using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; using UnityEngine.UI; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; #endif namespace AllIn1SpriteShader { [ExecuteInEditMode] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("AllIn1SpriteShader/AddAllIn1Shader")] public class AllIn1Shader : MonoBehaviour { public enum ShaderTypes { Default, ScaledTime, MaskedUI, Urp2dRenderer, Invalid } public ShaderTypes shaderTypes = ShaderTypes.Invalid; private Material currMaterial, prevMaterial; private bool matAssigned = false, destroyed = false; private enum AfterSetAction { Clear, CopyMaterial, Reset}; [Range(1f, 20f)] public float normalStrength = 5f; [Range(0f, 3f)] public int normalSmoothing = 1; [HideInInspector] public bool computingNormal = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR private static float timeLastReload = -1f; private void Start() { if(timeLastReload < 0) timeLastReload = Time.time; } private void Update() { if (matAssigned || Application.isPlaying || !gameObject.activeSelf) return; Renderer sr = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) { if (sr.sharedMaterial == null) { CleanMaterial(); MakeNewMaterial(true); } if ("Default")) MakeNewMaterial(true); else matAssigned = true; } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); if (img != null) { if ("Default")) MakeNewMaterial(true); else matAssigned = true; } } } #endif private void MakeNewMaterial(bool getShaderTypeFromPrefs, string shaderName = "AllIn1SpriteShader") { SetMaterial(AfterSetAction.Clear, getShaderTypeFromPrefs, shaderName); } public void MakeCopy() { SetMaterial(AfterSetAction.CopyMaterial, false, GetStringFromShaderType()); } private void ResetAllProperties(bool getShaderTypeFromPrefs, string shaderName) { SetMaterial(AfterSetAction.Reset, getShaderTypeFromPrefs, shaderName); } private string GetStringFromShaderType() { if (shaderTypes == ShaderTypes.Default) return "AllIn1SpriteShader"; else if (shaderTypes == ShaderTypes.ScaledTime) return "AllIn1SpriteShaderScaledTime"; else if (shaderTypes == ShaderTypes.MaskedUI) return "AllIn1SpriteShaderUiMask"; else if (shaderTypes == ShaderTypes.Urp2dRenderer) return "AllIn1Urp2dRenderer"; else return "AllIn1SpriteShader"; } private void SetMaterial(AfterSetAction action, bool getShaderTypeFromPrefs, string shaderName) { Shader allIn1Shader = Resources.Load(shaderName, typeof(Shader)) as Shader; if (getShaderTypeFromPrefs) { int shaderVariant = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("allIn1DefaultShader"); if (shaderVariant == 1) allIn1Shader = Resources.Load("AllIn1SpriteShaderScaledTime", typeof(Shader)) as Shader; else if (shaderVariant == 2) allIn1Shader = Resources.Load("AllIn1SpriteShaderUiMask", typeof(Shader)) as Shader; else if (shaderVariant == 3) allIn1Shader = Resources.Load("AllIn1Urp2dRenderer", typeof(Shader)) as Shader; } if (!Application.isPlaying && Application.isEditor && allIn1Shader != null) { bool rendererExists = false; Renderer sr = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) { rendererExists = true; int renderingQueue = 3000; if(action == AfterSetAction.CopyMaterial) renderingQueue = GetComponent().sharedMaterial.renderQueue; prevMaterial = new Material(GetComponent().sharedMaterial); currMaterial = new Material(allIn1Shader); currMaterial.renderQueue = renderingQueue; GetComponent().sharedMaterial = currMaterial; GetComponent().sharedMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; matAssigned = true; DoAfterSetAction(action); } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); if (img != null) { rendererExists = true; int renderingQueue = 3000; if(action == AfterSetAction.CopyMaterial) renderingQueue = img.material.renderQueue; prevMaterial = new Material(img.material); currMaterial = new Material(allIn1Shader); currMaterial.renderQueue = renderingQueue; img.material = currMaterial; img.material.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; matAssigned = true; DoAfterSetAction(action); } } if (!rendererExists) { MissingRenderer(); return; } else { SetSceneDirty(); } } else if (allIn1Shader == null) { Debug.LogError("Make sure the AllIn1SpriteShader shader variants are inside the Resource folder!"); } } private void DoAfterSetAction(AfterSetAction action) { switch (action) { case AfterSetAction.Clear: ClearAllKeywords(); break; case AfterSetAction.CopyMaterial: currMaterial.