using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; public class IronSourceBannerEvents : MonoBehaviour { #if UNITY_ANDROID #pragma warning disable CS0067 public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdLoadedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdLeftApplicationEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdScreenDismissedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdScreenPresentedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdClickedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceError> onAdLoadFailedEvent; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID private IUnityLevelPlayBanner LevelPlaybannerAndroid; #endif void Awake() { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR LevelPlaybannerAndroid = new IronSourceBannerLevelPlayAndroid();//sets this.bannerAndroid as listener for Banner(Mediation Only) events in the bridge registerBannerEvents();//subscribe to Banner events from this.bannerAndroid #endif = "IronSourceBannerEvents"; //Change the GameObject name to IronSourceEvents. DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); //Makes the object not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene. } #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR private void registerBannerEvents() { LevelPlaybannerAndroid.OnAdLoaded += (IronSourceAdInfo) => { if (onAdLoadedEvent!= null) { IronSourceEventsDispatcher.executeAction(() => { onAdLoadedEvent?.Invoke(IronSourceAdInfo); }); } }; LevelPlaybannerAndroid.OnAdClicked += (IronSourceAdInfo) => { if (onAdClickedEvent != null) { IronSourceEventsDispatcher.executeAction(() => { onAdClickedEvent?.Invoke(IronSourceAdInfo); }); } }; LevelPlaybannerAndroid.OnAdLoadFailed += (ironSourceError) => { if (onAdLoadFailedEvent != null) { IronSourceEventsDispatcher.executeAction(() => { onAdLoadFailedEvent?.Invoke(ironSourceError); }); } }; LevelPlaybannerAndroid.OnAdLeftApplication += (IronSourceAdInfo) => { if (onAdLeftApplicationEvent != null) { IronSourceEventsDispatcher.executeAction(() => { onAdLeftApplicationEvent?.Invoke(IronSourceAdInfo); }); } }; LevelPlaybannerAndroid.OnAdScreenDismissed += (IronSourceAdInfo) => { if (onAdScreenDismissedEvent != null) { IronSourceEventsDispatcher.executeAction(() => { onAdScreenDismissedEvent?.Invoke(IronSourceAdInfo); }); } }; LevelPlaybannerAndroid.OnAdScreenPresented += (IronSourceAdInfo) => { if (onAdScreenPresentedEvent != null) { IronSourceEventsDispatcher.executeAction(() => { onAdScreenPresentedEvent?.Invoke(IronSourceAdInfo); }); } }; } #endif #if !UNITY_ANDROID // ******************************* Banner Events ******************************* private static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> _onAdLoadedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdLoadedEvent { add { if (_onAdLoadedEvent == null || !_onAdLoadedEvent .GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdLoadedEvent += value; } } remove { if (_onAdLoadedEvent != null || _onAdLoadedEvent .GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdLoadedEvent -= value; } } } public void onAdLoaded(string args) { if (_onAdLoadedEvent != null) { IronSourceAdInfo adInfo = new IronSourceAdInfo(args); _onAdLoadedEvent(adInfo); } } private static event Action<IronSourceError> _onAdLoadFailedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceError> onAdLoadFailedEvent { add { if (_onAdLoadFailedEvent == null || !_onAdLoadFailedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdLoadFailedEvent += value; } } remove { if (_onAdLoadFailedEvent != null && _onAdLoadFailedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdLoadFailedEvent -= value; } } } public void onAdLoadFailed(string description) { if (_onAdLoadFailedEvent != null) { IronSourceError sse = getErrorFromErrorObject(description); _onAdLoadFailedEvent(sse); } } private static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> _onAdClickedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdClickedEvent { add { if (_onAdClickedEvent == null || !_onAdClickedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdClickedEvent += value; } } remove { if (_onAdClickedEvent != null && _onAdClickedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdClickedEvent -= value; } } } public void onAdClicked(string args) { if (_onAdClickedEvent != null) { IronSourceAdInfo adInfo = new IronSourceAdInfo(args); _onAdClickedEvent(adInfo); } } private static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> _onAdScreenPresentedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdScreenPresentedEvent { add { if (_onAdScreenPresentedEvent == null || !_onAdScreenPresentedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdScreenPresentedEvent += value; } } remove { if (_onAdScreenPresentedEvent != null && _onAdScreenPresentedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdScreenPresentedEvent -= value; } } } public void onAdScreenPresented(string args) { if (_onAdScreenPresentedEvent != null) { IronSourceAdInfo adInfo = new IronSourceAdInfo(args); _onAdScreenPresentedEvent(adInfo); } } private static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> _onAdScreenDismissedEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdScreenDismissedEvent { add { if (_onAdScreenDismissedEvent == null || !_onAdScreenDismissedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdScreenDismissedEvent += value; } } remove { if (_onAdScreenDismissedEvent != null && _onAdScreenDismissedEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdScreenDismissedEvent -= value; } } } public void onAdScreenDismissed(string args) { if (_onAdScreenDismissedEvent != null) { IronSourceAdInfo adInfo = new IronSourceAdInfo(args); _onAdScreenDismissedEvent(adInfo); } } private static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> _onAdLeftApplicationEvent; public static event Action<IronSourceAdInfo> onAdLeftApplicationEvent { add { if (_onAdLeftApplicationEvent == null || !_onAdLeftApplicationEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdLeftApplicationEvent += value; } } remove { if (_onAdLeftApplicationEvent != null && _onAdLeftApplicationEvent.GetInvocationList().Contains(value)) { _onAdLeftApplicationEvent -= value; } } } public void onAdLeftApplication(string args) { if (_onAdLeftApplicationEvent != null) { IronSourceAdInfo adInfo = new IronSourceAdInfo(args); _onAdLeftApplicationEvent(adInfo); } } #endif // ******************************* Helper methods ******************************* private IronSourceError getErrorFromErrorObject(object descriptionObject) { Dictionary<string, object> error = null; if (descriptionObject is IDictionary) { error = descriptionObject as Dictionary<string, object>; } else if (descriptionObject is String && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptionObject.ToString())) { error = IronSourceJSON.Json.Deserialize(descriptionObject.ToString()) as Dictionary<string, object>; } IronSourceError sse = new IronSourceError(-1, ""); if (error != null && error.Count > 0) { int eCode = Convert.ToInt32(error[IronSourceConstants.ERROR_CODE].ToString()); string eDescription = error[IronSourceConstants.ERROR_DESCRIPTION].ToString(); sse = new IronSourceError(eCode, eDescription); } return sse; } private IronSourcePlacement getPlacementFromObject(object placementObject) { Dictionary<string, object> placementJSON = null; if (placementObject is IDictionary) { placementJSON = placementObject as Dictionary<string, object>; } else if (placementObject is String) { placementJSON = IronSourceJSON.Json.Deserialize(placementObject.ToString()) as Dictionary<string, object>; } IronSourcePlacement ssp = null; if (placementJSON != null && placementJSON.Count > 0) { int rewardAmount = Convert.ToInt32(placementJSON["placement_reward_amount"].ToString()); string rewardName = placementJSON["placement_reward_name"].ToString(); string placementName = placementJSON["placement_name"].ToString(); ssp = new IronSourcePlacement(placementName, rewardName, rewardAmount); } return ssp; } }