using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI; using TMPro; using Unity.BossRoom.ConnectionManagement; using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; using VContainer; using Avatar = Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Configuration.Avatar; namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState { /// /// Client specialization of the Character Select game state. Mainly controls the UI during character-select. /// [RequireComponent(typeof(NetcodeHooks))] public class ClientCharSelectState : GameStateBehaviour { /// /// Reference to the scene's state object so that UI can access state /// public static ClientCharSelectState Instance { get; private set; } [SerializeField] NetcodeHooks m_NetcodeHooks; public override GameState ActiveState { get { return GameState.CharSelect; } } [SerializeField] NetworkCharSelection m_NetworkCharSelection; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("This is triggered when the player chooses a character")] string m_AnimationTriggerOnCharSelect = "BeginRevive"; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("This is triggered when the player presses the \"Ready\" button")] string m_AnimationTriggerOnCharChosen = "BeginRevive"; [Header("Lobby Seats")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Collection of 8 portrait-boxes, one for each potential lobby member")] List m_PlayerSeats; [System.Serializable] public class ColorAndIndicator { public Sprite Indicator; public Color Color; } [Tooltip("Representational information for each player")] public ColorAndIndicator[] m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Text element containing player count which updates as players connect")] TextMeshProUGUI m_NumPlayersText; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Text element for the Ready button")] TextMeshProUGUI m_ReadyButtonText; [Header("UI Elements for different lobby modes")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("UI elements to turn on when the player hasn't chosen their seat yet. Turned off otherwise!")] List m_UIElementsForNoSeatChosen; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("UI elements to turn on when the player has locked in their seat choice (and is now waiting for other players to do the same). Turned off otherwise!")] List m_UIElementsForSeatChosen; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("UI elements to turn on when the lobby is closed (and game is about to start). Turned off otherwise!")] List m_UIElementsForLobbyEnding; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("UI elements to turn on when there's been a fatal error (and the client cannot proceed). Turned off otherwise!")] List m_UIElementsForFatalError; [Header("Misc")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The controller for the class-info box")] UICharSelectClassInfoBox m_ClassInfoBox; [SerializeField] Transform m_CharacterGraphicsParent; int m_LastSeatSelected = -1; bool m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = false; GameObject m_CurrentCharacterGraphics; Animator m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator; Dictionary m_SpawnedCharacterGraphics = new Dictionary(); /// /// Conceptual modes or stages that the lobby can be in. We don't actually /// bother to keep track of what LobbyMode we're in at any given time; it's just /// an abstraction that makes it easier to configure which UI elements should /// be enabled/disabled in each stage of the lobby. /// enum LobbyMode { ChooseSeat, // "Choose your seat!" stage SeatChosen, // "Waiting for other players!" stage LobbyEnding, // "Get ready! Game is starting!" stage FatalError, // "Fatal Error" stage } Dictionary> m_LobbyUIElementsByMode; [Inject] ConnectionManager m_ConnectionManager; protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); Instance = this; m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkSpawnHook += OnNetworkSpawn; m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkDespawnHook += OnNetworkDespawn; m_LobbyUIElementsByMode = new Dictionary>() { { LobbyMode.ChooseSeat, m_UIElementsForNoSeatChosen }, { LobbyMode.SeatChosen, m_UIElementsForSeatChosen }, { LobbyMode.LobbyEnding, m_UIElementsForLobbyEnding }, { LobbyMode.FatalError, m_UIElementsForFatalError }, }; } protected override void OnDestroy() { if (Instance == this) { Instance = null; } base.OnDestroy(); } protected override void Start() { base.