using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class IronSourceEventsDispatcher : MonoBehaviour { private static IronSourceEventsDispatcher instance = null; // Queue For Events private static readonly Queue<Action> ironSourceExecuteOnMainThreadQueue = new Queue<Action>(); public static void executeAction(Action action) { lock (ironSourceExecuteOnMainThreadQueue) { ironSourceExecuteOnMainThreadQueue.Enqueue(action); } } void Update() { // dispatch events on the main thread when the queue is bigger than 0 while (ironSourceExecuteOnMainThreadQueue.Count > 0) { Action IronSourceDequeuedAction = null; lock (ironSourceExecuteOnMainThreadQueue) { try { IronSourceDequeuedAction = ironSourceExecuteOnMainThreadQueue.Dequeue(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } if (IronSourceDequeuedAction != null) { IronSourceDequeuedAction.Invoke(); } } } public void removeFromParent() { if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android) { Destroy(this); } } public static void initialize() { if (isCreated()) { return; } // Add an invisible game object to the scene GameObject obj = new GameObject("IronSourceEventsDispatcher"); obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; DontDestroyOnLoad(obj); instance = obj.AddComponent<IronSourceEventsDispatcher>(); } public static bool isCreated() { return instance != null; } public void Awake() { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } public void OnDisable() { instance = null; } }