CG搜搜 Unity3d 每日Unity3d插件免费更新 更有VIP资源!
CGSOSO 主打游戏开发,影视设计等CG资源素材。
daily assets update for try.
U should buy the asset from home store if u use it in your project!
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
public class LeanAudio
public static float MIN_FREQEUNCY_PERIOD = 0.000115f;
public static int PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX = 50000;
public static float[] generatedWaveDistances;
public static int generatedWaveDistancesCount;
private static float[] longList;
private static AudioClip.PCMSetPositionCallback _003C_003Ef__mg_0024cache0;
public static LeanAudioOptions options()
if (generatedWaveDistances == null)
generatedWaveDistances = new float[PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX];
longList = new float[PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX];
return new LeanAudioOptions();
public static LeanAudioStream createAudioStream(AnimationCurve volume, AnimationCurve frequency, LeanAudioOptions options = null)
if (options == null)
options = new LeanAudioOptions();
options.useSetData = false;
int waveLength = createAudioWave(volume, frequency, options);
createAudioFromWave(waveLength, options);
return options.stream;
public static AudioClip createAudio(AnimationCurve volume, AnimationCurve frequency, LeanAudioOptions options = null)
if (options == null)
options = new LeanAudioOptions();
int waveLength = createAudioWave(volume, frequency, options);
return createAudioFromWave(waveLength, options);
private static int createAudioWave(AnimationCurve volume, AnimationCurve frequency, LeanAudioOptions options)
float time = volume[volume.length - 1].time;
int num = 0;
float num2 = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX; i++)
float num3 = frequency.Evaluate(num2);
float num4 = volume.Evaluate(num2 + 0.5f * num3);
if (options.vibrato != null)
for (int j = 0; j < options.vibrato.Length; j++)
float num5 = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(1.5708f + num2 * (1f / options.vibrato[j][0]) * (float)Math.PI));
float num6 = 1f - options.vibrato[j][1];
num5 = options.vibrato[j][1] + num6 * num5;
num4 *= num5;
if (num2 + 0.5f * num3 >= time)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("LeanAudio has reached it's processing cap. To avoid this error increase the number of iterations ex: LeanAudio.PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX = " + PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX * 2);
int num7 = num / 2;
num2 += num3;
generatedWaveDistances[num7] = num2;
longList[num] = num2;
longList[num + 1] = ((i % 2 != 0) ? num4 : (0f - num4));
num += 2;
num += -2;
generatedWaveDistancesCount = num / 2;
return num;
private static AudioClip createAudioFromWave(int waveLength, LeanAudioOptions options)
float num = longList[waveLength - 2];
float[] array = new float[(int)((float)options.frequencyRate * num)];
int num2 = 0;
float num3 = longList[num2];
float num4 = 0f;
float num5 = longList[num2];
float num6 = longList[num2 + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
float num7 = (float)i / (float)options.frequencyRate;
if (num7 > longList[num2])
num4 = longList[num2];
num2 += 2;
num3 = longList[num2] - longList[num2 - 2];
num6 = longList[num2 + 1];
num5 = num7 - num4;
float num8 = num5 / num3;
float num9 = Mathf.Sin(num8 * (float)Math.PI);
if (options.waveStyle == LeanAudioOptions.LeanAudioWaveStyle.Square)
if (num9 > 0f)
num9 = 1f;
if (num9 < 0f)
num9 = -1f;
else if (options.waveStyle == LeanAudioOptions.LeanAudioWaveStyle.Sawtooth)
float num10 = (!(num9 > 0f)) ? (-1f) : 1f;
num9 = ((!(num8 < 0.5f)) ? ((1f - num8) * 2f * num10) : (num8 * 2f * num10));
else if (options.waveStyle == LeanAudioOptions.LeanAudioWaveStyle.Noise)
float num11 = 1f - options.waveNoiseInfluence + Mathf.PerlinNoise(0f, num7 * options.waveNoiseScale) * options.waveNoiseInfluence;
num9 *= num11;
num9 *= num6;
if (options.modulation != null)
for (int j = 0; j < options.modulation.Length; j++)
float num12 = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(1.5708f + num7 * (1f / options.modulation[j][0]) * (float)Math.PI));
float num13 = 1f - options.modulation[j][1];
num12 = options.modulation[j][1] + num13 * num12;
num9 *= num12;
array[i] = num9;
int lengthSamples = array.Length;
AudioClip audioClip = null;
if (options.useSetData)
audioClip = AudioClip.Create("Generated Audio", lengthSamples, 1, options.frequencyRate, stream: false, null, OnAudioSetPosition);
audioClip.SetData(array, 0);
options.stream = new LeanAudioStream(array);
audioClip = AudioClip.Create("Generated Audio", lengthSamples, 1, options.frequencyRate, stream: false, options.stream.OnAudioRead, options.stream.OnAudioSetPosition);
options.stream.audioClip = audioClip;
return audioClip;
private static void OnAudioSetPosition(int newPosition)
public static AudioClip generateAudioFromCurve(AnimationCurve curve, int frequencyRate = 44100)
float time = curve[curve.length - 1].time;
float num = time;
float[] array = new float[(int)((float)frequencyRate * num)];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
float time2 = (float)i / (float)frequencyRate;
array[i] = curve.Evaluate(time2);
int lengthSamples = array.Length;
AudioClip audioClip = AudioClip.Create("Generated Audio", lengthSamples, 1, frequencyRate, stream: false);
audioClip.SetData(array, 0);
return audioClip;
public static AudioSource play(AudioClip audio, float volume)
AudioSource audioSource = playClipAt(audio, Vector3.zero);
audioSource.volume = volume;
return audioSource;
public static AudioSource play(AudioClip audio)
return playClipAt(audio, Vector3.zero);
public static AudioSource play(AudioClip audio, Vector3 pos)
return playClipAt(audio, pos);
public static AudioSource play(AudioClip audio, Vector3 pos, float volume)
AudioSource audioSource = playClipAt(audio, pos);
audioSource.minDistance = 1f;
audioSource.volume = volume;
return audioSource;
public static AudioSource playClipAt(AudioClip clip, Vector3 pos)
GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
gameObject.transform.position = pos;
AudioSource audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
audioSource.clip = clip;
UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(gameObject, clip.length);
return audioSource;
public static void printOutAudioClip(AudioClip audioClip, ref AnimationCurve curve, float scaleX = 1f)
float[] array = new float[audioClip.samples * audioClip.channels];
audioClip.GetData(array, 0);
int i = 0;
Keyframe[] array2 = new Keyframe[array.Length];
for (; i < array.Length; i++)
array2[i] = new Keyframe((float)i * scaleX, array[i]);
curve = new AnimationCurve(array2);