// Author: Daniele Giardini - http://www.demigiant.com // Created: 2018/07/13 #if true // MODULE_MARKER using System; using DG.Tweening.Core; using DG.Tweening.Core.Enums; using DG.Tweening.Plugins; using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Core.PathCore; using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options; using UnityEngine; #pragma warning disable 1591 namespace DG.Tweening { public static class DOTweenModulePhysics { #region Shortcuts #region Rigidbody /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's position to the given value. /// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param> public static Tweener DOMove(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false) { return DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, endValue, duration) .SetOptions(snapping).SetTarget(target); } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's X position to the given value. /// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param> public static Tweener DOMoveX(this Rigidbody target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false) { return DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(endValue, 0, 0), duration) .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target); } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's Y position to the given value. /// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param> public static Tweener DOMoveY(this Rigidbody target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false) { return DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, endValue, 0), duration) .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target); } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's Z position to the given value. /// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param> public static Tweener DOMoveZ(this Rigidbody target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false) { return DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, 0, endValue), duration) .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Z, snapping).SetTarget(target); } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's rotation to the given value. /// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="mode">Rotation mode</param> public static Tweener DORotate(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, RotateMode mode = RotateMode.Fast) { TweenerCore<Quaternion, Vector3, QuaternionOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.rotation, target.MoveRotation, endValue, duration); t.SetTarget(target); t.plugOptions.rotateMode = mode; return t; } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's rotation so that it will look towards the given position. /// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="towards">The position to look at</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="axisConstraint">Eventual axis constraint for the rotation</param> /// <param name="up">The vector that defines in which direction up is (default: Vector3.up)</param> public static Tweener DOLookAt(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 towards, float duration, AxisConstraint axisConstraint = AxisConstraint.None, Vector3? up = null) { TweenerCore<Quaternion, Vector3, QuaternionOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.rotation, target.MoveRotation, towards, duration) .SetTarget(target).SetSpecialStartupMode(SpecialStartupMode.SetLookAt); t.plugOptions.axisConstraint = axisConstraint; t.plugOptions.up = (up == null) ? Vector3.up : (Vector3)up; return t; } #region Special /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's position to the given value, while also applying a jump effect along the Y axis. /// Returns a Sequence instead of a Tweener. /// Also stores the Rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary> /// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param> /// <param name="jumpPower">Power of the jump (the max height of the jump is represented by this plus the final Y offset)</param> /// <param name="numJumps">Total number of jumps</param> /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param> public static Sequence DOJump(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 endValue, float jumpPower, int numJumps, float duration, bool snapping = false) { if (numJumps < 1) numJumps = 1; float startPosY = 0; float offsetY = -1; bool offsetYSet = false; Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence(); Tween yTween = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, jumpPower, 0), duration / (numJumps * 2)) .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad).SetRelative() .SetLoops(numJumps * 2, LoopType.Yoyo) .OnStart(() => startPosY = target.position.y); s.Append(DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(endValue.x, 0, 0), duration) .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear) ).Join(DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, 0, endValue.z), duration) .SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Z, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear) ).Join(yTween) .SetTarget(target).SetEase(DOTween.defaultEaseType); yTween.OnUpdate(() => { if (!offsetYSet) { offsetYSet = true; offsetY = s.isRelative ? endValue.y : endValue.y - startPosY; } Vector3 pos = target.position; pos.y += DOVirtual.EasedValue(0, offsetY, yTween.ElapsedPercentage(), Ease.OutQuad); target.MovePosition(pos); }); return s; } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's position through the given path waypoints, using the chosen path algorithm. /// Also stores the Rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations. /// <para>NOTE: to tween a rigidbody correctly it should be set to kinematic at least while being tweened.</para> /// <para>BEWARE: doesn't work on Windows Phone store (waiting for Unity to fix their own bug). /// If you plan to publish there you should use a regular transform.DOPath.</para></summary> /// <param name="path">The waypoints to go through</param> /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="pathType">The type of path: Linear (straight path) or CatmullRom (curved CatmullRom path)</param> /// <param name="pathMode">The path mode: 3D, side-scroller 2D, top-down 2D</param> /// <param name="resolution">The resolution of the path (useless in case of Linear paths): higher resolutions make for more detailed curved paths but are more expensive. /// Defaults to 10, but a value of 5 is usually enough if you don't have dramatic long curves between waypoints</param> /// <param name="gizmoColor">The color of the path (shown when gizmos are active in the Play panel and the tween is running)</param> public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOPath( this Rigidbody target, Vector3[] path, float duration, PathType pathType = PathType.Linear, PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D, int resolution = 10, Color? gizmoColor = null ) { if (resolution < 1) resolution = 1; TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Path(pathType, path, resolution, gizmoColor), duration) .SetTarget(target).SetUpdate(UpdateType.Fixed); t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true; t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode; return t; } /// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's localPosition through the given path waypoints, using the chosen path algorithm. /// Also stores the Rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations /// <para>NOTE: to tween a rigidbody correctly it should be set to kinematic at least while being tweened.</para> /// <para>BEWARE: doesn't work on Windows Phone store (waiting for Unity to fix their own bug). /// If you plan to publish there you should use a regular transform.DOLocalPath.</para></summary> /// <param name="path">The waypoint to go through</param> /// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param> /// <param name="pathType">The type of path: Linear (straight path) or CatmullRom (curved CatmullRom path)</param> /// <param name="pathMode">The path mode: 3D, side-scroller 2D, top-down 2D</param> /// <param name="resolution">The resolution of the path: higher resolutions make for more detailed curved paths but are more expensive. /// Defaults to 10, but a value of 5 is usually enough if you don't have dramatic long curves between waypoints</param> /// <param name="gizmoColor">The color of the path (shown when gizmos are active in the Play panel and the tween is running)</param> public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOLocalPath( this Rigidbody target, Vector3[] path, float duration, PathType pathType = PathType.Linear, PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D, int resolution = 10, Color? gizmoColor = null ) { if (resolution < 1) resolution = 1; Transform trans = target.transform; TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => trans.localPosition, x => target.MovePosition(trans.parent == null ? x : trans.parent.TransformPoint(x)), new Path(pathType, path, resolution, gizmoColor), duration) .SetTarget(target).SetUpdate(UpdateType.Fixed); t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true; t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode; t.plugOptions.useLocalPosition = true; return t; } // Used by path editor when creating the actual tween, so it can pass a pre-compiled path internal static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOPath( this Rigidbody target, Path path, float duration, PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D ) { TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => target.position, target.MovePosition, path, duration) .SetTarget(target); t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true; t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode; return t; } internal static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOLocalPath( this Rigidbody target, Path path, float duration, PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D ) { Transform trans = target.transform; TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => trans.localPosition, x => target.MovePosition(trans.parent == null ? x : trans.parent.TransformPoint(x)), path, duration) .SetTarget(target); t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true; t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode; t.plugOptions.useLocalPosition = true; return t; } #endregion #endregion #endregion } } #endif