---------------------------------------- SUPER CONFETTI FX ---------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Customizing confetti shapes 3. Customizing confetti colors 4. Customizing emission & glowyness 5. Scaling effects 6. Contact ---------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------- To use the effects, simply find a way to instantiate them, or drag & drop them into the scene. The effects will automatically start playing when the scene is running. ---------------------------------------- 2. CUSTOMIZING CONFETTI SHAPES ---------------------------------------- The effects uses a 4x4 spritesheet with 16 different confetti shapes. Which shape is picked is set in the Texture Sheet Animation settings of the parent particle system. Here you can select which 'Row' of the texture sheet you want to use, and which of the frames you want to use in 'Frame over Time' For a lot of the effects, these shapes will be picked at random between two constants, but you can also change this to use a single Constant frame. ---------------------------------------- 3. CUSTOMIZING CONFETTI COLORS ---------------------------------------- Which colors the confetti, sparkles, shockwave and sparks are using, are all set in the Start Color at the top of the particle system. Several effects also use Color over Lifetime to fade them out near the end of their lifetime. ---------------------------------------- 4. CUSTOMIZING EMISSION & GLOWYNESS ---------------------------------------- In order to view the effects of emission, make sure that you find a post processing solution that supports Bloom. For some versions of Unity, you can find a Post-Processing Stack on the Unity Asset Store, or in later versions, a Post-Processing solution should be available in the Package Manager. If you wish to change the glow for the Magic Confetti effects, locate the 'confetti4x4_magic' material in the Materials folder. You can see here that the Albedo is reduced from 1.0 to 0.7, this will slightly reduce the visibility of the color taken from the Particle System settings. Emission in the same material is also set to 0.7, which will add a slight white glow, making it seem like the color is a bit washed out. If you want to have a much colorful glow, you could set Albedo to 1.4 and either reduce or turn off Emission completely. ---------------------------------------- 5. SCALING EFFECTS ---------------------------------------- To scale an effect in the scene, simply use the default Scaling tool (Hotkey 'R'). You can also select the effect and type in the Scale in Transform manually. ---------------------------------------- 6. CONTACT ---------------------------------------- Twitter: @archanor Support: archanor.work@gmail.com For support or criticism, please contact me over e-mail. Follow me and my work on Twitter for updates and new VFX assets. Ratings & reviews are much appreciated! ---------------------------------------- Made by Kenneth "Archanor" Foldal Moe