using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; // Handles the log items in an optimized way such that existing log items are // recycled within the list instead of creating a new log item at each chance namespace IngameDebugConsole { public class DebugLogRecycledListView : MonoBehaviour { #pragma warning disable 0649 // Cached components [SerializeField] private RectTransform transformComponent; [SerializeField] private RectTransform viewportTransform; [SerializeField] private DebugLogManager debugManager; [SerializeField] private Color logItemNormalColor1; [SerializeField] private Color logItemNormalColor2; [SerializeField] private Color logItemSelectedColor; #pragma warning restore 0649 private DebugLogManager manager; private ScrollRect scrollView; private float logItemHeight, _1OverLogItemHeight; private float viewportHeight; // Unique debug entries private List<DebugLogEntry> collapsedLogEntries = null; // Indices of debug entries to show in collapsedLogEntries private DebugLogIndexList indicesOfEntriesToShow = null; private int indexOfSelectedLogEntry = int.MaxValue; private float positionOfSelectedLogEntry = float.MaxValue; private float heightOfSelectedLogEntry; private float deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry; // Log items used to visualize the debug entries at specified indices private Dictionary<int, DebugLogItem> logItemsAtIndices = new Dictionary<int, DebugLogItem>(); private bool isCollapseOn = false; // Current indices of debug entries shown on screen private int currentTopIndex = -1, currentBottomIndex = -1; public float ItemHeight { get { return logItemHeight; } } public float SelectedItemHeight { get { return heightOfSelectedLogEntry; } } private void Awake() { scrollView = viewportTransform.GetComponentInParent<ScrollRect>(); scrollView.onValueChanged.AddListener( ( pos ) => UpdateItemsInTheList( false ) ); viewportHeight = viewportTransform.rect.height; } public void Initialize( DebugLogManager manager, List<DebugLogEntry> collapsedLogEntries, DebugLogIndexList indicesOfEntriesToShow, float logItemHeight ) { this.manager = manager; this.collapsedLogEntries = collapsedLogEntries; this.indicesOfEntriesToShow = indicesOfEntriesToShow; this.logItemHeight = logItemHeight; _1OverLogItemHeight = 1f / logItemHeight; } public void SetCollapseMode( bool collapse ) { isCollapseOn = collapse; } // A log item is clicked, highlight it public void OnLogItemClicked( DebugLogItem item ) { OnLogItemClickedInternal( item.Index, item ); } // Force expand the log item at specified index public void SelectAndFocusOnLogItemAtIndex( int itemIndex ) { if( indexOfSelectedLogEntry != itemIndex ) // Make sure that we aren't deselecting the target log item OnLogItemClickedInternal( itemIndex ); float transformComponentCenterYAtTop = viewportHeight * 0.5f; float transformComponentCenterYAtBottom = transformComponent.sizeDelta.y - viewportHeight * 0.5f; float transformComponentTargetCenterY = itemIndex * logItemHeight + viewportHeight * 0.5f; if( transformComponentCenterYAtTop == transformComponentCenterYAtBottom ) scrollView.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0.5f; else scrollView.verticalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Clamp01( Mathf.InverseLerp( transformComponentCenterYAtBottom, transformComponentCenterYAtTop, transformComponentTargetCenterY ) ); manager.SetSnapToBottom( false ); } private void OnLogItemClickedInternal( int itemIndex, DebugLogItem referenceItem = null ) { if( indexOfSelectedLogEntry != itemIndex ) { DeselectSelectedLogItem(); if( !referenceItem ) { if( currentTopIndex == -1 ) UpdateItemsInTheList( false ); // Try to generate some DebugLogItems, we need one DebugLogItem to calculate