using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom { public class PlatformManager : NetworkBehaviour { public static PlatformManager Instance; public List m_Platforms; public Transform centerPoint; public float shapeRadius = 5f; private void Awake() { if (Instance != null && Instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { Instance = this; } } private void Start() { if (IsServer) { InitializePlatforms(); StartCoroutine(DelayedServerSetup()); } } private void InitializePlatforms() { m_Platforms = GetComponentsInChildren(true).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < m_Platforms.Count; i++) { m_Platforms[i].AssignID(i + 1); } } private IEnumerator DelayedServerSetup() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); PlatformSelection(); } public void ArrangePlatforms() { List activePlatforms = m_Platforms.Where(p => p.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); int platformCount = activePlatforms.Count; Debug.Log("Count of Active Platforms is: " + platformCount); if (platformCount < 3) return; // Minimum 3 platforms for a shape float angleStep = 360f / platformCount; float startAngle = 90f; // Start from top for (int i = 0; i < platformCount; i++) { float angle = startAngle + (i * angleStep); float radians = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3( centerPoint.position.x + shapeRadius * Mathf.Cos(radians), centerPoint.position.y, centerPoint.position.z + shapeRadius * Mathf.Sin(radians) ); activePlatforms[i].transform.position = newPosition; } } private void PlatformSelection() { //int platformsToSpawn = 5; int platformsToSpawn = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("NumberOfLobbyPlayers", 1) - 1; foreach (var platform in m_Platforms) { platform.gameObject.SetActive(false); } for (int i = 0; i < platformsToSpawn; i++) { m_Platforms[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); } m_Platforms = m_Platforms.Where(platform => platform.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); int[] platformIDs = m_Platforms.Select(p => p.PlatformID.Value).ToArray(); ClientEnablePlatformClientRpc(platformIDs); ArrangePlatforms(); } [ClientRpc] private void ClientEnablePlatformClientRpc(int[] platformIDs) { m_Platforms = GetComponentsInChildren(true).ToList(); foreach (var platform in m_Platforms) { platform.gameObject.SetActive(false); } foreach (int id in platformIDs) { var platformToEnable = m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformID.Value == id); if (platformToEnable != null) { platformToEnable.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } m_Platforms = m_Platforms.Where(platform => platform.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); } public Platform FindNearestUnoccupiedPlatform(Vector3 position) { if (!IsServer) return null; return m_Platforms .Where(platform => !platform.IsOccupied) .OrderBy(platform => Vector3.Distance(position, platform.transform.position)) .FirstOrDefault(); } public bool AreAllPlatformsOccupied() { return m_Platforms.All(platform => platform.IsOccupied); } public Platform GetPlatformOccupiedByPlayer(ServerCharacter player) { return m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsOccupied && p.GetOccupierId() == player.OwnerClientId); } public bool IsPlatformOccupied(Platform platform) { return platform.IsOccupied; } public Vector3 GetPlatformPosition(int platformId) { var platform = m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformID.Value == platformId); return platform ? platform.transform.position :; } public Platform GetPlatformById(int platformId) { return m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformID.Value == platformId); } } } //using System.Collections; //using System.Collections.Generic; //using System.Linq; //using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character; //using Unity.Netcode; //using UnityEngine; //namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom //{ // public class PlatformManager : NetworkBehaviour // { // public static PlatformManager Instance; // public List m_Platforms; // public int numberOfPlayers = 2; // Number of players (n) // private void Awake() // { // if (Instance != null && Instance != this) // { // Destroy(gameObject); // } // else // { // Instance = this; // } // } // private void Start() // { // if (IsServer) // { // InitializePlatforms(); // StartCoroutine(DelayedServerSetup()); // } // } // #region DistancePlatform // public List platforms; // Assign all platforms in the Inspector // private List activePlatforms = new List(); // Stores only active platforms // private Dictionary platformDistances = new Dictionary(); // Stores distances // private List sortedUniqueDistances = new List(); // Stores unique sorted distances // public List platformTransforms; // Assign platform GameObjects here // public Transform centerPoint; // Center position where the shape will form // public float shapeRadius = 5f; // void Starter() // { // UpdateActivePlatforms(); // PrecomputeDistances(); // } // public void ArrangePlatforms() // { // // Get only active platforms // List activePlatforms = platformTransforms.Where(p => p.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); // int count = activePlatforms.Count; // if (count < 3) // { // Debug.LogWarning("Not enough platforms to form a shape!"); // return; // } // // Arrange them in a regular polygon shape // PlacePlatformsInShape(activePlatforms, count); // } // private void PlacePlatformsInShape(List platforms, int count) // { // float angleStep = 360f / count; // Equal angles for each platform // float startAngle = 90f; // Start from the top (adjust if needed) // for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // { // float angle = startAngle + (i * angleStep); // float radians = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; // // Calculate new position using circle formula // Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3( // centerPoint.position.x + shapeRadius * Mathf.Cos(radians), // centerPoint.position.y, // centerPoint.position.z + shapeRadius * Mathf.Sin(radians) // ); // // Move platform to its new position // platforms[i].position = newPosition; // } // } // public void UpdateActivePlatforms() // { // // Refresh the active platforms list // activePlatforms = platforms.Where(p => p.