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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Netcode;
public class CrowsForesightPrefab : NetworkBehaviour
private Dictionary<ulong, LineRenderer> foresightLines = new Dictionary<ulong, LineRenderer>();
private ulong crowClientId;
private Coroutine destroyCoroutine;
public GameObject LinePrefab;
private void Start()
if (IsServer)
Debug.Log("[CrowsForesightPrefab] Starting auto-destroy coroutine.");
destroyCoroutine = StartCoroutine(DelayedDestroy());
public void Initialize(ulong crowId)
crowClientId = crowId;
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] OnNetworkSpawn called - LocalClientId: {NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId}, crowClientId: {crowClientId}");
if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId != CrowManager.Instance.GetCurrentCrow().OwnerClientId && !NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
gameObject.SetActive(false); // Hide from non-crow clients
private IEnumerator DelayedDestroy(float time = 10)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); // Adjust according to abilityDuration
if (IsServer)
Debug.Log("[CrowsForesightPrefab] Ability duration expired. Despawning on server.");
public void DespawnForesight()
if (!IsServer) return;
Debug.Log("[CrowsForesightPrefab] Destroying foresight effect and clearing all lines.");
// Remove all foresight lines before despawning
foreach (var line in foresightLines.Values)
if (line != null)
if (NetworkObject.IsSpawned)
Debug.Log("[CrowsForesightPrefab] Despawning network object.");
Debug.LogWarning("[CrowsForesightPrefab] WARNING: Tried to despawn, but NetworkObject was already despawned or missing!");
public void OnSwapRequested(ulong senderId, ulong receiverId, Vector3 senderPos, Vector3 receiverPos)
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] OnSwapRequested - Sender: {senderId}, Receiver: {receiverId}, SenderPos: {senderPos}, ReceiverPos: {receiverPos}");
if (!foresightLines.ContainsKey(senderId))
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] Creating foresight line for swap request {senderId} -> {receiverId}");
foresightLines[senderId] = CreateLine();
foresightLines[senderId].SetPosition(0, senderPos);
foresightLines[senderId].SetPosition(1, Vector3.Lerp(senderPos, receiverPos, 0.5f));
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] Halfway foresight line drawn from {senderPos} to midpoint.");
public void OnSwapAccepted(ulong senderId, Vector3 receiverPos)
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] OnSwapAccepted - Sender: {senderId}, ReceiverPos: {receiverPos}");
if (!foresightLines.ContainsKey(senderId))
Debug.LogError($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] ERROR: No foresight line found for sender {senderId} when swap was accepted!");
foresightLines[senderId].SetPosition(1, receiverPos);
if (foresightLines.ContainsKey(senderId))
// Destroy the line associated with the sender
Destroy(foresightLines[senderId].gameObject ,1f);
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] Removed foresight line for rejected swap request from {senderId}.");
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] Foresight line completed from sender {senderId} to {receiverPos}.");
public void OnSwapRejected(ulong senderId, Vector3 receiverPos)
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] OnSwapRejected - Sender: {senderId}, ReceiverPos: {receiverPos}");
if (foresightLines.ContainsKey(senderId))
// Destroy the line associated with the sender
Debug.Log($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] Removed foresight line for rejected swap request from {senderId}.");
Debug.LogWarning($"[CrowsForesightPrefab] WARNING: No foresight line found for sender {senderId}. Swap rejection may have happened before drawing.");
private LineRenderer CreateLine()
//GameObject lineObj = new GameObject("ForesightLine");
GameObject lineObj = Instantiate(LinePrefab);
LineRenderer line = lineObj.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
line.startWidth = 1f;
line.endWidth = 1f;
//line.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default"));
return line;