using System; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; using Unity.BossRoom.VisualEffects; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions { public partial class ChargedShieldAction { /// <summary> /// The "charging up" graphics. These are disabled as soon as the player stops charging up /// </summary> SpecialFXGraphic m_ChargeGraphics; /// <summary> /// The "I'm fully charged" graphics. This is null until instantiated /// </summary> SpecialFXGraphic m_ShieldGraphics; public override bool OnUpdateClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter) { return IsChargingUp() || (Time.time - m_StoppedChargingUpTime) < Config.EffectDurationSeconds; } public override void CancelClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter) { if (IsChargingUp()) { // we never actually stopped "charging up" so do necessary clean up here if (m_ChargeGraphics) { m_ChargeGraphics.Shutdown(); } } if (m_ShieldGraphics) { m_ShieldGraphics.Shutdown(); } } public override void OnStoppedChargingUpClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter, float finalChargeUpPercentage) { if (!IsChargingUp()) { return; } m_StoppedChargingUpTime = Time.time; if (m_ChargeGraphics) { m_ChargeGraphics.Shutdown(); m_ChargeGraphics = null; } // if fully charged, we show a special graphic if (Mathf.Approximately(finalChargeUpPercentage, 1)) { m_ShieldGraphics = InstantiateSpecialFXGraphic(Config.Spawns[1], clientCharacter.transform, true); } } public override void AnticipateActionClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter) { // because this action can be visually started and stopped as often and as quickly as the player wants, it's possible // for several copies of this action to be playing at once. This can lead to situations where several // dying versions of the action raise the end-trigger, but the animator only lowers it once, leaving the trigger // in a raised state. So we'll make sure that our end-trigger isn't raised yet. (Generally a good idea anyway.) clientCharacter.OurAnimator.ResetTrigger(Config.Anim2); base.AnticipateActionClient(clientCharacter); } } }