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(prevMaterial); break; } } public void TryCreateNew() { bool rendererExists = false; Renderer sr = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) { rendererExists = true; if (sr != null && sr.sharedMaterial != null &&"AllIn1")) { ResetAllProperties(false, GetStringFromShaderType()); ClearAllKeywords(); } else { CleanMaterial(); MakeNewMaterial(false, GetStringFromShaderType()); } } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); if (img != null) { rendererExists = true; if ("AllIn1")) { ResetAllProperties(false, GetStringFromShaderType()); ClearAllKeywords(); } else MakeNewMaterial(false, GetStringFromShaderType()); } } if (!rendererExists) { MissingRenderer(); } SetSceneDirty(); } public void ClearAllKeywords() { SetKeyword("RECTSIZE_ON"); SetKeyword("OFFSETUV_ON"); SetKeyword("CLIPPING_ON"); SetKeyword("POLARUV_ON"); SetKeyword("TWISTUV_ON"); SetKeyword("ROTATEUV_ON"); SetKeyword("FISHEYE_ON"); SetKeyword("PINCH_ON"); SetKeyword("SHAKEUV_ON"); SetKeyword("WAVEUV_ON"); SetKeyword("ROUNDWAVEUV_ON"); SetKeyword("DOODLE_ON"); SetKeyword("ZOOMUV_ON"); SetKeyword("FADE_ON"); SetKeyword("TEXTURESCROLL_ON"); SetKeyword("GLOW_ON"); SetKeyword("OUTBASE_ON"); SetKeyword("ONLYOUTLINE_ON"); SetKeyword("OUTTEX_ON"); SetKeyword("OUTDIST_ON"); SetKeyword("DISTORT_ON"); SetKeyword("WIND_ON"); SetKeyword("GRADIENT_ON"); SetKeyword("GRADIENT2COL_ON"); SetKeyword("RADIALGRADIENT_ON"); SetKeyword("COLORSWAP_ON"); SetKeyword("HSV_ON"); SetKeyword("HITEFFECT_ON"); SetKeyword("PIXELATE_ON"); SetKeyword("NEGATIVE_ON"); SetKeyword("GRADIENTCOLORRAMP_ON"); SetKeyword("COLORRAMP_ON"); SetKeyword("GREYSCALE_ON"); SetKeyword("POSTERIZE_ON"); SetKeyword("BLUR_ON"); SetKeyword("MOTIONBLUR_ON"); SetKeyword("GHOST_ON"); SetKeyword("ALPHAOUTLINE_ON"); SetKeyword("INNEROUTLINE_ON"); SetKeyword("ONLYINNEROUTLINE_ON"); SetKeyword("HOLOGRAM_ON"); SetKeyword("CHROMABERR_ON"); SetKeyword("GLITCH_ON"); SetKeyword("FLICKER_ON"); SetKeyword("SHADOW_ON"); SetKeyword("SHINE_ON"); SetKeyword("CONTRAST_ON"); SetKeyword("OVERLAY_ON"); SetKeyword("OVERLAYMULT_ON"); SetKeyword("ALPHACUTOFF_ON"); SetKeyword("ALPHAROUND_ON"); SetKeyword("CHANGECOLOR_ON"); SetKeyword("CHANGECOLOR2_ON"); SetKeyword("CHANGECOLOR3_ON"); SetKeyword("FOG_ON"); SetSceneDirty(); } private void SetKeyword(string keyword, bool state = false) { if (destroyed) return; if (currMaterial == null) { FindCurrMaterial(); if (currMaterial == null) { MissingRenderer(); return; } } if (!state) currMaterial.DisableKeyword(keyword); else currMaterial.EnableKeyword(keyword); } private void FindCurrMaterial() { Renderer sr = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) { currMaterial = GetComponent().sharedMaterial; matAssigned = true; } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); if (img != null) { currMaterial = img.material; matAssigned = true; } } } public void CleanMaterial() { Renderer sr = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) { sr.sharedMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default")); matAssigned = false; } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); if (img != null) { img.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default")); matAssigned = false; } } SetSceneDirty(); } public void SaveMaterial() { #if UNITY_EDITOR string sameMaterialPath = AllIn1ShaderWindow.materialsSavesPath; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("All1ShaderMaterials")) sameMaterialPath = PlayerPrefs.GetString("All1ShaderMaterials"); else PlayerPrefs.SetString("All1ShaderMaterials", AllIn1ShaderWindow.materialsSavesPath); sameMaterialPath += "/"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(sameMaterialPath)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("The desired Material Save Path doesn't exist", "Go to Window -> AllIn1ShaderWindow and set a valid folder", "Ok"); return; } sameMaterialPath +=; string fullPath = sameMaterialPath + ".mat"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath)) { SaveMaterialWithOtherName(sameMaterialPath); } else DoSaving(fullPath); SetSceneDirty(); #endif } private void SaveMaterialWithOtherName(string path, int i = 1) { int number = i; string newPath = path + "_" + number.ToString(); string fullPath = newPath + ".mat"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath)) { number++; SaveMaterialWithOtherName(path, number); } else { DoSaving(fullPath); } } private void DoSaving(string fileName) { #if UNITY_EDITOR bool rendererExists = false; Renderer sr = GetComponent(); Material matToSave = null; Material createdMat = null; if (sr != null) { rendererExists = true; matToSave = sr.sharedMaterial; } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); if (img != null) { rendererExists = true; matToSave = img.material; } } if (!rendererExists) { MissingRenderer(); return; } else { createdMat = new Material(matToSave); currMaterial = createdMat; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(createdMat, fileName); Debug.Log(fileName + " has been saved!"); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fileName, typeof(Material))); } if (sr != null) { sr.material = createdMat; } else { Graphic img = GetComponent(); img.material = createdMat; } #endif } public void SetSceneDirty() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) EditorSceneManager.MarkAllScenesDirty(); //If you get an error here please delete the 2 lines below var prefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage(); if (prefabStage != null) EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(prefabStage.scene); #endif } private void MissingRenderer() { #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Missing Renderer", "This GameObject (" + + ") has no Renderer or UI Image component. This AllIn1Shader component will be removed.", "Ok"); destroyed = true; DestroyImmediate(this); #endif } public void ToggleSetAtlasUvs(bool activate) { SetAtlasUvs atlasUvs = GetComponent(); if (activate) { if (atlasUvs == null) atlasUvs = gameObject.AddComponent(); atlasUvs.GetAndSetUVs(); SetKeyword("ATLAS_ON", true); } else { if (atlasUvs != null) { atlasUvs.ResetAtlasUvs(); DestroyImmediate(atlasUvs); } SetKeyword("ATLAS_ON", false); } SetSceneDirty(); } public void ApplyMaterialToHierarchy() { Renderer sr = GetComponent(); Graphic image = GetComponent(); Material matToApply = null; if (sr != null) matToApply = sr.sharedMaterial; else if (image != null) { matToApply = image.material; } else { MissingRenderer(); return; } List children = new List(); GetAllChildren(transform, ref children); foreach (Transform t in children) { sr = t.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (sr != null) sr.material = matToApply; else { image = t.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (image != null) image.material = matToApply; } } } public void CheckIfValidTarget() { Renderer sr = GetComponent(); Graphic image = GetComponent(); if (sr == null && image == null) MissingRenderer(); } private void GetAllChildren(Transform parent, ref List transforms) { foreach (Transform child in parent) { transforms.Add(child); GetAllChildren(child, ref transforms); } } public void RenderToImage() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (currMaterial == null) { FindCurrMaterial(); if (currMaterial == null) { MissingRenderer(); return; } } Texture tex = currMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex"); if (tex != null) RenderAndSaveTexture(currMaterial, tex); else { SpriteRenderer sr = GetComponent(); Graphic i = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) tex = sr.sprite.texture; else if (i != null) tex = i.mainTexture; if (tex != null) RenderAndSaveTexture(currMaterial, tex); else EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("No valid target texture found", "All In 1 Shader component couldn't find a valid Main Texture in this GameObject (" + + "). This means that the material you are using has no Main Texture or that the texture couldn't be reached through the Renderer component you are using." + " Please make sure to have a valid Main Texture in the Material", "Ok"); } #endif } public void RenderAndSaveTexture(Material targetMaterial, Texture targetTexture) { #if UNITY_EDITOR float scaleSlider = 1; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("All1ShaderRenderImagesScale")) scaleSlider = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("All1ShaderRenderImagesScale"); RenderTexture renderTarget = new RenderTexture((int)(targetTexture.width * scaleSlider), (int)(targetTexture.height * scaleSlider), 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); Graphics.Blit(targetTexture, renderTarget, targetMaterial); Texture2D reaultTex = new Texture2D(renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); reaultTex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height), 0, 0); reaultTex.Apply(); string path = AllIn1ShaderWindow.renderImagesSavesPath; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("All1ShaderRenderImages")) path = PlayerPrefs.GetString("All1ShaderRenderImages"); else PlayerPrefs.SetString("All1ShaderRenderImages", AllIn1ShaderWindow.renderImagesSavesPath); path += "/"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("The desired Material to Image Save Path doesn't exist", "Go to Window -> AllIn1ShaderWindow and set a valid folder", "Ok"); return; } string fullPath = path + + ".png"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath)) fullPath = GetNewValidPath(path +; string pingPath = fullPath; string fileName = fullPath.Replace(path, ""); fileName = fileName.Replace(".png", ""); fullPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Render Image", path, fileName, "png"); byte[] bytes = reaultTex.