#if !DISABLE_PLAYFABCLIENT_API using System.Collections.Generic; using PlayFab.SharedModels; using UnityEngine; namespace PlayFab.Internal { public static class PlayFabDeviceUtil { private static bool _needsAttribution, _gatherDeviceInfo, _gatherScreenTime; #region Scrape Device Info private static void SendDeviceInfoToPlayFab(PlayFabApiSettings settings, IPlayFabInstanceApi instanceApi) { if (settings.DisableDeviceInfo || !_gatherDeviceInfo) return; var serializer = PluginManager.GetPlugin<ISerializerPlugin>(PluginContract.PlayFab_Serializer); var request = new ClientModels.DeviceInfoRequest { Info = serializer.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(serializer.SerializeObject(new PlayFabDataGatherer())) }; var clientInstanceApi = instanceApi as PlayFabClientInstanceAPI; if (clientInstanceApi != null) clientInstanceApi.ReportDeviceInfo(request, null, OnGatherFail, settings); #if !DISABLE_PLAYFAB_STATIC_API else PlayFabClientAPI.ReportDeviceInfo(request, null, OnGatherFail, settings); #endif } private static void OnGatherFail(PlayFabError error) { Debug.Log("OnGatherFail: " + error.GenerateErrorReport()); } #endregion /// <summary> /// When a PlayFab login occurs, check the result information, and /// relay it to _OnPlayFabLogin where the information is used /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> public static void OnPlayFabLogin(PlayFabResultCommon result, PlayFabApiSettings settings, IPlayFabInstanceApi instanceApi) { var loginResult = result as ClientModels.LoginResult; var registerResult = result as ClientModels.RegisterPlayFabUserResult; if (loginResult == null && registerResult == null) return; // Gather things common to the result types ClientModels.UserSettings settingsForUser = null; string playFabId = null; string entityId = null; string entityType = null; if (loginResult != null) { settingsForUser = loginResult.SettingsForUser; playFabId = loginResult.PlayFabId; if (loginResult.EntityToken != null) { entityId = loginResult.EntityToken.Entity.Id; entityType = loginResult.EntityToken.Entity.Type; } } else if (registerResult != null) { settingsForUser = registerResult.SettingsForUser; playFabId = registerResult.PlayFabId; if (registerResult.EntityToken != null) { entityId = registerResult.EntityToken.Entity.Id; entityType = registerResult.EntityToken.Entity.Type; } } _OnPlayFabLogin(settingsForUser, playFabId, entityId, entityType, settings, instanceApi); } /// <summary> /// Separated from OnPlayFabLogin, to explicitly lose the refs to loginResult and registerResult, because /// only one will be defined, but both usually have all the information we REALLY need here. /// But the result signatures are different and clunky, so do the separation above, and processing here /// </summary> private static void _OnPlayFabLogin(ClientModels.UserSettings settingsForUser, string playFabId, string entityId, string entityType, PlayFabApiSettings settings, IPlayFabInstanceApi instanceApi) { _needsAttribution = _gatherDeviceInfo = _gatherScreenTime = false; if (settingsForUser != null) { _needsAttribution = settingsForUser.NeedsAttribution; _gatherDeviceInfo = settingsForUser.GatherDeviceInfo; _gatherScreenTime = settingsForUser.GatherFocusInfo; } // Device information gathering SendDeviceInfoToPlayFab(settings, instanceApi); #if !DISABLE_PLAYFABENTITY_API if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityType) && _gatherScreenTime) { PlayFabHttp.InitializeScreenTimeTracker(entityId, entityType, playFabId); } else { settings.DisableFocusTimeCollection = true; } #endif } } } #endif