using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;

namespace AssetUsageDetectorNamespace
	// Custom class to hold search results
	public class SearchResult : IEnumerable<SearchResultGroup>, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
		internal class SerializableResultGroup
			public string title;
			public SearchResultGroup.GroupType type;
			public bool isExpanded;
			public bool pendingSearch;
			public SearchResultTreeViewState treeViewState;

			public List<int> initialSerializedNodes;

		internal class SerializableNode
			public class SerializableLinkDescriptions
				public List<string> value;

			public string label;
			public int instanceId;
			public bool isUnityObject, isMainReference;
			public ReferenceNode.UsedState usedState;

			public List<int> links;
			public List<SerializableLinkDescriptions> linkDescriptions;
			public List<bool> linkWeakStates;

		internal class SortedEntry : IComparable<SortedEntry>
			public readonly string assetPath, subAssetName;
			public readonly bool isMainAsset;
			public readonly Transform transform;
			public readonly object entry;

			public SortedEntry( ReferenceNode node ) : this( node.nodeObject as Object )
				entry = node;

			public SortedEntry( ReferenceNode.Link link ) : this( link.targetNode.nodeObject as Object )
				entry = link;

			private SortedEntry( Object obj )
				if( obj )
					assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( obj );
					if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( assetPath ) )
						assetPath = null;

						if( obj is Component )
							transform = ( (Component) obj ).transform;
						else if( obj is GameObject )
							transform = ( (GameObject) obj ).transform;
						isMainAsset = AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset( ( obj is Component ) ? ( (Component) obj ).gameObject : obj );
						if( !isMainAsset )
							subAssetName =;

			// Sorting order:
			// 1) Scene objects come first and are sorted by their absolute sibling indices in Hierarchy
			// 2) Assets come later and are sorted by their asset paths (for assets sharing the same path, main assets come first and sub-assets are then sorted by their names)
			// 3) Regular C# objects come last
			int IComparable<SortedEntry>.CompareTo( SortedEntry other )
				if( this == other )
					return 0;
				else if( assetPath == null )
					if( !transform )
						return 1;
					else if( other.assetPath == null )
						return other.transform ? Utilities.CompareHierarchySiblingIndices( transform, other.transform ) : -1;
						return -1;
				else if( other.assetPath == null )
					return other.transform ? 1 : -1;
					int assetPathComparison = EditorUtility.NaturalCompare( assetPath, other.assetPath );
					if( assetPathComparison != 0 )
						return assetPathComparison;
					else if( isMainAsset )
						return -1;
					else if( other.isMainAsset )
						return 1;
						return subAssetName.CompareTo( other.subAssetName );

		private bool success; // This isn't readonly so that it can be serialized

		private List<SearchResultGroup> result;
		private SceneSetup[] initialSceneSetup;

		private AssetUsageDetector searchHandler;
		private AssetUsageDetector.Parameters m_searchParameters;

		// Each TreeView in the drawn search results must use unique ids for their TreeViewItems. Otherwise, strange things happen:
		internal int nextTreeViewId = 1;

		private List<SerializableNode> serializedNodes;
		private List<SerializableResultGroup> serializedGroups;
		private Object[] serializedUsedObjects;

		public int NumberOfGroups { get { return result.Count; } }
		public SearchResultGroup this[int index] { get { return result[index]; } }

		public HashSet<Object> UsedObjects { get; private set; }

		public bool SearchCompletedSuccessfully { get { return success; } }
		public bool InitialSceneSetupConfigured { get { return initialSceneSetup != null && initialSceneSetup.Length > 0; } }
		public bool HasPendingLazySceneSearchResults { get { return result.Find( ( group ) => group.PendingSearch ) != null; } }
		public AssetUsageDetector.Parameters SearchParameters { get { return m_searchParameters; } }

		public SearchResult( bool success, List<SearchResultGroup> result, HashSet<Object> usedObjects, SceneSetup[] initialSceneSetup, AssetUsageDetector searchHandler, AssetUsageDetector.Parameters searchParameters )
			if( result == null )
				result = new List<SearchResultGroup>( 0 );

			this.success = success;
			this.result = result;
			this.UsedObjects = usedObjects ?? new HashSet<Object>();
			this.initialSceneSetup = initialSceneSetup;
			this.searchHandler = searchHandler;
			this.m_searchParameters = searchParameters;

		public void RemoveSearchResultGroup( SearchResultGroup searchResultGroup )
			result.Remove( searchResultGroup );

		public void RefreshSearchResultGroup( SearchResultGroup searchResultGroup, bool noAssetDatabaseChanges )
			if( searchResultGroup == null )
				Debug.LogError( "SearchResultGroup is null!" );

			int searchResultGroupIndex = result.IndexOf( searchResultGroup );
			if( searchResultGroupIndex < 0 )
				Debug.LogError( "SearchResultGroup is not a part of SearchResult!" );

			if( searchResultGroup.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.Scene && EditorApplication.isPlaying && !EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( searchResultGroup.ScenePath ).isLoaded )
				Debug.LogError( "Can't search unloaded scene while in Play Mode!" );

			if( searchHandler == null )
				searchHandler = new AssetUsageDetector();