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(fullPath, bytes); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(subPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); DestroyImmediate(reaultTex); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(pingPath, typeof(Texture))); Debug.Log("Render Image saved to: " + fullPath + " with scale: " + scaleSlider + " (it can be changed in Window -> AllIn1ShaderWindow)"); #endif } private string GetNewValidPath(string path, int i = 1) { int number = i; string newPath = path + "_" + number.ToString(); string fullPath = newPath + ".png"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath)) { number++; fullPath = GetNewValidPath(path, number); } return fullPath; } #region normalMapCreator protected virtual void OnEnable() { #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorApplication.update += OnEditorUpdate; #endif } protected virtual void OnDisable() { #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorApplication.update -= OnEditorUpdate; #endif } bool needToWait; int waitingCycles; int timesWeWaited; protected virtual void OnEditorUpdate() { if (computingNormal) { if (needToWait) { waitingCycles++; if (waitingCycles > 5) { needToWait = false; timesWeWaited++; } } else { if (timesWeWaited == 1) SetNewNormalTexture2(); if (timesWeWaited == 2) SetNewNormalTexture3(); if (timesWeWaited == 3) SetNewNormalTexture4(); needToWait = true; } } } SpriteRenderer normalMapSr; Renderer normalMapRenderer; bool isSpriteRenderer; public void CreateAndAssignNormalMap() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (GetComponent() != null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("This is a tilemap", "This feature isn't supported on Tilemap Renderers." + " Add a secondary normal map texture instead (you can create a Normal Map in the asset Window)", "Ok"); return; } normalMapSr = GetComponent(); normalMapRenderer = GetComponent(); if (normalMapSr != null) { isSpriteRenderer = true; SetNewNormalTexture(); } else if (normalMapRenderer != null) { isSpriteRenderer = false; SetNewNormalTexture(); } else { if (GetComponent() != null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("This is a UI element", "This GameObject (" + + ") is a UI element. UI elements probably shouldn't have a normal map. Why are you using the light shader variant?", "Ok"); } else { MissingRenderer(); } return; } #endif } string path; private void SetNewNormalTexture() { #if UNITY_EDITOR path = AllIn1ShaderWindow.normalMapSavesPath; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("All1ShaderNormals")) path = PlayerPrefs.GetString("All1ShaderNormals"); else PlayerPrefs.SetString("All1ShaderNormals", AllIn1ShaderWindow.normalMapSavesPath); path += "/"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("The desired folder doesn't exist", "Go to Window -> AllIn1ShaderWindow and set a valid folder", "Ok"); return; } #else computingNormal = false; return; #endif computingNormal = true; needToWait = true; waitingCycles = 0; timesWeWaited = 0; } #if UNITY_EDITOR TextureImporter importer; Texture2D mainTex2D; #endif private void SetNewNormalTexture2() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!isSpriteRenderer) { mainTex2D = (Texture2D)normalMapRenderer.sharedMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex"); importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mainTex2D)) as TextureImporter; } else importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(normalMapSr.sprite)) as TextureImporter; importer.isReadable = true; importer.SaveAndReimport(); #endif } string subPath; private void SetNewNormalTexture3() { #if UNITY_EDITOR Texture2D normalM = null; if (isSpriteRenderer) normalM = CreateNormalMap(normalMapSr.sprite.texture, normalStrength, normalSmoothing); else normalM = CreateNormalMap(mainTex2D, normalStrength, normalSmoothing); byte[] bytes = normalM.EncodeToPNG(); path +=; subPath = path + ".png"; string dataPath = Application.dataPath; dataPath = dataPath.Replace("/Assets", "/"); string fullPath = dataPath + subPath; File.WriteAllBytes(fullPath, bytes); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(subPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); DestroyImmediate(normalM); #endif } private void SetNewNormalTexture4() { #if UNITY_EDITOR importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(subPath) as TextureImporter; importer.