177 lines
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177 lines
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using System;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions
/// <summary>
/// A defensive action where the character becomes resistant to damage.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The player can hold down the button for this ability to "charge it up" and make it more effective. Once it's been
/// charging for Description.ExecTimeSeconds, it reaches maximum charge. If the player is attacked by an enemy, that
/// also immediately stops the charge-up.
/// Once the charge-up stops (for any reason), the Action lasts for Description.EffectTimeSeconds before elapsing. During
/// this time, all incoming damage is reduced by a percentage from 50% to 100%, depending on how "charged up" it was.
/// When the Action is fully charged up, it provides a special additional benefit: if the boss tries to trample this
/// character, the boss becomes Stunned.
/// </remarks>
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "BossRoom/Actions/Charged Shield Action")]
public partial class ChargedShieldAction : Action
/// <summary>
/// Set once we've stopped charging up, for any reason:
/// - the player has let go of the button,
/// - we were attacked,
/// - or the maximum charge was reached.
/// </summary>
private float m_StoppedChargingUpTime = 0;
public override bool OnStart(ServerCharacter serverCharacter)
if (m_Data.TargetIds != null && m_Data.TargetIds.Length > 0)
NetworkObject initialTarget = NetworkManager.Singleton.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects[m_Data.TargetIds[0]];
if (initialTarget)
// face our target, if we had one
// because this action can be visually started and stopped as often and as quickly as the player wants, it's possible
// for several copies of this action to be playing at once. This can lead to situations where several
// dying versions of the action raise the end-trigger, but the animator only lowers it once, leaving the trigger
// in a raised state. So we'll make sure that our end-trigger isn't raised yet. (Generally a good idea anyway.)
// raise the start trigger to start the animation loop!
return true;
public override void Reset()
m_ChargeGraphics = null;
m_ShieldGraphics = null;
m_StoppedChargingUpTime = 0;
private bool IsChargingUp()
return m_StoppedChargingUpTime == 0;
public override bool OnUpdate(ServerCharacter clientCharacter)
if (m_StoppedChargingUpTime == 0)
// we haven't explicitly stopped charging up... but if we've reached max charge, that implicitly stops us
if (TimeRunning >= Config.ExecTimeSeconds)
// we stop once the charge-up has ended and our effect duration has elapsed
return m_StoppedChargingUpTime == 0 || Time.time < (m_StoppedChargingUpTime + Config.EffectDurationSeconds);
public override bool ShouldBecomeNonBlocking()
return m_StoppedChargingUpTime != 0;
private float GetPercentChargedUp()
return ActionUtils.GetPercentChargedUp(m_StoppedChargingUpTime, TimeRunning, TimeStarted, Config.ExecTimeSeconds);
public override void BuffValue(BuffableValue buffType, ref float buffedValue)
if (buffType == BuffableValue.PercentDamageReceived)
float percentChargedUp = GetPercentChargedUp();
// the amount of damage reduction starts at 50% (for not-charged-up), then slowly increases to 100% depending on how charged-up we got
float percentDamageReduction = 0.5f + ((percentChargedUp * percentChargedUp) / 2);
// Now that we know how much damage to reduce it by, we need to set buffedValue to the inverse (because
// it's looking for how much damage to DO, not how much to REDUCE BY). Also note how we don't just SET
// buffedValue... we multiply our buff in with the current value. This lets our Action "stack"
// with any other Actions that also alter this variable.)
buffedValue *= 1 - percentDamageReduction;
else if (buffType == BuffableValue.ChanceToStunTramplers)
// if we are at "full charge", we stun enemies that try to trample us!
if (GetPercentChargedUp() >= 1)
buffedValue = 1;
public override void OnGameplayActivity(ServerCharacter serverCharacter, GameplayActivity activityType)
// for this particular type of Action, being attacked immediately causes you to stop charging up
if (activityType == GameplayActivity.AttackedByEnemy || activityType == GameplayActivity.StoppedChargingUp)
public override void Cancel(ServerCharacter serverCharacter)
// if stepped into invincibility, decrement invincibility counter
if (Mathf.Approximately(GetPercentChargedUp(), 1f))
serverCharacter.serverAnimationHandler.NetworkAnimator.Animator.GetInteger(Config.OtherAnimatorVariable) - 1);
private void StopChargingUp(ServerCharacter parent)
if (IsChargingUp())
m_StoppedChargingUpTime = Time.time;
//tell the animator controller to enter "invincibility mode" (where we don't flinch from damage)
if (Mathf.Approximately(GetPercentChargedUp(), 1f))
// increment our "invincibility counter". We use an integer count instead of a boolean because the player
// can restart their shield before the first one has ended, thereby getting two stacks of invincibility.
// So each active copy of the charge-up increments the invincibility counter, and the animator controller
// knows anything greater than zero means we shouldn't show hit-reacts.
parent.serverAnimationHandler.NetworkAnimator.Animator.GetInteger(Config.OtherAnimatorVariable) + 1);
public override bool OnStartClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter)
Assert.IsTrue(Config.Spawns.Length == 2, $"Found {Config.Spawns.Length} spawns for action {name}. Should be exactly 2: a charge-up particle and a fully-charged particle");
m_ChargeGraphics = InstantiateSpecialFXGraphic(Config.Spawns[0], clientCharacter.transform, true);
return true;