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Squashed commit of the following: commit 761fe0f0e39341baeea362d1a24b85307c6533bf Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 17 17:30:04 2024 +0500 Fixed some spash issues commit a29c5d792ee1e70828ca21d11b1d0e8b57194d3b Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 17 16:57:44 2024 +0500 Fixed Splash issue commit 4000ab25110d0593dfe5ad5eea81a4109a744464 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 17 16:00:08 2024 +0500 fixed spalsh issue commit df377a68259ee183783ce1d898258a26e9f7e6de Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 17 00:59:51 2024 +0500 Reapply "Fixed Splash Animation" This reverts commit b13733598e066c087cc1835f0e566d9fc6e4ebb3. commit b13733598e066c087cc1835f0e566d9fc6e4ebb3 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 17 00:39:51 2024 +0500 Revert "Fixed Splash Animation" This reverts commit 7ca6548075765db1bc2f62015ffec7fecb6235de. commit 7ca6548075765db1bc2f62015ffec7fecb6235de Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Wed Oct 16 17:19:40 2024 +0500 Fixed Splash Animation commit ec93b630739611fe012cd30c081421d4f63f3395 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Wed Oct 16 16:52:15 2024 +0500 Added New Pipes commit 47925d7b4d767d72f41a8e24b2728645a6444771 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Tue Oct 15 18:08:10 2024 +0500 Some indentation commit 0c342ac10c38154817b2e11f05821b0f1a1ea674 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Tue Oct 15 18:07:14 2024 +0500 Increased Level Cell Size commit f3a7e3ed5a1ae97a6aae36cd9e1c87f206a1488c Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Tue Oct 15 18:02:58 2024 +0500 Revert "Increased Cell size" This reverts commit 6e4c1672ba8e63276cfe45afed9af56abb7668de. commit 6e4c1672ba8e63276cfe45afed9af56abb7668de Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Tue Oct 15 17:48:28 2024 +0500 Increased Cell size commit dce666657f57307688c7633084330aec07052f78 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Tue Oct 15 17:36:13 2024 +0500 Added Ranked Up Screen commit d4883314781598c9a3444930ac0a956b1b088890 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Tue Oct 15 14:13:54 2024 +0500 Added new Level Complete Screen commit 1ef6d7cf34773c89b12723f99e26b6aa6043745a Author: TG9six <> Date: Mon Oct 14 12:04:04 2024 +0400 UI improved Level selection change anchoring improved commit ea8f9899e856e021978159125a8e782bd0cf3a53 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Fri Oct 11 21:05:40 2024 +0500 All UI Done commit d656fb09a601bc57f1e6d004b83256ce26e59d97 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Fri Oct 11 19:15:22 2024 +0500 Added Level Screen commit f131e38a6b7ea830ae6816df16d148bbf3847dcd Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Fri Oct 11 17:13:26 2024 +0500 Gameplay UI Done commit a695895c90522a7208abfa9edc07040021362799 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Fri Oct 11 16:36:09 2024 +0500 Added all gameplay UI commit ab259bf005c7dc1bf01cc334da9b5dd701818496 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Fri Oct 11 11:21:47 2024 +0500 Added Level Type Selection Screen commit 8cebd78cfeec4fea53a38687d8c244c8ff08f15b Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 10 21:33:27 2024 +0500 Added RateUs commit 901e44afafb7b0bca1209df744d9a0be1012cd0b Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 10 20:56:50 2024 +0500 Before addiung unity figma bridge commit bdc01bcb186e1714d5b7efa061418e979b926312 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Thu Oct 10 19:36:39 2024 +0500 Added Settings menu commit 85b53482054a0f4831dc62ca805dbc8a96e474e5 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Wed Oct 9 19:13:39 2024 +0500 Added Main Menu Screen commit a80c82c82f91563ea3a06a5d7cb4219dc9520b14 Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Wed Oct 9 17:26:31 2024 +0500 Added new main menu UI commit 833a599da1496f33d46bd2f32457ad2b16f6bd9d Author: Hazim Bin Ijaz <> Date: Wed Oct 9 13:22:52 2024 +0500 Added MainMenu Animation
