemsRequest request, Action<RevokeInventoryItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RevokeInventoryItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Run a task immediately regardless of its schedule.
/// </summary>
public void RunTask(RunTaskRequest request, Action<RunTaskResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/RunTask", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Forces an email to be sent to the registered email address for the user's account, with a link allowing the user to
/// change the password.If an account recovery email template ID is provided, an email using the custom email template will
/// be used.
/// </summary>
public void SendAccountRecoveryEmail(SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequest request, Action<SendAccountRecoveryEmailResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SendAccountRecoveryEmail", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Creates the catalog configuration of all virtual goods for the specified catalog version
/// </summary>
public void SetCatalogItems(UpdateCatalogItemsRequest request, Action<UpdateCatalogItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetCatalogItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the override expiration for a membership subscription
/// </summary>
public void SetMembershipOverride(SetMembershipOverrideRequest request, Action<SetMembershipOverrideResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetMembershipOverride", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or resets the player's secret. Player secrets are used to sign API requests.
/// </summary>
public void SetPlayerSecret(SetPlayerSecretRequest request, Action<SetPlayerSecretResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetPlayerSecret", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the currently published revision of a title Cloud Script
/// </summary>
public void SetPublishedRevision(SetPublishedRevisionRequest request, Action<SetPublishedRevisionResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetPublishedRevision", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the key-value store of custom publisher settings
/// </summary>
public void SetPublisherData(SetPublisherDataRequest request, Action<SetPublisherDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetPublisherData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Sets all the items in one virtual store
/// </summary>
public void SetStoreItems(UpdateStoreItemsRequest request, Action<UpdateStoreItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetStoreItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Creates and updates the key-value store of custom title settings which can be read by the client. For example, a
/// developer could choose to store values which modify the user experience, such as enemy spawn rates, weapon strengths,
/// movement speeds, etc. This allows a developer to update the title without the need to create, test, and ship a new
/// build.
/// </summary>
public void SetTitleData(SetTitleDataRequest request, Action<SetTitleDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetTitleData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Set and delete key-value pairs in a title data override instance.
/// </summary>
public void SetTitleDataAndOverrides(SetTitleDataAndOverridesRequest request, Action<SetTitleDataAndOverridesResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetTitleDataAndOverrides", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the key-value store of custom title settings which cannot be read by the client. These values can be used to
/// tweak settings used by game servers and Cloud Scripts without the need to update and re-deploy.
/// </summary>
public void SetTitleInternalData(SetTitleDataRequest request, Action<SetTitleDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetTitleInternalData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for iOS and Android push notifications. Documentation on the exact restrictions can
/// be found at: Currently, Amazon device
/// Messaging is not supported.
/// </summary>
public void SetupPushNotification(SetupPushNotificationRequest request, Action<SetupPushNotificationResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SetupPushNotification", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Decrements the specified virtual currency by the stated amount
/// </summary>
public void SubtractUserVirtualCurrency(SubtractUserVirtualCurrencyRequest request, Action<ModifyUserVirtualCurrencyResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/SubtractUserVirtualCurrency", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates information of a list of existing bans specified with Ban Ids.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateBans(UpdateBansRequest request, Action<UpdateBansResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateBans", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Updates the catalog configuration for virtual goods in the specified catalog version
/// </summary>
public void UpdateCatalogItems(UpdateCatalogItemsRequest request, Action<UpdateCatalogItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateCatalogItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Cloud Script revision and uploads source code to it. Note that at this time, only one file should be
/// submitted in the revision.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateCloudScript(UpdateCloudScriptRequest request, Action<UpdateCloudScriptResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateCloudScript", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Modifies data and credentials for an existing relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider
/// </summary>
public void UpdateOpenIdConnection(UpdateOpenIdConnectionRequest request, Action<EmptyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateOpenIdConnection", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates a existing Player Shared Secret Key. It may take up to 5 minutes for this update to become generally available
/// after this API returns.
/// </summary>
public void UpdatePlayerSharedSecret(UpdatePlayerSharedSecretRequest request, Action<UpdatePlayerSharedSecretResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdatePlayerSharedSecret", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates a player statistic configuration for the title, optionally allowing the developer to specify a reset interval.
/// </summary>
public void UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition(UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionRequest request, Action<UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinitionResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdatePlayerStatisticDefinition", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Changes a policy for a title
/// </summary>
public void UpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicyRequest request, Action<UpdatePolicyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdatePolicy", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Updates the random drop table configuration for the title
/// </summary>
public void UpdateRandomResultTables(UpdateRandomResultTablesRequest request, Action<UpdateRandomResultTablesResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateRandomResultTables", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates an existing player segment and its associated definition(s) and action(s) for a title.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateSegment(UpdateSegmentRequest request, Action<UpdateSegmentResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateSegment", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// _NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for
/// version 2._ Updates an existing virtual item store with new or modified items
/// </summary>
public void UpdateStoreItems(UpdateStoreItemsRequest request, Action<UpdateStoreItemsResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateStoreItems", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Update an existing task.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateTask(UpdateTaskRequest request, Action<EmptyResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateTask", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserData(UpdateUserDataRequest request, Action<UpdateUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserInternalData(UpdateUserInternalDataRequest request, Action<UpdateUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserInternalData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserPublisherData(UpdateUserDataRequest request, Action<UpdateUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserPublisherData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which cannot be accessed by the client
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserPublisherInternalData(UpdateUserInternalDataRequest request, Action<UpdateUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserPublisherInternalData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData(UpdateUserDataRequest request, Action<UpdateUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserPublisherReadOnlyData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserReadOnlyData(UpdateUserDataRequest request, Action<UpdateUserDataResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserReadOnlyData", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the title specific display name for a user
/// </summary>
public void UpdateUserTitleDisplayName(UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequest request, Action<UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateUserTitleDisplayName", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);