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HighGroundRoyaleNetcode/Assets/Scripts/Gameplay/CNControls/Examples/Scenes/Touchpad Camera/RotationConstraint.cs

54 lines
1.8 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace Examples.Scenes.TouchpadCamera
public class RotationConstraint : MonoBehaviour
public float Min = -15f;
public float Max = 15f;
private Transform _transformCache;
private Quaternion _minQuaternion;
private Quaternion _maxQuaternion;
private Vector3 _rotateAround;
private float _range;
private void Awake()
_transformCache = transform;
_rotateAround = Vector3.right;
var axisRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(_transformCache.localRotation.eulerAngles[0], _rotateAround);
_minQuaternion = axisRotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(Min, _rotateAround);
_maxQuaternion = axisRotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(Max, _rotateAround);
_range = Max - Min;
private void LateUpdate()
var localRotation = _transformCache.localRotation;
var axisRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(localRotation.eulerAngles[0], _rotateAround);
var angleFromMin = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, _minQuaternion);
var angleFromMax = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, _maxQuaternion);
if (angleFromMin <= _range && angleFromMax <= _range)
return; // within range
// Let's keep the current rotations around other axes and only
// correct the axis that has fallen out of range.
var euler = localRotation.eulerAngles;
if (angleFromMin > angleFromMax)
euler[0] = _maxQuaternion.eulerAngles[0];
euler[0] = _minQuaternion.eulerAngles[0];
_transformCache.localEulerAngles = euler;