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4 weeks ago
CG Unity3d Unity3d VIP
daily assets update for try.
U should buy the asset from home store if u use it in your project!
using UnityEngine;
public class LTGUI
public enum Element_Type
public static int RECT_LEVELS = 5;
public static int RECTS_PER_LEVEL = 10;
public static int BUTTONS_MAX = 24;
private static LTRect[] levels;
private static int[] levelDepths;
private static Rect[] buttons;
private static int[] buttonLevels;
private static int[] buttonLastFrame;
private static LTRect r;
private static Color color = Color.white;
private static bool isGUIEnabled = false;
private static int global_counter = 0;
public static void init()
if (levels == null)
levelDepths = new int[RECT_LEVELS];
public static void initRectCheck()
if (buttons == null)
buttons = new Rect[BUTTONS_MAX];
buttonLevels = new int[BUTTONS_MAX];
buttonLastFrame = new int[BUTTONS_MAX];
for (int i = 0; i < buttonLevels.Length; i++)
buttonLevels[i] = -1;
public static void reset()
if (isGUIEnabled)
isGUIEnabled = false;
for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i++)
levels[i] = null;
for (int j = 0; j < levelDepths.Length; j++)
levelDepths[j] = 0;
public static void update(int updateLevel)
if (!isGUIEnabled)
if (levelDepths[updateLevel] <= 0)
color = GUI.color;
int num = updateLevel * RECTS_PER_LEVEL;
int num2 = num + levelDepths[updateLevel];
for (int i = num; i < num2; i++)
r = levels[i];
if (r == null)
if (r.useColor)
GUI.color = r.color;
if (r.type == Element_Type.Label)
if ( != null)
{ =;
if (r.useSimpleScale)
GUI.Label(new Rect((r.rect.x + r.margin.x + r.relativeRect.x) * r.relativeRect.width, (r.rect.y + r.margin.y + r.relativeRect.y) * r.relativeRect.height, r.rect.width * r.relativeRect.width, r.rect.height * r.relativeRect.height), r.labelStr);
GUI.Label(new Rect(r.rect.x + r.margin.x, r.rect.y + r.margin.y, r.rect.width, r.rect.height), r.labelStr);
else if (r.type == Element_Type.Texture && r.texture != null)
Vector2 vector = (!r.useSimpleScale) ? new Vector2(r.rect.width, r.rect.height) : new Vector2(0f, r.rect.height * r.relativeRect.height);
if (r.sizeByHeight)
vector.x = (float)r.texture.width / (float)r.texture.height * vector.y;
if (r.useSimpleScale)
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((r.rect.x + r.margin.x + r.relativeRect.x) * r.relativeRect.width, (r.rect.y + r.margin.y + r.relativeRect.y) * r.relativeRect.height, vector.x, vector.y), r.texture);
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(r.rect.x + r.margin.x, r.rect.y + r.margin.y, vector.x, vector.y), r.texture);
GUI.color = color;
public static bool checkOnScreen(Rect rect)
bool flag = rect.x + rect.width < 0f;
bool flag2 = rect.x > (float)Screen.width;
bool flag3 = rect.y > (float)Screen.height;
bool flag4 = rect.y + rect.height < 0f;
return !flag && !flag2 && !flag3 && !flag4;
public static void destroy(int id)
int num = id & 0xFFFF;
int num2 = id >> 16;
if (id >= 0 && levels[num] != null && levels[num].hasInitiliazed && levels[num].counter == num2)
levels[num] = null;
public static void destroyAll(int depth)
int num = depth * RECTS_PER_LEVEL + RECTS_PER_LEVEL;
int num2 = depth * RECTS_PER_LEVEL;
while (levels != null && num2 < num)
levels[num2] = null;
public static LTRect label(Rect rect, string label, int depth)
return LTGUI.label(new LTRect(rect), label, depth);
public static LTRect label(LTRect rect, string label, int depth)
rect.type = Element_Type.Label;
rect.labelStr = label;
return element(rect, depth);
public static LTRect texture(Rect rect, Texture texture, int depth)
return LTGUI.texture(new LTRect(rect), texture, depth);
public static LTRect texture(LTRect rect, Texture texture, int depth)
rect.type = Element_Type.Texture;
rect.texture = texture;
return element(rect, depth);
public static LTRect element(LTRect rect, int depth)
isGUIEnabled = true;
int num = depth * RECTS_PER_LEVEL + RECTS_PER_LEVEL;
int num2 = 0;
if (rect != null)
if (rect.type == Element_Type.Label && != null)
Color textColor =;
if (textColor.a <= 0f)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Your GUI normal color has an alpha of zero, and will not be rendered.");
if (rect.relativeRect.width == float.PositiveInfinity)
rect.relativeRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height);
for (int i = depth * RECTS_PER_LEVEL; i < num; i++)
r = levels[i];
if (r == null)
r = rect;
r.rotateEnabled = true;
r.alphaEnabled = true;
r.setId(i, global_counter);
levels[i] = r;
if (num2 >= levelDepths[depth])
levelDepths[depth] = num2 + 1;
return r;
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("You ran out of GUI Element spaces");
return null;
public static bool hasNoOverlap(Rect rect, int depth)
bool result = true;
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < buttonLevels.Length; i++)
if (buttonLevels[i] >= 0)
if (buttonLastFrame[i] + 1 < Time.frameCount)
buttonLevels[i] = -1;
else if (buttonLevels[i] > depth && pressedWithinRect(buttons[i]))
result = false;
if (!flag && buttonLevels[i] < 0)
flag = true;
buttonLevels[i] = depth;
buttons[i] = rect;
buttonLastFrame[i] = Time.frameCount;
return result;
public static bool pressedWithinRect(Rect rect)
Vector2 vector = firstTouch();
if (vector.x < 0f)
return false;
float num = (float)Screen.height - vector.y;
return vector.x > rect.x && vector.x < rect.x + rect.width && num > rect.y && num < rect.y + rect.height;
public static bool checkWithinRect(Vector2 vec2, Rect rect)
vec2.y = (float)Screen.height - vec2.y;
return vec2.x > rect.x && vec2.x < rect.x + rect.width && vec2.y > rect.y && vec2.y < rect.y + rect.height;
public static Vector2 firstTouch()
if (UnityEngine.Input.touchCount > 0)
return Input.touches[0].position;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
return UnityEngine.Input.mousePosition;
return new Vector2(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity);