using System.Collections; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Netcode; using Unity.Netcode.Components; [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Abilities/DashNCrash")] public class DashNCrashAbility : Ability { [Header("Dash Settings")] public float dashSpeed = 10f; public float dashDuration = 0.5f; public override void Execute(ServerCharacter character, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 targetRotation) { Debug.Log($"Executing DashNCrash for character {character.OwnerClientId} at {targetPosition}."); // Start the dash character.Movement.StartDash(targetPosition, dashSpeed, dashDuration); // Ensure the crowModel exists and has a NetworkAnimator0 if (character.crowModel != null) { NetworkAnimator networkAnimator = character.crowModel.GetComponentInChildren(); if (networkAnimator != null) { Debug.Log("Triggering Dive animation for crow model."); networkAnimator.SetTrigger("Dive"); } else { Debug.LogError("NetworkAnimator component missing on crow model!"); } } else { Debug.LogError("Crow model is not assigned!"); } // Delay spawning the slow zone until after the dash character.StartCoroutine(SpawnSlowZoneAfterDash(character, targetPosition)); } private IEnumerator SpawnSlowZoneAfterDash(ServerCharacter character, Vector3 position) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(dashDuration + 0.25f); // Spawn the slow zone prefab at the dash's end position var prefab = GetPrefab(); if (prefab != null) { GameObject instance = Instantiate(prefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); var networkObject = instance.GetComponent(); if (networkObject != null) { networkObject.Spawn(); Debug.Log($"Slow Zone spawned at {position}."); } else { Debug.LogError("Slow Zone prefab must have a NetworkObject component."); } } } }