479 lines
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479 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions
/// <summary>
/// Class responsible for playing back action inputs from user.
/// </summary>
public class ServerActionPlayer
private ServerCharacter m_ServerCharacter;
private ServerCharacterMovement m_Movement;
private List<Action> m_Queue;
private List<Action> m_NonBlockingActions;
private Dictionary<ActionID, float> m_LastUsedTimestamps;
/// <summary>
/// To prevent the action queue from growing without bound, we cap its play time to this number of seconds. We can only ever estimate
/// the time-length of the queue, since actions are allowed to block indefinitely. But this is still a useful estimate that prevents
/// us from piling up a large number of small actions.
/// </summary>
private const float k_MaxQueueTimeDepth = 1.6f;
private ActionRequestData m_PendingSynthesizedAction = new ActionRequestData();
private bool m_HasPendingSynthesizedAction;
public ServerActionPlayer(ServerCharacter serverCharacter)
m_ServerCharacter = serverCharacter;
m_Movement = serverCharacter.Movement;
m_Queue = new List<Action>();
m_NonBlockingActions = new List<Action>();
m_LastUsedTimestamps = new Dictionary<ActionID, float>();
/// <summary>
/// Perform a sequence of actions.
/// </summary>
public void PlayAction(ref ActionRequestData action)
if (!action.ShouldQueue && m_Queue.Count > 0 &&
(m_Queue[0].Config.ActionInterruptible ||
if (GetQueueTimeDepth() >= k_MaxQueueTimeDepth)
//the queue is too big (in execution seconds) to accommodate any more actions, so this action must be discarded.
var newAction = ActionFactory.CreateActionFromData(ref action);
if (m_Queue.Count == 1) { StartAction(); }
public void ClearActions(bool cancelNonBlocking)
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
// Since this action was canceled, we don't want the player to have to wait Description.ReuseTimeSeconds
// to be able to start it again. It should be restartable immediately!
//clear the action queue
var removedActions = ListPool<Action>.Get();
foreach (var action in m_Queue)
foreach (var action in removedActions)
if (cancelNonBlocking)
var removedActions = ListPool<Action>.Get();
foreach (var action in m_NonBlockingActions)
foreach (var action in removedActions)
/// <summary>
/// If an Action is active, fills out 'data' param and returns true. If no Action is active, returns false.
/// This only refers to the blocking action! (multiple non-blocking actions can be running in the background, and
/// this will still return false).
/// </summary>
public bool GetActiveActionInfo(out ActionRequestData data)
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
data = m_Queue[0].Data;
return true;
data = new ActionRequestData();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Figures out if an action can be played now, or if it would automatically fail because it was
/// used too recently. (Meaning that its ReuseTimeSeconds hasn't elapsed since the last use.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="actionID">the action we want to run</param>
/// <returns>true if the action can be run now, false if more time must elapse before this action can be run</returns>
public bool IsReuseTimeElapsed(ActionID actionID)
if (m_LastUsedTimestamps.TryGetValue(actionID, out float lastTimeUsed))
var abilityConfig = GameDataSource.Instance.GetActionPrototypeByID(actionID).Config;
float reuseTime = abilityConfig.ReuseTimeSeconds;
if (reuseTime > 0 && Time.time - lastTimeUsed < reuseTime)
// still needs more time!
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns how many actions are actively running. This includes all non-blocking actions,
/// and the one blocking action at the head of the queue (if present).
/// </summary>
public int RunningActionCount
return m_NonBlockingActions.Count + (m_Queue.Count > 0 ? 1 : 0);
/// <summary>
/// Starts the action at the head of the queue, if any.
/// </summary>
private void StartAction()
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
float reuseTime = m_Queue[0].Config.ReuseTimeSeconds;
if (reuseTime > 0
&& m_LastUsedTimestamps.TryGetValue(m_Queue[0].ActionID, out float lastTimeUsed)
&& Time.time - lastTimeUsed < reuseTime)
// we've already started one of these too recently
AdvanceQueue(false); // note: this will call StartAction() recursively if there's more stuff in the queue ...
return; // ... so it's important not to try to do anything more here
int index = SynthesizeTargetIfNecessary(0);
m_Queue[0].TimeStarted = Time.time;
bool play = m_Queue[0].OnStart(m_ServerCharacter);
if (!play)
//actions that exited out in the "Start" method will not have their End method called, by design.
