using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace AllIn1SpriteShader { public class AllIn1ScrollProperty : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private string numericPropertyName = "_RotateUvAmount"; [SerializeField] private float scrollSpeed = 0f; [Space, SerializeField] private bool applyModulo = false; [SerializeField] private float modulo = 1f; [Space, SerializeField, Header("If missing will search object Sprite Renderer or UI Image")] private Material mat; private int propertyShaderID; private float currValue; public void Start() { //Get material if missing if (mat == null) { SpriteRenderer sr = GetComponent(); if (sr != null) mat = sr.material; else { Image i = GetComponent(); if (i != null) mat = i.material; } } //Show error message if material or numericPropertyName property error //Otherwise cache shader property ID if (mat == null) DestroyComponentAndLogError( + " has no valid Material, deleting All1TextureOffsetOverTIme component"); else { if (mat.HasProperty(numericPropertyName)) propertyShaderID = Shader.PropertyToID(numericPropertyName); else DestroyComponentAndLogError( + "'s Material doesn't have a " + numericPropertyName + " property"); currValue = mat.GetFloat(propertyShaderID); } } private void Update() { //Update currOffset and update shader property currValue += scrollSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (applyModulo) currValue %= modulo; mat.SetFloat(propertyShaderID, currValue); } private void DestroyComponentAndLogError(string logError) { Debug.LogError(logError); Destroy(this); } } }