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); // } // private void PrecomputeDistances() // { // platformDistances.Clear(); // sortedUniqueDistances.Clear(); // if (activePlatforms.Count < 2) // { // Debug.LogWarning("Not enough active platforms to calculate distances."); // return; // } // HashSet uniqueDistances = new HashSet(); // // Compute and store distances between all active platform pairs // for (int i = 0; i < activePlatforms.Count; i++) // { // for (int j = i + 1; j < activePlatforms.Count; j++) // { // Platform platformA = activePlatforms[i]; // Platform platformB = activePlatforms[j]; // float rawDistance = Vector3.Distance(platformA.transform.position, platformB.transform.position); // float roundedDistance = Mathf.Round(rawDistance * 100f) / 100f; // Rounds to 2 decimal places // uniqueDistances.Add(roundedDistance); // string key = GetPlatformKey(platformA, platformB); // platformDistances[key] = roundedDistance; // } // } // // Convert unique distances into a sorted list // sortedUniqueDistances = uniqueDistances.OrderBy(d => d).ToList(); // Debug.Log("Sorted unique distances: " + string.Join(", ", sortedUniqueDistances)); // } // public float CalculateScore(Platform platformA, Platform platformB) // { // if(platformA== null) // { // Debug.Log("platformA is null"); // } // if(platformB == null) // { // Debug.Log("platformB is null"); // } // if (!platformA.gameObject.activeSelf || !platformB.gameObject.activeSelf) // { // Debug.Log("One or both selected platforms are not active."); // return -1; // } // Debug.Log("PlatformKey getter"); // string key = GetPlatformKey(platformA, platformB); // Debug.Log("PlatformKey getter2"); // if (!platformDistances.ContainsKey(key)) // { // Debug.LogError("Distance for selected platforms not found!"); // return -1; // } // float distance = platformDistances[key]; // float scoreMultiplier = GetMultiplier(distance); // Debug.Log($"Platforms {} & {} selected. Distance: {distance:F2}, Score Multiplier: {scoreMultiplier}"); // return scoreMultiplier; // } // private float GetMultiplier(float distance) // { // if (sortedUniqueDistances.Count == 0) // { // return 1.0f; // Default if no distances are calculated // } // // Find the index of the selected distance in the sorted list // int index = sortedUniqueDistances.IndexOf(distance); // // Multiplier starts from 1.0 and increases by 0.1 per step // return 1.0f + (index * 0.1f); // } // private string GetPlatformKey(Platform platformA, Platform platformB) // { // return + "_" +; // } // #endregion // /// // /// Initializes platform list and assigns unique IDs. // /// // private void InitializePlatforms() // { // m_Platforms = GetComponentsInChildren(true).ToList(); // for (int i = 0; i < m_Platforms.Count; i++) // { // m_Platforms[i].AssignID(i + 1); // Assign unique IDs to platforms // } // } // /// // /// Delayed server setup to allow other components to initialize. // /// // private IEnumerator DelayedServerSetup() // { // yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); // PlatformSelection(); // } // /// // /// Server-side logic to select and enable platforms based on player count. // /// // private void PlatformSelection() // { // int platformsToSpawn = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("NumberOfLobbyPlayers",1) - 1; // //int platformsToSpawn = 2; // // Disable all platforms initially // foreach (var platform in m_Platforms) // { // platform.gameObject.SetActive(false); // } // // Enable required number of platforms // for (int i = 0; i < platformsToSpawn; i++) // { // Debug.Log(m_Platforms[i] + " is activated"); // m_Platforms[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); // } // m_Platforms = m_Platforms.Where(platform => platform.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); // int[] platformIDs = m_Platforms.Select(p => p.PlatformID.Value).ToArray(); // // Notify clients to enable corresponding platforms // ClientEnablePlatformClientRpc(platformIDs); // } // /// // /// ClientRpc to enable platforms on the client side. // /// // [ClientRpc] // private void ClientEnablePlatformClientRpc(int[] platformIDs) // { // m_Platforms = GetComponentsInChildren(true).ToList(); // // Disable all platforms initially // foreach (var platform in m_Platforms) // { // platform.gameObject.SetActive(false); // } // // Enable specified platforms // foreach (int id in platformIDs) // { // var platformToEnable = m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformID.Value == id); // if (platformToEnable != null) // { // platformToEnable.gameObject.SetActive(true); // } // } // m_Platforms = m_Platforms.Where(platform => platform.gameObject.activeSelf).ToList(); // Starter(); // } // /// // /// Finds the nearest unoccupied platform to a given position. // /// Server-only method. // /// // public Platform FindNearestUnoccupiedPlatform(Vector3 position) // { // if (!IsServer) // { // Debug.LogError("FindNearestUnoccupiedPlatform should only be called on the server."); // return null; // } // return m_Platforms // .Where(platform => !platform.IsOccupied) // .OrderBy(platform => Vector3.Distance(position, platform.transform.position)) // .FirstOrDefault(); // } // /// // /// Checks if all platforms are occupied. // /// // public bool AreAllPlatformsOccupied() // { // return m_Platforms.All(platform => platform.IsOccupied); // } // /// // /// Gets the platform occupied by a specific player. // /// // public Platform GetPlatformOccupiedByPlayer(ServerCharacter player) // { // return m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsOccupied && p.GetOccupierId() == player.OwnerClientId); // } // /// // /// Checks if a platform is occupied. // /// // public bool IsPlatformOccupied(Platform platform) // { // return platform.IsOccupied; // } // /// // /// Gets the position of a platform by its ID. // /// // public Vector3 GetPlatformPosition(int platformId) // { // var platform = m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformID.Value == platformId); // return platform ? platform.transform.position :; // } // /// // /// Gets a platform by its ID. // /// // public Platform GetPlatformById(int platformId) // { // return m_Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformID.Value == platformId); // } // } //}