AdvanceQueue(false); // note: this will call StartAction() recursively if there's more stuff in the queue ...
return; // ... so it's important not to try to do anything more here
// if this Action is interruptible, that means movement should interrupt it... character needs to be stationary for this!
// So stop any movement that's already happening before we begin
if (m_Queue[0].Config.ActionInterruptible && !m_Movement.IsPerformingForcedMovement())
// remember the moment when we successfully used this Action!
m_LastUsedTimestamps[m_Queue[0].ActionID] = Time.time;
if (m_Queue[0].Config.ExecTimeSeconds == 0 && m_Queue[0].Config.BlockingMode == BlockingModeType.OnlyDuringExecTime)
//this is a non-blocking action with no exec time. It should never be hanging out at the front of the queue (not even for a frame),
//because it could get cleared if a new Action came in in that interval.
AdvanceQueue(false); // note: this will call StartAction() recursively if there's more stuff in the queue ...
return; // ... so it's important not to try to do anything more here
/// <summary>
/// Synthesizes a Chase Action for the action at the Head of the queue, if necessary (the base action must have a target,
/// and must have the ShouldClose flag set). This method must not be called when the queue is empty.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The new index of the Action being operated on.</returns>
private int SynthesizeChaseIfNecessary(int baseIndex)
Action baseAction = m_Queue[baseIndex];
if (baseAction.Data.ShouldClose && baseAction.Data.TargetIds != null)
ActionRequestData data = new ActionRequestData
ActionID = GameDataSource.Instance.GeneralChaseActionPrototype.ActionID,
TargetIds = baseAction.Data.TargetIds,
Amount = baseAction.Config.Range
baseAction.Data.ShouldClose = false; //you only get to do this once!
Action chaseAction = ActionFactory.CreateActionFromData(ref data);
m_Queue.Insert(baseIndex, chaseAction);
return baseIndex + 1;
return baseIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Targeted skills should implicitly set the active target of the character, if not already set.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="baseIndex">The new index of the base action in m_Queue</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private int SynthesizeTargetIfNecessary(int baseIndex)
Action baseAction = m_Queue[baseIndex];
var targets = baseAction.Data.TargetIds;
if (targets != null &&
targets.Length == 1 &&
targets[0] != m_ServerCharacter.TargetId.Value)
//if this is a targeted skill (with a single requested target), and it is different from our
//active target, then we synthesize a TargetAction to change our target over.
ActionRequestData data = new ActionRequestData
ActionID = GameDataSource.Instance.GeneralTargetActionPrototype.ActionID,
TargetIds = baseAction.Data.TargetIds
//this shouldn't run redundantly, because the next time the base Action comes up to play, its Target
//and the active target in our NetState should match.
Action targetAction = ActionFactory.CreateActionFromData(ref data);
m_Queue.Insert(baseIndex, targetAction);
return baseIndex + 1;
return baseIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Optionally end the currently playing action, and advance to the next Action that wants to play.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="endRemoved">if true we call End on the removed element.</param>
private void AdvanceQueue(bool endRemoved)
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
if (endRemoved)
if (m_Queue[0].ChainIntoNewAction(ref m_PendingSynthesizedAction))
m_HasPendingSynthesizedAction = true;
var action = m_Queue[0];
// now start the new Action! ... unless we now have a pending Action that will supercede it
if (!m_HasPendingSynthesizedAction || m_PendingSynthesizedAction.ShouldQueue)
private void TryReturnAction(Action action)
if (m_Queue.Contains(action))
if (m_NonBlockingActions.Contains(action))
public void OnUpdate()
if (m_HasPendingSynthesizedAction)
m_HasPendingSynthesizedAction = false;
PlayAction(ref m_PendingSynthesizedAction);
if (m_Queue.Count > 0 && m_Queue[0].ShouldBecomeNonBlocking())
// the active action is no longer blocking, meaning it should be moved out of the blocking queue and into the
// non-blocking one. (We use this for e.g. projectile attacks, so the projectiles can keep flying, but
// the player can enqueue other actions in the meantime.)
