You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

206 lines
4.9 KiB

4 weeks ago
using System.Collections.Generic;
public interface IronSourceIAgent
//******************* Base API *******************//
/// <summary>
/// Allows publishers to set configurations for a waterfall of a given ad type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="waterfallConfiguration">The configuration for the given ad types waterfall. </param>
/// <param name="adFormat">The AdFormat for which to configure the waterfall.</param>
void SetWaterfallConfiguration(WaterfallConfiguration waterfallConfiguration, AdFormat adFormat);
void onApplicationPause(bool pause);
string getAdvertiserId();
void validateIntegration();
void shouldTrackNetworkState(bool track);
bool setDynamicUserId(string dynamicUserId);
void setAdaptersDebug(bool enabled);
void setMetaData(string key, string value);
void setMetaData(string key, params string[] values);
int? getConversionValue();
void setManualLoadRewardedVideo(bool isOn);
void setNetworkData(string networkKey, string networkData);
void SetPauseGame(bool pause);
//******************* SDK Init *******************//
void setUserId(string userId);
void init(string appKey);
void init(string appKey, params string[] adUnits);
void initISDemandOnly(string appKey, params string[] adUnits);
//******************* RewardedVideo API *******************//
void loadRewardedVideo();
void showRewardedVideo();
void showRewardedVideo(string placementName);
bool isRewardedVideoAvailable();
bool isRewardedVideoPlacementCapped(string placementName);
IronSourcePlacement getPlacementInfo(string name);
void setRewardedVideoServerParams(Dictionary<string, string> parameters);
void clearRewardedVideoServerParams();
//******************* RewardedVideo DemandOnly API *******************//
void showISDemandOnlyRewardedVideo(string instanceId);
void loadISDemandOnlyRewardedVideo(string instanceId);
bool isISDemandOnlyRewardedVideoAvailable(string instanceId);
//******************* Interstitial API *******************//
void loadInterstitial();
void showInterstitial();
void showInterstitial(string placementName);
bool isInterstitialReady();
bool isInterstitialPlacementCapped(string placementName);
//******************* Interstitial DemandOnly API *******************//
void loadISDemandOnlyInterstitial(string instanceId);
void showISDemandOnlyInterstitial(string instanceId);
bool isISDemandOnlyInterstitialReady(string instanceId);
//******************* Offerwall API *******************//
void showOfferwall();
void showOfferwall(string placementName);
bool isOfferwallAvailable();
void getOfferwallCredits();
//******************* Banner API *******************//
void loadBanner(IronSourceBannerSize size, IronSourceBannerPosition position);
void loadBanner(IronSourceBannerSize size, IronSourceBannerPosition position, string placementName);
void destroyBanner();
void displayBanner();
void hideBanner();
bool isBannerPlacementCapped(string placementName);
void setSegment(IronSourceSegment segment);
void setConsent(bool consent);
//******************* ConsentView API *******************//
void loadConsentViewWithType(string consentViewType);
void showConsentViewWithType(string consentViewType);
//******************* ILRD API *******************//
void setAdRevenueData(string dataSource, Dictionary<string, string> impressionData);
//******************* TestSuite API *******************//
void launchTestSuite();
public static class dataSource
public static string MOPUB { get { return "MoPub"; } }
public static class IronSourceAdUnits
public static string REWARDED_VIDEO { get { return "rewardedvideo"; } }
public static string INTERSTITIAL { get { return "interstitial"; } }
public static string OFFERWALL { get { return "offerwall"; } }
public static string BANNER { get { return "banner"; } }
public class IronSourceBannerSize
private int width;
private int height;
private string description;
private bool isAdaptive;
public static IronSourceBannerSize BANNER = new IronSourceBannerSize("BANNER");
public static IronSourceBannerSize LARGE = new IronSourceBannerSize("LARGE");
public static IronSourceBannerSize RECTANGLE = new IronSourceBannerSize("RECTANGLE");
public static IronSourceBannerSize SMART = new IronSourceBannerSize("SMART");
private IronSourceBannerSize()
public IronSourceBannerSize(int width, int height)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.description = "CUSTOM";
public IronSourceBannerSize(string description)
this.description = description;
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
public void SetAdaptive(bool adaptive)
this.isAdaptive = adaptive;
public bool IsAdaptiveEnabled()
return this.isAdaptive;
public string Description { get { return description; } }
public int Width { get { return width; } }
public int Height { get { return height; } }
public enum IronSourceBannerPosition
TOP = 1,