using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; public class instantiateprefab : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject panel; public Button TAdsbutton; public Slider SliderPrefabSpawner; public Transform ParentOfLayout; public List levelGroups; public int numberOfInstances = 9; public int minIndex = 0; public int maxIndex = 8; public int points; public string pointtext; public AchievementManager manger; public ScoreButton score; public GameManager gameManager; private List sliders = new List(); public GamePlayManager gameplay; public Slider sliderprefabalue, hintcheckvalue; private LevelGroupButton levelGroupButton; public void Awake() { levelGroupButton=GetComponent(); } void Start() { InstantiatePrefabsInLayoutGroup(); } /* private void InstantiateSlider(int index, Vector3 position) { GameObject sliderObject = Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity, ParentOfLayout); sliderObject.GetComponent().myIndex = index + 1; foreach (Transform child in sliderObject.transform) { if ( == Mode) { Text levelname = child.GetComponent(); levelname.text = manger.AchievementList[index].DisplayName.ToString(); } if ( == pointtext) { Text progress = child.GetComponent(); progress.text = manger.AchievementList[index].ProgressGoal + " / " + manger.AchievementList[index].ProgressSuffix.ToString(); } } Slider slider = sliderObject.GetComponent(); if (slider != null) { slider.minValue = 0; slider.maxValue = levelGroups[index].TotalLevel; slider.value = levelGroups[index].CompletedLevel; sliders.Add(slider); // Store the slider in the list } }*/ public void Watch10AdsButton() { if (sliders.Count > 6) { Slider TenAds = sliders[6]; TenAds.value += 1; TenAds.maxValue = 10; TenAds.minValue = 0; } } public void Watch20Adsutton() { if (sliders.Count > 7) { Slider TwentyAds = sliders[7]; TwentyAds.value += 1; TwentyAds.maxValue = 20; TwentyAds.minValue = 0; if(TwentyAds.value==20) { TwentyAds.maxValue = 20; } } } public void Update() { HintandPipeRotationAchivementValue(); } public void HintandPipeRotationAchivementValue() { if (sliders.Count > 5) { Slider Hint = sliders[5]; Hint.value = hintcheckvalue.value; Hint.maxValue = 1000; } if (sliders.Count > 8) { Slider PipeRotationvalue = sliders[8]; PipeRotationvalue.value = sliderprefabalue.value; PipeRotationvalue.maxValue = 1000; } } public void poppanel() { panel.SetActive(true); } public void MaxValueset() { if (sliders.Count > 7) { Slider twentyAds = sliders[7]; twentyAds.maxValue = 20; if(twentyAds.value==20) { TAdsbutton.interactable = false; } } } public void AchivementsetFalse() { panel.SetActive(false); } /* public void ChangeTotalvalue() { for (int i = 0; i < sliders.Count; i++) { if (levelGroups[i].CompletedLevel == levelGroups[i].TotalLevel) { sliders[i].maxValue = levelGroups[i].TotalLevel; // Increment the TotalLevel by 5 immediately levelGroups[i].TotalLevel += 5; score.completetargets += 1; score.points += 50 * score.myIndex; // score. targetText.text = "" + completetargets.ToString(); if (levelGroupButton != null) { levelGroupButton.UpdateUI(); } } } }*/ private void InstantiatePrefabsInLayoutGroup() { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInstances; i++) { Slider instance = Instantiate(SliderPrefabSpawner); instance.transform.SetParent(ParentOfLayout, false); instance.transform.localScale =; instance.transform.localPosition =; ScoreButton scoreButton = instance.GetComponent(); if (scoreButton != null) { scoreButton.myIndex = i + 1; scoreButton.levelname.text = manger.AchievementList[i].DisplayName; } sliders.Add(instance); if (i < 5) { instance.minValue = 0; instance.maxValue = levelGroups[i].TotalLevel; instance.value = levelGroups[i].CompletedLevel; } } } }