using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UserInput; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; using UnityEngine; using Action = Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions.Action; using SkillTriggerStyle = Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UserInput.ClientInputSender.SkillTriggerStyle; namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI { /// /// Provides logic for a Hero Action Bar with attack, skill buttons and a button to open emotes panel /// This bar tracks button clicks on hero action buttons for later use by ClientInputSender /// public class HeroActionBar : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The button that activates the basic action (comparable to right-clicking the mouse)")] UIHUDButton m_BasicActionButton; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The button that activates the hero's first special move")] UIHUDButton m_SpecialAction1Button; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The button that activates the hero's second special move")] UIHUDButton m_SpecialAction2Button; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The button that activates the hero's thid special move")] UIHUDButton m_SpecialAction3Button; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The button that activates the hero's fourth special move")] UIHUDButton m_SpecialAction4Button; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The button that opens/closes the Emote bar")] UIHUDButton m_EmoteBarButton; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The Emote bar that will be enabled or disabled when clicking the Emote bar button")] GameObject m_EmotePanel; /// /// Our input-sender. Initialized in RegisterInputSender() /// ClientInputSender m_InputSender; public List CrowButtons; public List OtherButtons; /// /// Identifiers for the buttons on the action bar. /// enum ActionButtonType { BasicAction, Special1, Special2, EmoteBar, Special3, Special4, } /// /// Cached UI information about one of the buttons on the action bar. /// Takes care of registering/unregistering click-event messages, /// and routing the events into HeroActionBar. /// class ActionButtonInfo { public readonly ActionButtonType Type; public readonly UIHUDButton Button; public readonly UITooltipDetector Tooltip; /// T /// The current Action that is used when this button is pressed. /// public Action CurAction; readonly HeroActionBar m_Owner; public ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType type, UIHUDButton button, HeroActionBar owner) { Type = type; Button = button; Tooltip = button.GetComponent(); m_Owner = owner; } public void RegisterEventHandlers() { Button.OnPointerDownEvent += OnClickDown; Button.OnPointerUpEvent += OnClickUp; } public void UnregisterEventHandlers() { Button.OnPointerDownEvent -= OnClickDown; Button.OnPointerUpEvent -= OnClickUp; } void OnClickDown() { m_Owner.OnButtonClickedDown(Type); } void OnClickUp() { m_Owner.OnButtonClickedUp(Type); } } /// /// Dictionary of info about all the buttons on the action bar. /// Dictionary m_ButtonInfo; /// /// Cache the input sender from a and self-initialize. /// /// void RegisterInputSender(ClientPlayerAvatar clientPlayerAvatar) { if (!clientPlayerAvatar.TryGetComponent(out ClientInputSender inputSender)) { Debug.LogError("ClientInputSender not found on ClientPlayerAvatar!", clientPlayerAvatar); } if (m_InputSender != null) { Debug.LogWarning($"Multiple ClientInputSenders in scene? Discarding sender belonging to {} and adding it for {} "); } m_InputSender = inputSender; m_InputSender.action1ModifiedCallback += Action1ModifiedCallback; Action action1 = null; if (m_InputSender.actionState1 != null) { GameDataSource.Instance.TryGetActionPrototypeByID(m_InputSender.actionState1.actionID, out action1); } UpdateActionButton(m_ButtonInfo[ActionButtonType.BasicAction], action1); Action action2 = null; if (m_InputSender.actionState2 != null) { GameDataSource.Instance.TryGetActionPrototypeByID(m_InputSender.actionState2.actionID, out action2); } UpdateActionButton(m_ButtonInfo[ActionButtonType.Special1], action2); Action action3 = null; if (m_InputSender.actionState3 != null) { GameDataSource.Instance.TryGetActionPrototypeByID(m_InputSender.actionState3.actionID, out action3); } UpdateActionButton(m_ButtonInfo[ActionButtonType.Special2], action3); } void Action1ModifiedCallback() { var action = GameDataSource.Instance.GetActionPrototypeByID(m_InputSender.actionState1.actionID); UpdateActionButton(m_ButtonInfo[ActionButtonType.BasicAction], action, m_InputSender.actionState1.selectable); } void DeregisterInputSender() { if (m_InputSender) { m_InputSender.action1ModifiedCallback -= Action1ModifiedCallback; } m_InputSender = null; } void Awake() { m_ButtonInfo = new Dictionary() { // [ActionButtonType.BasicAction] = new ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType.BasicAction, m_BasicActionButton, this), // [ActionButtonType.Special1] = new ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType.Special1, m_SpecialAction1Button, this), // [ActionButtonType.Special2] = new ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType.Special2, m_SpecialAction2Button, this), // [ActionButtonType.Special3] = new ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType.Special3, m_SpecialAction3Button, this), // [ActionButtonType.Special4] = new ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType.Special4, m_SpecialAction4Button, this), // [ActionButtonType.EmoteBar] = new ActionButtonInfo(ActionButtonType.EmoteBar, m_EmoteBarButton, this), }; ClientPlayerAvatar.LocalClientSpawned += RegisterInputSender; ClientPlayerAvatar.LocalClientDespawned += DeregisterInputSender; } void OnEnable() { foreach (ActionButtonInfo buttonInfo in m_ButtonInfo.Values) { buttonInfo.RegisterEventHandlers(); } } void OnDisable() { foreach (ActionButtonInfo buttonInfo in m_ButtonInfo.Values) { buttonInfo.UnregisterEventHandlers(); } } void OnDestroy() { DeregisterInputSender(); ClientPlayerAvatar.LocalClientSpawned -= RegisterInputSender; ClientPlayerAvatar.LocalClientDespawned -= DeregisterInputSender; } void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Alpha4)) { m_ButtonInfo[ActionButtonType.EmoteBar].Button.OnPointerUpEvent.Invoke(); } } void OnButtonClickedDown(ActionButtonType buttonType) { if (buttonType == ActionButtonType.EmoteBar) { return; // this is the "emote" button; we won't do anything until they let go of the button } if (m_InputSender == null) { //nothing to do past this point if we don't have an InputSender. return; } // send input to begin the action associated with this button m_InputSender.RequestAction(m_ButtonInfo[buttonType].CurAction.ActionID, SkillTriggerStyle.UI); } void OnButtonClickedUp(ActionButtonType buttonType) { if (buttonType == ActionButtonType.EmoteBar) { m_EmotePanel.SetActive(!m_EmotePanel.activeSelf); return; } if (m_InputSender == null) { //nothing to do past this point if we don't have an InputSender. return; } // send input to complete the action associated with this button m_InputSender.RequestAction(m_ButtonInfo[buttonType].CurAction.ActionID, SkillTriggerStyle.UIRelease); } void UpdateActionButton(ActionButtonInfo buttonInfo, Action action, bool isClickable = true) { // first find the info we need (sprite and description) Sprite sprite = null; string description = ""; if (action != null) { sprite = action.Config.Icon; description = action.Config.Description; } // set up UI elements appropriately if (sprite == null) { buttonInfo.Button.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { buttonInfo.Button.gameObject.SetActive(true); buttonInfo.Button.interactable = isClickable; buttonInfo.Button.image.sprite = sprite; buttonInfo.Tooltip.SetText(description); } // store the action type so that we can retrieve it in click events buttonInfo.CurAction = action; } } }