using System; using Unity.BossRoom.CameraUtils; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UserInput; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Configuration; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions; using Unity.BossRoom.Utils; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character { /// <summary> /// <see cref="ClientCharacter"/> is responsible for displaying a character on the client's screen based on state information sent by the server. /// </summary> public class ClientCharacter : NetworkBehaviour { [SerializeField] Animator m_ClientVisualsAnimator; [SerializeField] VisualizationConfiguration m_VisualizationConfiguration; /// <summary> /// Returns a reference to the active Animator for this visualization /// </summary> public Animator OurAnimator => m_ClientVisualsAnimator; /// <summary> /// Returns the targeting-reticule prefab for this character visualization /// </summary> public GameObject TargetReticulePrefab => m_VisualizationConfiguration.TargetReticule; /// <summary> /// Returns the Material to plug into the reticule when the selected entity is hostile /// </summary> public Material ReticuleHostileMat => m_VisualizationConfiguration.ReticuleHostileMat; /// <summary> /// Returns the Material to plug into the reticule when the selected entity is friendly /// </summary> public Material ReticuleFriendlyMat => m_VisualizationConfiguration.ReticuleFriendlyMat; CharacterSwap m_CharacterSwapper; public CharacterSwap CharacterSwap => m_CharacterSwapper; public bool CanPerformActions => m_ServerCharacter.CanPerformActions; ServerCharacter m_ServerCharacter; public ServerCharacter serverCharacter => m_ServerCharacter; ClientActionPlayer m_ClientActionViz; PositionLerper m_PositionLerper; RotationLerper m_RotationLerper; // this value suffices for both positional and rotational interpolations; one may have a constant value for each const float k_LerpTime = 0.08f; Vector3 m_LerpedPosition; Quaternion m_LerpedRotation; float m_CurrentSpeed; /// <summary> /// /// Server to Client RPC that broadcasts this action play to all clients. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"> Data about which action to play and its associated details. </param> [Rpc(SendTo.ClientsAndHost)] public void ClientPlayActionRpc(ActionRequestData data) { ActionRequestData data1 = data; m_ClientActionViz.PlayAction(ref data1); } /// <summary> /// This RPC is invoked on the client when the active action FXs need to be cancelled (e.g. when the character has been stunned) /// </summary> [Rpc(SendTo.ClientsAndHost)] public void ClientCancelAllActionsRpc() { m_ClientActionViz.CancelAllActions(); } /// <summary> /// This RPC is invoked on the client when active action FXs of a certain type need to be cancelled (e.g. when the Stealth action ends) /// </summary> [Rpc(SendTo.ClientsAndHost)] public void ClientCancelActionsByPrototypeIDRpc(ActionID actionPrototypeID) { m_ClientActionViz.CancelAllActionsWithSamePrototypeID(actionPrototypeID); } /// <summary> /// Called on all clients when this character has stopped "charging up" an attack. /// Provides a value between 0 and 1 inclusive which indicates how "charged up" the attack ended up being. /// </summary> [Rpc(SendTo.ClientsAndHost)] public void ClientStopChargingUpRpc(float percentCharged) { m_ClientActionViz.OnStoppedChargingUp(percentCharged); } void Awake() { enabled = false; } public override void OnNetworkSpawn() { if (!IsClient || transform.parent == null) { return; } enabled = true; m_ClientActionViz = new ClientActionPlayer(this); m_ServerCharacter = GetComponentInParent<ServerCharacter>(); m_ServerCharacter.IsStealthy.OnValueChanged += OnStealthyChanged; m_ServerCharacter.MovementStatus.OnValueChanged += OnMovementStatusChanged; OnMovementStatusChanged(MovementStatus.Normal, m_ServerCharacter.MovementStatus.Value); // sync our visualization position & rotation to the most up to date version received from server transform.SetPositionAndRotation(serverCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform.position, serverCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform.rotation); m_LerpedPosition = transform.position; m_LerpedRotation = transform.rotation; // similarly, initialize start position and rotation for smooth lerping purposes m_PositionLerper = new PositionLerper(serverCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform.position, k_LerpTime); m_RotationLerper = new RotationLerper(serverCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform.rotation, k_LerpTime); if (!m_ServerCharacter.IsNpc) { name = "AvatarGraphics" + m_ServerCharacter.OwnerClientId; if (m_ServerCharacter.TryGetComponent(out ClientPlayerAvatarNetworkAnimator characterNetworkAnimator)) { m_ClientVisualsAnimator = characterNetworkAnimator.Animator; } m_CharacterSwapper = GetComponentInChildren<CharacterSwap>(); // ...and