using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; using DG.Tweening; using Unity.Netcode.Components; namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom { [RequireComponent(typeof(Collider))] public class Platform : NetworkBehaviour { public int PlatformID { get; private set; } public bool IsOccupied { get; private set; } private NetworkVariable OccupierId = new NetworkVariable(0, NetworkVariableReadPermission.Everyone, NetworkVariableWritePermission.Server); private Collider m_PlatformCollider; private Animator animator; private NetworkAnimator networkAnimator; public void PauseAnimation() { if (IsOwner) { // Pause the animation locally animator.speed = 0f; // Inform the server to pause animation for all clients PauseAnimationServerRpc(); } } public void ResumeAnimation() { if (IsOwner) { // Resume the animation locally animator.speed = 1f; // Inform the server to resume animation for all clients ResumeAnimationServerRpc(); } } [ServerRpc] private void PauseAnimationServerRpc() { // On the server, pause animation for all clients PauseAnimationClientRpc(); } [ClientRpc] private void PauseAnimationClientRpc() { animator.speed = 0f; } [ServerRpc] private void ResumeAnimationServerRpc() { // On the server, resume animation for all clients ResumeAnimationClientRpc(); } [ClientRpc] private void ResumeAnimationClientRpc() { animator.speed = 1f; } private void Awake() { m_PlatformCollider = GetComponent(); if (!m_PlatformCollider.isTrigger) { Debug.LogWarning($"Platform {name} collider must be set as a trigger."); m_PlatformCollider.isTrigger = true; // Ensure it's a trigger. } animator = GetComponent(); networkAnimator = GetComponent(); } public void AssignID(int id) { PlatformID = id; IsOccupied = false; Debug.Log($"Platform {name} assigned ID: {PlatformID}"); } public void AnimationStarter() { transform.DOLocalRotate(Vector3.up, 120).SetSpeedBased(true).SetId(PlatformID).SetLoops(-1, LoopType.Incremental); } void AnimationResumer() { Debug.Log("Play PlatformID: " + PlatformID); DOTween.Play(PlatformID); } void AnimationPauser() { Debug.Log("Pause PlatformID: " + PlatformID); DOTween.Pause(PlatformID); } public void Occupy(ServerCharacter player) { if (!IsServer) { Debug.LogError("Occupy can only be called on the server."); return; } PauseAnimation(); if (IsOccupied) { Debug.LogWarning($"Platform {PlatformID} is already occupied."); return; } bool giveScore = player.PreviousPlatformId != PlatformID; // Check if the player who occupied this platform had this platform as their target platform if (giveScore) { if (player.TargetPlatformId.HasValue && player.TargetPlatformId.Value == PlatformID) { // Successful swap ScoreManager.Instance.AddPlayerScore(player.OwnerClientId, 10); Debug.Log($"Player {player.OwnerClientId} successfully swapped to Platform {PlatformID}. Awarded 10 score."); } else { ScoreManager.Instance.AddPlayerScore(player.OwnerClientId, 20); Debug.Log($"Crow Player {player.OwnerClientId} successfully stole Platform {PlatformID}. Awarded 20 score."); } } IsOccupied = true; OccupierId.Value = player.OwnerClientId; player.OnArrivalOnPlatform(PlatformID); Debug.Log($"Platform {PlatformID} is now occupied by Player {player.OwnerClientId}."); } public void Vacate(ServerCharacter player) { if (!IsServer) { Debug.LogError("Vacate can only be called on the server."); return; } ResumeAnimation(); if (!IsOccupied || OccupierId.Value != player.OwnerClientId) { Debug.LogWarning($"Platform {PlatformID} is not occupied by Player {player.OwnerClientId}."); return; } IsOccupied = false; OccupierId.Value = 0; player.OnLeavingPlatform(PlatformID); Debug.Log($"Platform {PlatformID} is now vacated."); } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!IsServer) return; if (other.TryGetComponent(out var player)) { if (!IsOccupied) { Occupy(player); } else { Debug.Log($"Player {player.OwnerClientId} attempted to occupy an already occupied Platform {PlatformID}."); } } } public ulong GetOccupierId() { return OccupierId.Value; } private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (!IsServer) return; if (other.TryGetComponent(out var player)) { Vacate(player); if (OccupierId.Value == player.OwnerClientId) player.OnLeavingPlatform(PlatformID); } } } }