using System; using Unity.Netcode; namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions { /// <summary> /// This struct is used by Action system (and GameDataSource) to refer to a specific action in runtime. /// It wraps a simple integer. /// </summary> public struct ActionID : INetworkSerializeByMemcpy, IEquatable<ActionID> { public int ID; public bool Equals(ActionID other) { return ID == other.ID; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is ActionID other && Equals(other); } public override int GetHashCode() { return ID; } public static bool operator ==(ActionID x, ActionID y) { return x.Equals(y); } public static bool operator !=(ActionID x, ActionID y) { return !(x == y); } public override string ToString() { return $"ActionID({ID})"; } } }