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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SnapBackAni : MonoBehaviour
public class PieceInfo
public GameObject piece; // The piece to be animated
public Vector3 originalPosition; // The original position to snap back to
public List<PieceInfo> pieces = new List<PieceInfo>(); // List of pieces and their original positions
public float snapDuration = 0.5f; // Duration of each snap animation
public float delayBetweenSnaps = 0.2f; // Delay between each piece snapping
public LeanTweenType ease;
private void Start()
LeanTween.alphaCanvas(GetComponent<CanvasGroup>(), 1f, 0.1f);
// Start the snapping animation
private IEnumerator SnapPiecesBack()
// Loop through each piece in the list
foreach (var pieceInfo in pieces)
CanvasGroup canvasGroup = pieceInfo.piece.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
if (canvasGroup != null)
LeanTween.alphaCanvas(canvasGroup, 1f, 0.1f);
// Snap the piece to its original position using LeanTween
LeanTween.move(pieceInfo.piece, pieceInfo.originalPosition, snapDuration)
.setEase(ease); // Add a smooth ease-out effect
// Wait for the specified delay before snapping the next piece
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayBetweenSnaps);
[ContextMenu("Setup Pieces From Children")]
private void SetupPiecesFromChildren()
pieces.Clear(); // Clear the list to avoid duplicates
foreach (Transform child in transform) // Loop through all child GameObjects
pieces.Add(new PieceInfo
piece = child.gameObject, // Set the piece to the child GameObject
originalPosition = child.position // Set the original position to the child's current position