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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// A UI element to show information about a debug entry
namespace IngameDebugConsole
public class DebugLogItem : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
#region Platform Specific Elements
#if !UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
private static AndroidJavaClass m_ajc = null;
private static AndroidJavaClass AJC
if( m_ajc == null )
m_ajc = new AndroidJavaClass( "com.yasirkula.unity.DebugConsole" );
return m_ajc;
private static AndroidJavaObject m_context = null;
private static AndroidJavaObject Context
if( m_context == null )
using( AndroidJavaObject unityClass = new AndroidJavaClass( "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer" ) )
m_context = unityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>( "currentActivity" );
return m_context;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "__Internal" )]
private static extern void _DebugConsole_CopyText( string text );
#pragma warning disable 0649
// Cached components
private RectTransform transformComponent;
public RectTransform Transform { get { return transformComponent; } }
private Image imageComponent;
public Image Image { get { return imageComponent; } }
private CanvasGroup canvasGroupComponent;
public CanvasGroup CanvasGroup { get { return canvasGroupComponent; } }
private Text logText;
private Image logTypeImage;
// Objects related to the collapsed count of the debug entry
private GameObject logCountParent;
private Text logCountText;
private RectTransform copyLogButton;
#pragma warning restore 0649
// Debug entry to show with this log item
private DebugLogEntry logEntry;
// Index of the entry in the list of entries
private int entryIndex;
public int Index { get { return entryIndex; } }
private Vector2 logTextOriginalPosition;
private Vector2 logTextOriginalSize;
private float copyLogButtonHeight;
private DebugLogRecycledListView manager;
public void Initialize( DebugLogRecycledListView manager )
this.manager = manager;
logTextOriginalPosition = logText.rectTransform.anchoredPosition;
logTextOriginalSize = logText.rectTransform.sizeDelta;
copyLogButtonHeight = copyLogButton.anchoredPosition.y + copyLogButton.sizeDelta.y + 2f; // 2f: space between text and button
public void SetContent( DebugLogEntry logEntry, int entryIndex, bool isExpanded )
this.logEntry = logEntry;
this.entryIndex = entryIndex;
Vector2 size = transformComponent.sizeDelta;
if( isExpanded )
logText.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
size.y = manager.SelectedItemHeight;
if( !copyLogButton.gameObject.activeSelf )
copyLogButton.gameObject.SetActive( true );
logText.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2( logTextOriginalPosition.x, logTextOriginalPosition.y + copyLogButtonHeight * 0.5f );
logText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = logTextOriginalSize - new Vector2( 0f, copyLogButtonHeight );
logText.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
size.y = manager.ItemHeight;
if( copyLogButton.gameObject.activeSelf )
copyLogButton.gameObject.SetActive( false );
logText.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = logTextOriginalPosition;
logText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = logTextOriginalSize;
transformComponent.sizeDelta = size;
logText.text = isExpanded ? logEntry.ToString() : logEntry.logString;
logTypeImage.sprite = logEntry.logTypeSpriteRepresentation;
// Show the collapsed count of the debug entry
public void ShowCount()
logCountText.text = logEntry.count.ToString();
if( !logCountParent.activeSelf )
logCountParent.SetActive( true );
// Hide the collapsed count of the debug entry
public void HideCount()
if( logCountParent.activeSelf )
logCountParent.SetActive( false );
// This log item is clicked, show the debug entry's stack trace
public void OnPointerClick( PointerEventData eventData )
if( eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Right )
Match regex = Regex.Match( logEntry.stackTrace, @"\(at .*\.cs:[0-9]+\)$", RegexOptions.Multiline );
if( regex.Success )
string line = logEntry.stackTrace.Substring( regex.Index + 4, regex.Length - 5 );
int lineSeparator = line.IndexOf( ':' );
MonoScript script = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>( line.Substring( 0, lineSeparator ) );
if( script != null )
AssetDatabase.OpenAsset( script, int.Parse( line.Substring( lineSeparator + 1 ) ) );
manager.OnLogItemClicked( this );
manager.OnLogItemClicked( this );
public void CopyLog()
string log = logEntry.ToString();
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( log ) )
GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = log;
AJC.CallStatic( "CopyText", Context, log );
_DebugConsole_CopyText( log );
public float CalculateExpandedHeight( string content )
string text = logText.text;
HorizontalWrapMode wrapMode = logText.horizontalOverflow;
logText.text = content;
logText.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
float result = logText.preferredHeight + copyLogButtonHeight;
logText.text = text;
logText.horizontalOverflow = wrapMode;
return Mathf.Max( manager.ItemHeight, result );
// Return a string containing complete information about the debug entry
public override string ToString()
return logEntry.ToString();