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; importer.textureType = TextureImporterType.NormalMap; importer.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; importer.SaveAndReimport(); if (currMaterial == null) { FindCurrMaterial(); if (currMaterial == null) { MissingRenderer(); return; } } Texture2D normalTex = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(subPath, typeof(Texture2D)); currMaterial.SetTexture("_NormalMap", normalTex); Debug.Log("Normal texture saved to: " + subPath); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(subPath, typeof(Texture))); computingNormal = false; #endif } private Texture2D CreateNormalMap(Texture2D t, float normalMult = 5f, int normalSmooth = 0) { Color[] pixels = new Color[t.width * t.height]; Texture2D texNormal = new Texture2D(t.width, t.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false, false); Vector3 vScale = new Vector3(0.3333f, 0.3333f, 0.3333f); for (int y = 0; y < t.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < t.width; x++) { Color tc = t.GetPixel(x - 1, y - 1); Vector3 cSampleNegXNegY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x, y - 1); Vector3 cSampleZerXNegY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x + 1, y - 1); Vector3 cSamplePosXNegY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x - 1, y); Vector3 cSampleNegXZerY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x + 1, y); Vector3 cSamplePosXZerY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x - 1, y + 1); Vector3 cSampleNegXPosY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x, y + 1); Vector3 cSampleZerXPosY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); tc = t.GetPixel(x + 1, y + 1); Vector3 cSamplePosXPosY = new Vector3(tc.r, tc.g, tc.g); float fSampleNegXNegY = Vector3.Dot(cSampleNegXNegY, vScale); float fSampleZerXNegY = Vector3.Dot(cSampleZerXNegY, vScale); float fSamplePosXNegY = Vector3.Dot(cSamplePosXNegY, vScale); float fSampleNegXZerY = Vector3.Dot(cSampleNegXZerY, vScale); float fSamplePosXZerY = Vector3.Dot(cSamplePosXZerY, vScale); float fSampleNegXPosY = Vector3.Dot(cSampleNegXPosY, vScale); float fSampleZerXPosY = Vector3.Dot(cSampleZerXPosY, vScale); float fSamplePosXPosY = Vector3.Dot(cSamplePosXPosY, vScale); float edgeX = (fSampleNegXNegY - fSamplePosXNegY) * 0.25f + (fSampleNegXZerY - fSamplePosXZerY) * 0.5f + (fSampleNegXPosY - fSamplePosXPosY) * 0.25f; float edgeY = (fSampleNegXNegY - fSampleNegXPosY) * 0.25f + (fSampleZerXNegY - fSampleZerXPosY) * 0.5f + (fSamplePosXNegY - fSamplePosXPosY) * 0.25f; Vector2 vEdge = new Vector2(edgeX, edgeY) * normalMult; Vector3 norm = new Vector3(vEdge.x, vEdge.y, 1.0f).normalized; Color c = new Color(norm.x * 0.5f + 0.5f, norm.y * 0.5f + 0.5f, norm.z * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1); pixels[x + y * t.width] = c; } } if (normalSmooth > 0f) { float step = 0.00390625f * normalSmooth; for (int y = 0; y < t.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < t.width; x++) { float pixelsToAverage = 0.0f; Color c = pixels[(x + 0) + ((y + 0) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; if (x - normalSmooth > 0) { if (y - normalSmooth > 0) { c += pixels[(x - normalSmooth) + ((y - normalSmooth) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; } c += pixels[(x - normalSmooth) + ((y + 0) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; if (y + normalSmooth < t.height) { c += pixels[(x - normalSmooth) + ((y + normalSmooth) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; } } if (y - normalSmooth > 0) { c += pixels[(x + 0) + ((y - normalSmooth) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; } if (y + normalSmooth < t.height) { c += pixels[(x + 0) + ((y + normalSmooth) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; } if (x + normalSmooth < t.width) { if (y - normalSmooth > 0) { c += pixels[(x + normalSmooth) + ((y - normalSmooth) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; } c += pixels[(x + normalSmooth) + ((y + 0) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; if (y + normalSmooth < t.height) { c += pixels[(x + normalSmooth) + ((y + normalSmooth) * t.width)]; pixelsToAverage++; } } pixels[x + y * t.width] = c / pixelsToAverage; } } } texNormal.SetPixels(pixels); texNormal.Apply(); return texNormal; } #endregion } }