			SceneSearchMode searchInScenes = m_searchParameters.searchInScenes;
			Object[] searchInScenesSubset = m_searchParameters.searchInScenesSubset;
			bool searchInAssetsFolder = m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsFolder;
			Object[] searchInAssetsSubset = m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset;
			bool searchInProjectSettings = m_searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings;
			bool lazySceneSearch = m_searchParameters.lazySceneSearch;
			bool calculateUnusedObjects = m_searchParameters.calculateUnusedObjects;
			bool _noAssetDatabaseChanges = m_searchParameters.noAssetDatabaseChanges;

				if( searchResultGroup.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.Assets )
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenes = SceneSearchMode.None;
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenesSubset = null;
					m_searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings = false;
				else if( searchResultGroup.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.ProjectSettings )
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenes = SceneSearchMode.None;
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenesSubset = null;
					m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsFolder = false;
					m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset = null;
					m_searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings = true;
				else if( searchResultGroup.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.Scene )
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenes = SceneSearchMode.None;
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenesSubset = new Object[1] { AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>( searchResultGroup.ScenePath ) };
					m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsFolder = false;
					m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset = null;
					m_searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings = false;
				else if( searchResultGroup.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.DontDestroyOnLoad )
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenes = (SceneSearchMode) 1024; // A unique value to search only the DontDestroyOnLoad scene
					m_searchParameters.searchInScenesSubset = null;
					m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsFolder = false;
					m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset = null;
					m_searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings = false;
					Debug.LogError( "Can't refresh group: " + searchResultGroup.Type );

				m_searchParameters.lazySceneSearch = false;
				m_searchParameters.calculateUnusedObjects = result.Find( ( group ) => group.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.UnusedObjects ) != null;
				m_searchParameters.noAssetDatabaseChanges = noAssetDatabaseChanges;

				// Make sure the AssetDatabase is up-to-date

				SearchResult searchResult = searchHandler.Run( m_searchParameters );
				if( !searchResult.success )
					EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Error", "Couldn't refresh, check console for more info.", "OK" );

				if( searchResult.result != null )
					SearchResultGroup newSearchResultGroup = searchResult.result.Find( ( group ) => group.Title == searchResultGroup.Title );
					if( newSearchResultGroup != null )
						result[searchResultGroupIndex] = newSearchResultGroup;

					UsedObjects.UnionWith( searchResult.UsedObjects );

					SearchResultGroup unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup = result.Find( ( group ) => group.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.UnusedObjects );
					if( unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup != null )
						SearchResultGroup newUnusedObjectsSearchResultGroup = searchResult.result.Find( ( group ) => group.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.UnusedObjects );
						if( newUnusedObjectsSearchResultGroup == null )
							// UnusedObjects search result group doesn't exist in 2 cases:
							// - When there are no search results found (NumberOfGroups == 0)
							// - When all searched objects are referenced (NumberOfGroups > 0)
							if( searchResult.result.Count > 0 )
							// NOTE: We can process UnusedObjects graphs iteratively (instead of recursively) because for the time being, these graphs have a maximum depth of 1
							bool unusedObjectsGraphChanged = false;
							HashSet<Object> newUnusedObjectsSet = new HashSet<Object>();
							for( int i = newUnusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.NumberOfReferences - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
								ReferenceNode node = newUnusedObjectsSearchResultGroup[i];
								newUnusedObjectsSet.Add( node.UnityObject );

								for( int j = node.NumberOfOutgoingLinks - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
									newUnusedObjectsSet.Add( node[j].targetNode.UnityObject );

							for( int i = unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.NumberOfReferences - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
								ReferenceNode node = unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup[i];
								bool parentNodeRemoved = false;
								Object obj = node.UnityObject;
								if( !obj || !newUnusedObjectsSet.Contains( obj ) )
									unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.RemoveReference( i );
									unusedObjectsGraphChanged = parentNodeRemoved = true;

								bool hasUnusedSubObjects = false, hasUsedSubObjects = false;
								bool hadSubObjects = node.NumberOfOutgoingLinks > 0;
								for( int j = 0; j < node.NumberOfOutgoingLinks; j++ )
									if( node[j].targetNode.usedState == ReferenceNode.UsedState.Used ) // User has explicitly displayed this used child object/sub-asset in the TreeView

