using System; using Unity.BossRoom.Infrastructure; using Unity.BossRoom.UnityServices; using Unity.BossRoom.Utils; using Unity.Services.Lobbies; using UnityEngine; using VContainer; namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI { public class UnityServicesUIHandler : MonoBehaviour { ISubscriber<UnityServiceErrorMessage> m_ServiceErrorSubscription; void Awake() { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } [Inject] void Initialize(ISubscriber<UnityServiceErrorMessage> serviceError) { m_ServiceErrorSubscription = serviceError; m_ServiceErrorSubscription.Subscribe(ServiceErrorHandler); } void ServiceErrorHandler(UnityServiceErrorMessage error) { var errorMessage = error.Message; switch (error.AffectedService) { case UnityServiceErrorMessage.Service.Lobby: { HandleLobbyError(error); break; } case UnityServiceErrorMessage.Service.Authentication: { PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel( "Authentication Error", $"{error.OriginalException.Message} \n tip: You can still use the Direct IP connection option."); break; } default: { PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Service error: " + error.Title, errorMessage); break; } } } void HandleLobbyError(UnityServiceErrorMessage error) { var exception = error.OriginalException as LobbyServiceException; if (exception != null) { switch (exception.Reason) { // If the error is one of the following, the player needs to know about it, so show in a popup message. Otherwise, the log in the console is sufficient. case LobbyExceptionReason.ValidationError: PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Validation Error", "Validation check failed on Lobby. Is the join code correctly formatted?"); break; case LobbyExceptionReason.LobbyNotFound: PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Lobby Not Found", "Requested lobby not found. The join code is incorrect or the lobby has ended."); break; case LobbyExceptionReason.LobbyConflict: // LobbyConflict can have multiple causes. Let's add other solutions here if there's other situations that arise for this. Debug.LogError($"Got service error {error.Message} with LobbyConflict. Possible conflict cause: Trying to play with two builds on the " + $"same machine. Please change profile in-game or use command line arg '{ProfileManager.AuthProfileCommandLineArg} someName' to set a different auth profile.\n"); PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Failed to join Lobby", "Failed to join Lobby due to a conflict. If trying to connect two local builds to the same lobby, they need to have different profiles. See logs for more details."); break; case LobbyExceptionReason.NoOpenLobbies: PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Failed to join Lobby", "No accessible lobbies are currently available for quick-join."); break; case LobbyExceptionReason.LobbyFull: PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Failed to join Lobby", "Lobby is full and can't accept more players."); break; case LobbyExceptionReason.Unauthorized: PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Lobby error", "Received HTTP error 401 Unauthorized from Lobby Service."); break; case LobbyExceptionReason.RequestTimeOut: PopupManager.ShowPopupPanel("Lobby error", "Received HTTP error 408 Request timed out from Lobby Service."); break; } } } void OnDestroy() { if (m_ServiceErrorSubscription != null) { m_ServiceErrorSubscription.Unsubscribe(ServiceErrorHandler); } } } }