the text height referenceItem = logItemsAtIndices[currentTopIndex]; } indexOfSelectedLogEntry = itemIndex; positionOfSelectedLogEntry = itemIndex * logItemHeight; heightOfSelectedLogEntry = referenceItem.CalculateExpandedHeight( collapsedLogEntries[indicesOfEntriesToShow[itemIndex]].ToString() ); deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry = heightOfSelectedLogEntry - logItemHeight; manager.SetSnapToBottom( false ); } else DeselectSelectedLogItem(); if( indexOfSelectedLogEntry >= currentTopIndex && indexOfSelectedLogEntry <= currentBottomIndex ) ColorLogItem( logItemsAtIndices[indexOfSelectedLogEntry], indexOfSelectedLogEntry ); CalculateContentHeight(); HardResetItems(); UpdateItemsInTheList( true ); manager.ValidateScrollPosition(); } // Deselect the currently selected log item public void DeselectSelectedLogItem() { int indexOfPreviouslySelectedLogEntry = indexOfSelectedLogEntry; indexOfSelectedLogEntry = int.MaxValue; positionOfSelectedLogEntry = float.MaxValue; heightOfSelectedLogEntry = deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry = 0f; if( indexOfPreviouslySelectedLogEntry >= currentTopIndex && indexOfPreviouslySelectedLogEntry <= currentBottomIndex ) ColorLogItem( logItemsAtIndices[indexOfPreviouslySelectedLogEntry], indexOfPreviouslySelectedLogEntry ); } // Number of debug entries may be changed, update the list public void OnLogEntriesUpdated( bool updateAllVisibleItemContents ) { CalculateContentHeight(); viewportHeight = viewportTransform.rect.height; if( updateAllVisibleItemContents ) HardResetItems(); UpdateItemsInTheList( updateAllVisibleItemContents ); } // A single collapsed log entry at specified index is updated, refresh its item if visible public void OnCollapsedLogEntryAtIndexUpdated( int index ) { DebugLogItem logItem; if( logItemsAtIndices.TryGetValue( index, out logItem ) ) logItem.ShowCount(); } // Log window is resized, update the list public void OnViewportDimensionsChanged() { viewportHeight = viewportTransform.rect.height; UpdateItemsInTheList( false ); } private void HardResetItems() { if( currentTopIndex != -1 ) { DestroyLogItemsBetweenIndices( currentTopIndex, currentBottomIndex ); currentTopIndex = -1; } } private void CalculateContentHeight() { float newHeight = Mathf.Max( 1f, indicesOfEntriesToShow.Count * logItemHeight + deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry ); transformComponent.sizeDelta = new Vector2( 0f, newHeight ); } // Calculate the indices of log entries to show // and handle log items accordingly public void UpdateItemsInTheList( bool updateAllVisibleItemContents ) { // If there is at least one log entry to show if( indicesOfEntriesToShow.Count > 0 ) { float contentPosTop = transformComponent.anchoredPosition.y - 1f; float contentPosBottom = contentPosTop + viewportHeight + 2f; if( positionOfSelectedLogEntry <= contentPosBottom ) { if( positionOfSelectedLogEntry <= contentPosTop ) { contentPosTop -= deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry; contentPosBottom -= deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry; if( contentPosTop < positionOfSelectedLogEntry - 1f ) contentPosTop = positionOfSelectedLogEntry - 1f; if( contentPosBottom < contentPosTop + 2f ) contentPosBottom = contentPosTop + 2f; } else { contentPosBottom -= deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry; if( contentPosBottom < positionOfSelectedLogEntry + 1f ) contentPosBottom = positionOfSelectedLogEntry + 1f; } } int newTopIndex = (int) ( contentPosTop * _1OverLogItemHeight ); int newBottomIndex = (int) ( contentPosBottom * _1OverLogItemHeight ); if( newTopIndex < 0 ) newTopIndex = 0; if( newBottomIndex > indicesOfEntriesToShow.Count - 1 ) newBottomIndex = indicesOfEntriesToShow.Count - 1; if( currentTopIndex == -1 ) { // There are no log items visible on screen, // just create the new log items updateAllVisibleItemContents = true; currentTopIndex = newTopIndex; currentBottomIndex = newBottomIndex; CreateLogItemsBetweenIndices( newTopIndex, newBottomIndex ); } else { // There are some log items visible on screen if( newBottomIndex < currentTopIndex || newTopIndex > currentBottomIndex ) { // If user scrolled a lot such that, none of the log items are now within // the bounds of the scroll view, pool all the previous log items and create // new log items for the new list of visible debug entries updateAllVisibleItemContents = true; DestroyLogItemsBetweenIndices( currentTopIndex, currentBottomIndex ); CreateLogItemsBetweenIndices( newTopIndex, newBottomIndex ); } else { // User did not scroll a lot such that, there are still some log items within // the bounds of the scroll view. Don't destroy them but update their content, // if necessary if( newTopIndex > currentTopIndex ) DestroyLogItemsBetweenIndices( currentTopIndex, newTopIndex - 1 ); if( newBottomIndex < currentBottomIndex ) DestroyLogItemsBetweenIndices( newBottomIndex + 1, currentBottomIndex ); if( newTopIndex < currentTopIndex ) { CreateLogItemsBetweenIndices( newTopIndex, currentTopIndex - 1 ); // If it is not necessary to update all the log items, // then just update the newly created log items. Otherwise, // wait for the major update if( !updateAllVisibleItemContents ) UpdateLogItemContentsBetweenIndices( newTopIndex, currentTopIndex - 1 ); } if( newBottomIndex > currentBottomIndex ) { CreateLogItemsBetweenIndices( currentBottomIndex + 1, newBottomIndex ); // If it is not necessary to update all the log items, // then just update the newly created log items. Otherwise, // wait for the major update if( !updateAllVisibleItemContents ) UpdateLogItemContentsBetweenIndices( currentBottomIndex + 1, newBottomIndex ); } } currentTopIndex = newTopIndex; currentBottomIndex = newBottomIndex; } if( updateAllVisibleItemContents ) { // Update all the log items UpdateLogItemContentsBetweenIndices( currentTopIndex, currentBottomIndex ); } } else HardResetItems(); } private void CreateLogItemsBetweenIndices( int topIndex, int bottomIndex ) { for( int i = topIndex; i <= bottomIndex; i++ ) CreateLogItemAtIndex( i ); } // Create (or unpool) a log item private void CreateLogItemAtIndex( int index ) { DebugLogItem logItem = debugManager.PopLogItem(); // Reposition the log item Vector2 anchoredPosition = new Vector2( 1f, -index * logItemHeight ); if( index > indexOfSelectedLogEntry ) anchoredPosition.y -= deltaHeightOfSelectedLogEntry; logItem.Transform.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition; // Color the log item ColorLogItem( logItem, index ); // To access this log item easily in the future, add it to the dictionary logItemsAtIndices[index] = logItem; } private void DestroyLogItemsBetweenIndices( int topIndex, int bottomIndex ) { for( int i = topIndex; i <= bottomIndex; i++ ) debugManager.PoolLogItem( logItemsAtIndices[i] ); } private void UpdateLogItemContentsBetweenIndices( int topIndex, int bottomIndex ) { DebugLogItem logItem; for( int i = topIndex; i <= bottomIndex; i++ ) { logItem = logItemsAtIndices[i]; logItem.SetContent( collapsedLogEntries[indicesOfEntriesToShow[i]], i, i == indexOfSelectedLogEntry ); if( isCollapseOn ) logItem.ShowCount(); else logItem.HideCount(); } } // Color a log item using its index private void ColorLogItem( DebugLogItem logItem, int index ) { if( index == indexOfSelectedLogEntry ) logItem.Image.color = logItemSelectedColor; else if( index % 2 == 0 ) logItem.Image.color = logItemNormalColor1; else logItem.Image.color = logItemNormalColor2; } } }