using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Unity.BossRoom.Infrastructure
    /// <summary>
    /// Some objects might need to be on a slower update loop than the usual MonoBehaviour Update and without precise timing, e.g. to refresh data from services.
    /// Some might also not want to be coupled to a Unity object at all but still need an update loop.
    /// </summary>
    public class UpdateRunner : MonoBehaviour
        class SubscriberData
            public float Period;
            public float NextCallTime;
            public float LastCallTime;

        readonly Queue<Action> m_PendingHandlers = new Queue<Action>();
        readonly HashSet<Action<float>> m_Subscribers = new HashSet<Action<float>>();
        readonly Dictionary<Action<float>, SubscriberData> m_SubscriberData = new Dictionary<Action<float>, SubscriberData>();

        public void OnDestroy()

        /// <summary>
        /// Subscribe in order to have onUpdate called approximately every period seconds (or every frame, if period <= 0).
        /// Don't assume that onUpdate will be called in any particular order compared to other subscribers.
        /// </summary>
        public void Subscribe(Action<float> onUpdate, float updatePeriod)
            if (onUpdate == null)

            if (onUpdate.Target == null) // Detect a local function that cannot be Unsubscribed since it could go out of scope.
                Debug.LogError("Can't subscribe to a local function that can go out of scope and can't be unsubscribed from");

            if (onUpdate.Method.ToString().Contains("<")) // Detect
                Debug.LogError("Can't subscribe with an anonymous function that cannot be Unsubscribed, by checking for a character that can't exist in a declared method name.");

            if (!m_Subscribers.Contains(onUpdate))
                m_PendingHandlers.Enqueue(() =>
                    if (m_Subscribers.Add(onUpdate))
                        m_SubscriberData.Add(onUpdate, new SubscriberData() { Period = updatePeriod, NextCallTime = 0, LastCallTime = Time.time });

        /// <summary>
        /// Safe to call even if onUpdate was not previously Subscribed.
        /// </summary>
        public void Unsubscribe(Action<float> onUpdate)
            m_PendingHandlers.Enqueue(() =>

        /// <summary>
        /// Each frame, advance all subscribers. Any that have hit their period should then act, though if they take too long they could be removed.
        /// </summary>
        void Update()
            while (m_PendingHandlers.Count > 0)

            foreach (var subscriber in m_Subscribers)
                var subscriberData = m_SubscriberData[subscriber];

                if (Time.time >= subscriberData.NextCallTime)
                    subscriber.Invoke(Time.time - subscriberData.LastCallTime);
                    subscriberData.LastCallTime = Time.time;
                    subscriberData.NextCallTime = Time.time + subscriberData.Period;