using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PlayFab.MatchmakerModels;
using PlayFab.Internal;
using PlayFab.SharedModels;

namespace PlayFab
    /// <summary>
    /// Enables the use of an external match-making service in conjunction with PlayFab hosted Game Server instances
    /// </summary>
    public class PlayFabMatchmakerInstanceAPI : IPlayFabInstanceApi
        public readonly PlayFabApiSettings apiSettings = null;
        public readonly PlayFabAuthenticationContext authenticationContext = null;

        public PlayFabMatchmakerInstanceAPI(PlayFabAuthenticationContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.AuthContextRequired, "Context cannot be null, create a PlayFabAuthenticationContext for each player in advance, or call <PlayFabClientInstanceAPI>.GetAuthenticationContext()");
            authenticationContext = context;

        public PlayFabMatchmakerInstanceAPI(PlayFabApiSettings settings, PlayFabAuthenticationContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.AuthContextRequired, "Context cannot be null, create a PlayFabAuthenticationContext for each player in advance, or call <PlayFabClientInstanceAPI>.GetAuthenticationContext()");
            apiSettings = settings;
            authenticationContext = context;

        /// <summary>
        /// Clear the Client SessionToken which allows this Client to call API calls requiring login.
        /// A new/fresh login will be required after calling this.
        /// </summary>
        public void ForgetAllCredentials()
            if (authenticationContext != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates a user with the PlayFab service
        /// </summary>
        [Obsolete("No longer available", true)]
        public void AuthUser(AuthUserRequest request, Action<AuthUserResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
            var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
            var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
            PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Matchmaker/AuthUser", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);

        /// <summary>
        /// Informs the PlayFab game server hosting service that the indicated user has joined the Game Server Instance specified
        /// </summary>
        [Obsolete("No longer available", true)]
        public void PlayerJoined(PlayerJoinedRequest request, Action<PlayerJoinedResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
            var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
            var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
            PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Matchmaker/PlayerJoined", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);

        /// <summary>
        /// Informs the PlayFab game server hosting service that the indicated user has left the Game Server Instance specified
        /// </summary>
        [Obsolete("No longer available", true)]
        public void PlayerLeft(PlayerLeftRequest request, Action<PlayerLeftResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
            var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
            var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
            PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Matchmaker/PlayerLeft", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the relevant details for a specified user, which the external match-making service can then use to compute
        /// effective matches
        /// </summary>
        [Obsolete("No longer available", true)]
        public void UserInfo(UserInfoRequest request, Action<UserInfoResponse> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null, Dictionary<string, string> extraHeaders = null)
            var context = (request == null ? null : request.AuthenticationContext) ?? authenticationContext;
            var callSettings = apiSettings ?? PlayFabSettings.staticSettings;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callSettings.DeveloperSecretKey)) { throw new PlayFabException(PlayFabExceptionCode.DeveloperKeyNotSet, "Must set DeveloperSecretKey in settings to call this method"); }
            PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Matchmaker/UserInfo", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData, extraHeaders, context, callSettings, this);