									Object _obj = node[j].targetNode.UnityObject;
									if( newUnusedObjectsSet.Contains( _obj ) )
										hasUnusedSubObjects = true;

										if( parentNodeRemoved )
											unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.AddReference( node[j].targetNode );
									else if( !parentNodeRemoved )
										node.RemoveLink( j-- );
										unusedObjectsGraphChanged = hasUsedSubObjects = true;

								if( !parentNodeRemoved )
									// When all sub-assets of a main asset are used, consider the main asset as used, as well
									if( !hasUnusedSubObjects && hadSubObjects && AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset( obj ) )
										unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.RemoveReference( i );
										unusedObjectsGraphChanged = true;

									if( hasUsedSubObjects && node.usedState == ReferenceNode.UsedState.Unused )
										node.usedState = ReferenceNode.UsedState.MixedCollapsed;

							if( unusedObjectsGraphChanged && unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.treeView != null )
								unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.treeView.SetSelection( new int[0], TreeViewSelectionOptions.FireSelectionChanged );
								unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.treeViewState.preSearchExpandedIds = null;

						if( unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup.NumberOfReferences == 0 )
							result.Remove( unusedObjectsSearchResultGroup );
				m_searchParameters.searchInScenes = searchInScenes;
				m_searchParameters.searchInScenesSubset = searchInScenesSubset;
				m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsFolder = searchInAssetsFolder;
				m_searchParameters.searchInAssetsSubset = searchInAssetsSubset;
				m_searchParameters.searchInProjectSettings = searchInProjectSettings;
				m_searchParameters.lazySceneSearch = lazySceneSearch;
				m_searchParameters.calculateUnusedObjects = calculateUnusedObjects;
				m_searchParameters.noAssetDatabaseChanges = _noAssetDatabaseChanges;

		public float DrawOnGUI( EditorWindow window, float scrollPosition, bool noAssetDatabaseChanges )
			for( int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++ )
				scrollPosition = result[i].DrawOnGUI( this, window, scrollPosition, noAssetDatabaseChanges );

				if( i < result.Count - 1 )
					GUILayout.Space( 10f );

			return scrollPosition;

		public int IndexOf( SearchResultGroup searchResultGroup )
			return result.IndexOf( searchResultGroup );

		public void CollapseAllSearchResultGroups()
			for( int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++ )

		public void CancelDelayedTreeViewTooltip()
			for( int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++ )
				if( result[i].treeView != null )

		// Returns if RestoreInitialSceneSetup will have any effect on the current scene setup
		public bool IsSceneSetupDifferentThanCurrentSetup()
			if( initialSceneSetup == null )
				return false;

			SceneSetup[] sceneFinalSetup = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup();
			if( initialSceneSetup.Length != sceneFinalSetup.Length )
				return true;

			for( int i = 0; i < sceneFinalSetup.Length; i++ )
				bool sceneIsOneOfInitials = false;
				for( int j = 0; j < initialSceneSetup.Length; j++ )
					if( sceneFinalSetup[i].path == initialSceneSetup[j].path )
						if( sceneFinalSetup[i].isLoaded != initialSceneSetup[j].isLoaded )
							return true;

						sceneIsOneOfInitials = true;

				if( !sceneIsOneOfInitials )
					return true;

			return false;

		// Close the scenes that were not part of the initial scene setup
		// Returns true if initial scene setup is restored successfully
		public bool RestoreInitialSceneSetup()
			if( initialSceneSetup == null || initialSceneSetup.Length == 0 )
				return true;

			if( EditorApplication.isPlaying )
				return false;

			if( !IsSceneSetupDifferentThanCurrentSetup() )
				return true;

			StringBuilder sb = Utilities.stringBuilder;
			sb.Length = 0;

			sb.AppendLine( "Restore initial scene setup?" );
			for( int i = 0; i < initialSceneSetup.Length; i++ )
				sb.AppendLine().Append( "- " ).Append( initialSceneSetup[i].path );

			switch( EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex( "Asset Usage Detector", sb.ToString(), "Yes", "Cancel", "Leave it as is" ) )
				case 1: return false;
				case 2: return true;

			if( !EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo() )
				return false;

			for( int i = 0; i < initialSceneSetup.Length; i++ )
				Scene scene = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( initialSceneSetup[i].path );
				if( !scene.isLoaded )
					scene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene( initialSceneSetup[i].path, initialSceneSetup[i].isLoaded ? OpenSceneMode.Additive : OpenSceneMode.AdditiveWithoutLoading );

				if( initialSceneSetup[i].isActive )
					EditorSceneManager.SetActiveScene( scene );