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < m_PlayerSeats.Count; ++i) { m_PlayerSeats[i].Initialize(i); } ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(LobbyMode.ChooseSeat); UpdateCharacterSelection(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive); } void OnNetworkDespawn() { if (m_NetworkCharSelection) { m_NetworkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.OnValueChanged -= OnLobbyClosedChanged; m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.OnListChanged -= OnLobbyPlayerStateChanged; } } void OnNetworkSpawn() { if (!NetworkManager.Singleton.IsClient) { enabled = false; } else { m_NetworkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.OnValueChanged += OnLobbyClosedChanged; m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.OnListChanged += OnLobbyPlayerStateChanged; } } /// /// Called when our PlayerNumber (e.g. P1, P2, etc.) has been assigned by the server /// /// void OnAssignedPlayerNumber(int playerNum) { m_ClassInfoBox.OnSetPlayerNumber(playerNum); } void UpdatePlayerCount() { int count = m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; var pstr = (count > 1) ? "players" : "player"; m_NumPlayersText.text = "" + count + " " + pstr + " connected"; } /// /// Called by the server when any of the seats in the lobby have changed. (Including ours!) /// void OnLobbyPlayerStateChanged(NetworkListEvent changeEvent) { UpdateSeats(); UpdatePlayerCount(); // now let's find our local player in the list and update the character/info box appropriately int localPlayerIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; ++i) { if (m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].ClientId == NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId) { localPlayerIdx = i; break; } } if (localPlayerIdx == -1) { // we aren't currently participating in the lobby! // this can happen for various reasons, such as the lobby being full and us not getting a seat. UpdateCharacterSelection(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive); } else if (m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[localPlayerIdx].SeatState == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive) { // we haven't chosen a seat yet (or were kicked out of our seat by someone else) UpdateCharacterSelection(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive); // make sure our player num is properly set in Lobby UI OnAssignedPlayerNumber(m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[localPlayerIdx].PlayerNumber); } else { // we have a seat! Note that if our seat is LockedIn, this function will also switch the lobby mode UpdateCharacterSelection(m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[localPlayerIdx].SeatState, m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[localPlayerIdx].SeatIdx); } } /// /// Internal utility that sets the character-graphics and class-info box based on /// our chosen seat. It also triggers a LobbyMode change when it notices that our seat-state /// is LockedIn. /// /// Our current seat state /// Which seat we're sitting in, or -1 if SeatState is Inactive void UpdateCharacterSelection(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState state, int seatIdx = -1) { bool isNewSeat = m_LastSeatSelected != seatIdx; m_LastSeatSelected = seatIdx; if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive) { if (m_CurrentCharacterGraphics) { m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.SetActive(false); } m_ClassInfoBox.ConfigureForNoSelection(); } else { if (seatIdx != -1) { // change character preview when selecting a new seat if (isNewSeat) { var selectedCharacterGraphics = GetCharacterGraphics(m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration[seatIdx]); if (m_CurrentCharacterGraphics) { m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.SetActive(false); } selectedCharacterGraphics.SetActive(true); m_CurrentCharacterGraphics = selectedCharacterGraphics; m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator = m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.GetComponent(); m_ClassInfoBox.ConfigureForClass(m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration[seatIdx].CharacterClass); } } if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn && !m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn) { // the local player has locked in their seat choice! Rearrange the UI appropriately // the character should act excited m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator.SetTrigger(m_AnimationTriggerOnCharChosen); ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(m_NetworkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value ? LobbyMode.LobbyEnding : LobbyMode.SeatChosen); m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = true; } else if (m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn && state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active) { // reset character seats if locked in choice was unselected if (m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn) { ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(LobbyMode.ChooseSeat); m_ClassInfoBox.SetLockedIn(false); m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = false; } } else if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active && isNewSeat) { m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator.SetTrigger(m_AnimationTriggerOnCharSelect); } } } /// /// Internal utility that sets the graphics for the eight lobby-seats (based on their current networked state) /// void UpdateSeats() { // Players can hop between seats -- and can even SHARE seats -- while they're choosing a class. // Once they have chosen their class (by "locking in" their seat), other players in that seat are kicked out. // But until a seat is locked in, we need to display each seat as being used by the latest player to choose it. // So we go through all players and figure out who should visually be shown as sitting in that seat. NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState[] curSeats = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState[m_PlayerSeats.Count]; foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerState in m_NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers) { if (playerState.SeatIdx == -1 || playerState.SeatState == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive) continue; // this player isn't seated at all! if (curSeats[playerState.SeatIdx].SeatState == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive || (curSeats[playerState.SeatIdx].SeatState == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active && curSeats[playerState.SeatIdx].LastChangeTime < playerState.LastChangeTime)) { // this is the best candidate to be displayed in this seat (so far) curSeats[playerState.SeatIdx] = playerState; } } // now actually update the seats in the UI for (int i = 0; i < m_PlayerSeats.Count; ++i) { m_PlayerSeats[i].SetState(curSeats[i].SeatState, curSeats[i].PlayerNumber, curSeats[i].PlayerName); } } /// /// Called by the server when the lobby closes (because all players are seated and locked in) /// void OnLobbyClosedChanged(bool wasLobbyClosed, bool isLobbyClosed) { if (isLobbyClosed) { ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(LobbyMode.LobbyEnding); } else { if (m_LastSeatSelected == -1) { ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(LobbyMode.ChooseSeat); } else { ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(LobbyMode.SeatChosen); m_ClassInfoBox.ConfigureForClass(m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration[m_LastSeatSelected].CharacterClass); } } } /// /// Turns on the UI elements for a specified "lobby mode", and turns off UI elements for all other modes. /// It can also disable/enable the lobby seats and the "Ready" button if they are inappropriate for the /// given mode. /// void ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(LobbyMode mode) { // first the easy bit: turn off all the inappropriate ui elements, and turn the appropriate ones on! foreach (var list in m_LobbyUIElementsByMode.Values) { foreach (var uiElement in list) { uiElement.SetActive(false); } } foreach (var uiElement in m_LobbyUIElementsByMode[mode]) { uiElement.SetActive(true); } // that finishes the easy bit. Next, each lobby mode might also need to configure the lobby seats and class-info box. bool isSeatsDisabledInThisMode = false; switch (mode) { case LobbyMode.ChooseSeat: if (m_LastSeatSelected == -1) { if (m_CurrentCharacterGraphics) { m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.gameObject.SetActive(false); } m_ClassInfoBox.ConfigureForNoSelection(); } m_ReadyButtonText.text = "READY!"; break; case LobbyMode.SeatChosen: isSeatsDisabledInThisMode = true; m_ClassInfoBox.SetLockedIn(true); m_ReadyButtonText.text = "UNREADY"; break; case LobbyMode.FatalError: isSeatsDisabledInThisMode = true; m_ClassInfoBox.ConfigureForNoSelection(); break; case LobbyMode.LobbyEnding: isSeatsDisabledInThisMode = true; m_ClassInfoBox.ConfigureForNoSelection(); break; } // go through all our seats and enable or disable buttons foreach (var seat in m_PlayerSeats) { // disable interaction if seat is already locked or all seats disabled seat.SetDisableInteraction(seat.IsLocked() || isSeatsDisabledInThisMode); } } /// /// Called directly by UI elements! /// /// public void OnPlayerClickedSeat(int seatIdx) { if (m_NetworkCharSelection.IsSpawned) { m_NetworkCharSelection.ServerChangeSeatRpc(NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId, seatIdx, false); } } /// /// Called directly by UI elements! /// public void OnPlayerClickedReady() { if (m_NetworkCharSelection.IsSpawned) { // request to lock in or unlock if already locked in m_NetworkCharSelection.ServerChangeSeatRpc(NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId, m_LastSeatSelected, !m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn); } } GameObject GetCharacterGraphics(Avatar avatar) { if (!m_SpawnedCharacterGraphics.TryGetValue(avatar.Guid, out GameObject characterGraphics)) { characterGraphics = Instantiate(avatar.GraphicsCharacterSelect, m_CharacterGraphicsParent); m_SpawnedCharacterGraphics.Add(avatar.Guid, characterGraphics); } return characterGraphics; } } }