using Unity.Multiplayer.Tools.NetStatsMonitor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities
    public class NetStatsMonitorCustomization : MonoBehaviour
        RuntimeNetStatsMonitor m_Monitor;

        const int k_NbTouchesToOpenWindow = 3;

        void Start()
            m_Monitor.Visible = false;

        void Update()
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S) || Input.touchCount == k_NbTouchesToOpenWindow && AnyTouchDown())
                m_Monitor.Visible = !m_Monitor.Visible; // toggle. Using "Visible" instead of "Enabled" to make sure RNSM keeps updating in the background
                // while not visible. This way, when bring it back visible, we can make sure values are up to date.

        static bool AnyTouchDown()
            foreach (var touch in Input.touches)
                if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                    return true;

            return false;