6 days ago
/// 2DxFX - 2D SPRITE FX - by VETASOFT 2016 //
/// //
Shader "2DxFX/AL/Hologram3"
[PerRendererData] _MainTex("Sprite Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Size("Size", Range(0,1)) = 0
_Distortion("Distortion", Range(0,1)) = 0
_TimeX("TimeX", Range(0,1)) = 0
_Alpha("Alpha", Range(0,1)) = 1.0
_Color("_Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_ColorX("_ColorX", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
[HideInInspector]_SrcBlend("_SrcBlend", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector]_DstBlend("_DstBlend", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector]_BlendOp("_BlendOp",Float) = 0
[HideInInspector]_Z("_Z", Float) = 0
"IgnoreProjector" = "True"
"RenderType" = "TransparentCutout"
"PreviewType" = "Plane"
"CanUseSpriteAtlas" = "True"
Cull Off
Lighting Off
#pragma surface surf Lambert vertex:vert nofog keepalpha addshadow fullforwardshadows
#pragma target 3.0
sampler2D _MainTex;
float _Size;
float _Distortion;
float _Alpha;
float4 _Color;
float4 _ColorX;
float _TimeX;
struct Input
float2 uv_MainTex;
float4 color;
void vert(inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
v.vertex = UnityPixelSnap(v.vertex);
o.color = v.color * _Color;
inline float mod(float x,float modu) {
return x - floor(x * (1.0 / modu)) * modu;
inline float noise(float2 p)
float samplex = tex2D(_MainTex,float2(.2,0.2*cos(_TimeX))*_TimeX*8. + p*1.).x;
samplex *= samplex;
return samplex;
inline float onOff(float a, float b, float c)
return step(c, sin(_TimeX + a*cos(_TimeX*b)));
inline float ramp(float y, float start, float end)
float inside = step(start,y) - step(end,y);
float fact = (y - start) / (end - start)*inside;
return (1. - fact) * inside;
inline float stripes(float2 uv)
float noi = noise(uv*float2(0.5,1.) + float2(6.,3.))*_Distortion * 3;
return ramp(mod(uv.y*4. + _TimeX / 2. + sin(_TimeX + sin(_TimeX*0.63)),1.),.5,.6)*noi;
inline float4 getVideo(float2 uv)
float2 look = uv;
float window = 4. / (1. + 20.*(look.y - mod(_TimeX / 1.,1.))*(look.y - mod(_TimeX / 10.,1.)));
look.x = look.x + sin(look.y*30. + _TimeX) / (50.*_Distortion)*onOff(1.,4.,.3)*(1. + cos(_TimeX*80.))*window;
float vShift = .4*onOff(2.,3.,.9)*(sin(_TimeX)*sin(_TimeX*200.) +
(0.5 + 0.1*sin(_TimeX*20.)*cos(_TimeX)));
look.y = mod(look.y + vShift, 1.);
float4 video;
video.r = tex2D(_MainTex,look - float2(.05,0.)*onOff(2.,1.5,.9)).r;
float4 videox = tex2D(_MainTex,look);
video.g = videox.g;
video.b = tex2D(_MainTex,look + float2(.05,0.)*onOff(2.,1.5,.9)).b;
video.a = videox.a;
return video;
inline float2 screenDistort(float2 uv)
uv -= float2(.5,.5);
uv = uv*4.2*(1. / 4.2 + 2.*uv.x*uv.x*uv.y*uv.y);
uv += float2(.5,.5);
return uv;
void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
float2 uv = IN.uv_MainTex;
float alpha = tex2D(_MainTex,uv).a;
uv = screenDistort(uv);
float4 video = getVideo(uv)* IN.color;
float vigAmt = 3. + .3*sin(_TimeX + 5.*cos(_TimeX*5.));
float vignette = (1. - vigAmt*(uv.y - .5)*(uv.y - .5))*(1. - vigAmt*(uv.x - .5)*(uv.x - .5));
video += stripes(uv);
video += noise(uv*2.) / 2.;
video.r *= vignette;
video.rgb = video.r*_ColorX;
video *= (12. + mod(uv.y*30. + _TimeX,1.)) / 13.;
video.a = video.a + (frac(sin(dot(uv.xy*_TimeX,float2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453))*.5;
video.a = (video.a*.4)*alpha*vignette * 4 * (1 - _Alpha)*IN.color.a;
o.Albedo = video.rgb * video.a;
o.Alpha = video.a;
clip(o.Alpha - 0.05);
Fallback "Transparent/VertexLit"