visualize the current char-select value that we know about SetAppearanceSwap(); if (m_ServerCharacter.IsOwner) { ActionRequestData data = new ActionRequestData { ActionID = GameDataSource.Instance.GeneralTargetActionPrototype.ActionID }; m_ClientActionViz.PlayAction(ref data); gameObject.AddComponent<CameraController>(); if (m_ServerCharacter.TryGetComponent(out ClientInputSender inputSender)) { // anticipated actions will only be played on non-host, owning clients if (!IsServer) { inputSender.ActionInputEvent += OnActionInput; } inputSender.ClientMoveEvent += OnMoveInput; } } } } public override void OnNetworkDespawn() { if (m_ServerCharacter) { m_ServerCharacter.IsStealthy.OnValueChanged -= OnStealthyChanged; if (m_ServerCharacter.TryGetComponent(out ClientInputSender sender)) { sender.ActionInputEvent -= OnActionInput; sender.ClientMoveEvent -= OnMoveInput; } } enabled = false; } void OnActionInput(ActionRequestData data) { m_ClientActionViz.AnticipateAction(ref data); } void OnMoveInput(Vector3 position) { if (!IsAnimating()) { OurAnimator.SetTrigger(m_VisualizationConfiguration.AnticipateMoveTriggerID); } } void OnStealthyChanged(bool oldValue, bool newValue) { SetAppearanceSwap(); } void SetAppearanceSwap() { if (m_CharacterSwapper) { var specialMaterialMode = CharacterSwap.SpecialMaterialMode.None; if (m_ServerCharacter.IsStealthy.Value) { if (m_ServerCharacter.IsOwner) { specialMaterialMode = CharacterSwap.SpecialMaterialMode.StealthySelf; } else { specialMaterialMode = CharacterSwap.SpecialMaterialMode.StealthyOther; } } m_CharacterSwapper.SwapToModel(specialMaterialMode); } } /// <summary> /// Returns the value we should set the Animator's "Speed" variable, given current gameplay conditions. /// </summary> float GetVisualMovementSpeed(MovementStatus movementStatus) { if (m_ServerCharacter.NetLifeState.LifeState.Value != LifeState.Alive) { return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedDead; } switch (movementStatus) { case MovementStatus.Idle: return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedIdle; case MovementStatus.Normal: return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedNormal; case MovementStatus.Uncontrolled: return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedUncontrolled; case MovementStatus.Slowed: return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedSlowed; case MovementStatus.Hasted: return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedHasted; case MovementStatus.Walking: return m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedWalking; default: throw new Exception($"Unknown MovementStatus {movementStatus}"); } } void OnMovementStatusChanged(MovementStatus previousValue, MovementStatus newValue) { m_CurrentSpeed = GetVisualMovementSpeed(newValue); } void Update() { // On the host, Characters are translated via ServerCharacterMovement's FixedUpdate method. To ensure that // the game camera tracks a GameObject moving in the Update loop and therefore eliminate any camera jitter, // this graphics GameObject's position is smoothed over time on the host. Clients do not need to perform any // positional smoothing since NetworkTransform will interpolate position updates on the root GameObject. if (IsHost) { // Note: a cached position (m_LerpedPosition) and rotation (m_LerpedRotation) are created and used as // the starting point for each interpolation since the root's position and rotation are modified in // FixedUpdate, thus altering this transform (being a child) in the process. m_LerpedPosition = m_PositionLerper.LerpPosition(m_LerpedPosition, serverCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform.position); m_LerpedRotation = m_RotationLerper.LerpRotation(m_LerpedRotation, serverCharacter.physicsWrapper.Transform.rotation); transform.SetPositionAndRotation(m_LerpedPosition, m_LerpedRotation); } if (m_ClientVisualsAnimator) { // set Animator variables here OurAnimator.SetFloat(m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedVariableID, m_CurrentSpeed); } m_ClientActionViz.OnUpdate(); } void OnAnimEvent(string id) { //if you are trying to figure out who calls this method, it's "magic". The Unity Animation Event system takes method names as strings, //and calls a method of the same name on a component on the same GameObject as the Animator. See the "attack1" Animation Clip as one //example of where this is configured. m_ClientActionViz.OnAnimEvent(id); } public bool IsAnimating() { if (OurAnimator.GetFloat(m_VisualizationConfiguration.SpeedVariableID) > 0.0) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < OurAnimator.layerCount; i++) { if (OurAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(i).tagHash != m_VisualizationConfiguration.BaseNodeTagID) { //we are in an active node, not the default "nothing" node. return true; } } return false; } } }