// if there's a blocking action, update it
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
if (!UpdateAction(m_Queue[0]))
// if there's non-blocking actions, update them! We do this in reverse-order so we can easily remove expired actions.
for (int i = m_NonBlockingActions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
Action runningAction = m_NonBlockingActions[i];
if (!UpdateAction(runningAction))
// it's dead!
/// <summary>
/// Calls a given Action's Update() and decides if the action is still alive.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if the action is still active, false if it's dead</returns>
private bool UpdateAction(Action action)
bool keepGoing = action.OnUpdate(m_ServerCharacter);
bool expirable = action.Config.DurationSeconds > 0f; //non-positive value is a sentinel indicating the duration is indefinite.
var timeElapsed = Time.time - action.TimeStarted;
bool timeExpired = expirable && timeElapsed >= action.Config.DurationSeconds;
return keepGoing && !timeExpired;
/// <summary>
/// How much time will it take all remaining Actions in the queue to play out? This sums up all the time each Action is blocking,
/// which is different from each Action's duration. Note that this is an ESTIMATE. An action may block the queue indefinitely if it wishes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The total "time depth" of the queue, or how long it would take to play in seconds, if no more actions were added. </returns>
private float GetQueueTimeDepth()
if (m_Queue.Count == 0) { return 0; }
float totalTime = 0;
foreach (var action in m_Queue)
var info = action.Config;
float actionTime = info.BlockingMode == BlockingModeType.OnlyDuringExecTime ? info.ExecTimeSeconds :
info.BlockingMode == BlockingModeType.EntireDuration ? info.DurationSeconds :
throw new System.Exception($"Unrecognized blocking mode: {info.BlockingMode}");
totalTime += actionTime;
return totalTime - m_Queue[0].TimeRunning;
public void CollisionEntered(Collision collision)
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
m_Queue[0].CollisionEntered(m_ServerCharacter, collision);
/// <summary>
/// Gives all active Actions a chance to alter a gameplay variable.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that this handles both positive alterations (commonly called "buffs")
/// AND negative ones ("debuffs").
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="buffType">Which gameplay variable is being calculated</param>
/// <returns>The final ("buffed") value of the variable</returns>
public float GetBuffedValue(Action.BuffableValue buffType)
float buffedValue = Action.GetUnbuffedValue(buffType);
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
m_Queue[0].BuffValue(buffType, ref buffedValue);
foreach (var action in m_NonBlockingActions)
action.BuffValue(buffType, ref buffedValue);
return buffedValue;
/// <summary>
/// Tells all active Actions that a particular gameplay event happened, such as being hit,
/// getting healed, dying, etc. Actions can change their behavior as a result.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="activityThatOccurred">The type of event that has occurred</param>
public virtual void OnGameplayActivity(Action.GameplayActivity activityThatOccurred)
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
m_Queue[0].OnGameplayActivity(m_ServerCharacter, activityThatOccurred);
foreach (var action in m_NonBlockingActions)
action.OnGameplayActivity(m_ServerCharacter, activityThatOccurred);
/// <summary>
/// Cancels the first instance of the given ActionLogic that is currently running, or all instances if cancelAll is set to true.
/// Searches actively running actions first, then looks at the head action in the queue.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logic">The ActionLogic to cancel</param>
/// <param name="cancelAll">If true will cancel all instances; if false will just cancel the first running instance.</param>
/// <param name="exceptThis">If set, will skip this action (useful for actions canceling other instances of themselves).</param>
public void CancelRunningActionsByLogic(ActionLogic logic, bool cancelAll, Action exceptThis = null)
for (int i = m_NonBlockingActions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var action = m_NonBlockingActions[i];
if (action.Config.Logic == logic && action != exceptThis)
if (!cancelAll) { return; }
if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
var action = m_Queue[0];
if (action.Config.Logic == logic && action != exceptThis)