			SceneSetup[] sceneFinalSetup = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup();
			for( int i = 0; i < sceneFinalSetup.Length; i++ )
				bool sceneIsOneOfInitials = false;
				for( int j = 0; j < initialSceneSetup.Length; j++ )
					if( sceneFinalSetup[i].path == initialSceneSetup[j].path )
						sceneIsOneOfInitials = true;

				if( !sceneIsOneOfInitials )
					EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( sceneFinalSetup[i].path ), true );

			for( int i = 0; i < initialSceneSetup.Length; i++ )
				if( !initialSceneSetup[i].isLoaded )
					EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( initialSceneSetup[i].path ), false );

			initialSceneSetup = null;
			return true;

		// Assembly reloading; serialize nodes in a way that Unity can serialize
		// Credit:
		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
			if( result == null )

			if( serializedGroups == null )
				serializedGroups = new List<SerializableResultGroup>( result.Count );

			if( serializedNodes == null )
				serializedNodes = new List<SerializableNode>( result.Count * 16 );

			Dictionary<ReferenceNode, int> nodeToIndex = new Dictionary<ReferenceNode, int>( result.Count * 16 );
			for( int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++ )
				serializedGroups.Add( result[i].Serialize( nodeToIndex, serializedNodes ) );

			if( serializedUsedObjects == null || serializedUsedObjects.Length != UsedObjects.Count )
				serializedUsedObjects = new Object[UsedObjects.Count];

			UsedObjects.CopyTo( serializedUsedObjects );

		// Assembly reloaded; deserialize nodes to construct the original graph
		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
			if( serializedGroups == null || serializedNodes == null || serializedUsedObjects == null )

			if( result == null )
				result = new List<SearchResultGroup>( serializedGroups.Count );

			List<ReferenceNode> allNodes = new List<ReferenceNode>( serializedNodes.Count );
			for( int i = 0; i < serializedNodes.Count; i++ )
				allNodes.Add( new ReferenceNode() );

			for( int i = 0; i < serializedNodes.Count; i++ )
				allNodes[i].Deserialize( serializedNodes[i], allNodes );

			for( int i = 0; i < serializedGroups.Count; i++ )
				result.Add( new SearchResultGroup( serializedGroups[i].title, serializedGroups[i].type, serializedGroups[i].isExpanded, serializedGroups[i].pendingSearch ) );
				result[i].Deserialize( serializedGroups[i], allNodes );

			if( UsedObjects == null )
				UsedObjects = new HashSet<Object>( serializedUsedObjects );
				UsedObjects.UnionWith( serializedUsedObjects );

			serializedUsedObjects = null;

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return ( (IEnumerable) result ).GetEnumerator(); }
		IEnumerator<SearchResultGroup> IEnumerable<SearchResultGroup>.GetEnumerator() { return ( (IEnumerable<SearchResultGroup>) result ).GetEnumerator(); }

	// Custom class to hold the results for a single scene or Assets folder
	public class SearchResultGroup : IEnumerable<ReferenceNode>
		public enum GroupType { Assets = 0, Scene = 1, DontDestroyOnLoad = 2, ProjectSettings = 3, UnusedObjects = 4 };

		private readonly List<ReferenceNode> references = new List<ReferenceNode>();

		internal SearchResultTreeView treeView;
		internal SearchResultTreeViewState treeViewState;
		private Rect lastTreeViewRect;
		private SearchField treeViewSearchField;

		public string Title { get; private set; }
		public GroupType Type { get; private set; }
		public string ScenePath { get; private set; }
		public bool IsExpanded { get; private set; }
		public bool PendingSearch { get; private set; }

		public int NumberOfReferences { get { return references.Count; } }
		public ReferenceNode this[int index] { get { return references[index]; } }

		public SearchResultGroup( string title, GroupType type, bool isExpanded = true, bool pendingSearch = false )
			Title = title.StartsWith( "<b>" ) ? title : string.Concat( "<b>", title, "</b>" );
			ScenePath = type != GroupType.Scene ? null : ( title.StartsWith( "<b>" ) ? title.Substring( 3, title.Length - 7 ) : title );
			Type = type;
			IsExpanded = isExpanded;
			PendingSearch = pendingSearch;

		public void AddReference( ReferenceNode node )
			references.Add( node );

		public void RemoveReference( int index )
			references.RemoveAt( index );

		// Removes all nodes
		public void Clear()
			PendingSearch = false;


			treeView = null;
			treeViewState = null;
			treeViewSearchField = null;

		public void Collapse()
			IsExpanded = false;

		// Initializes commonly used variables of the nodes
		public void InitializeNodes( HashSet<Object> objectsToSearchSet )
			List<ReferenceNode> _references = new List<ReferenceNode>( references );

			// Reverse the links of the search results graph so that the root ReferenceNodes are the searched objects
			Dictionary<ReferenceNode, ReferenceNode> reverseGraphNodes = new Dictionary<ReferenceNode, ReferenceNode>( references.Count * 16 );
			for( int i = 0; i < _references.Count; i++ )
				_references[i].CreateReverseGraphRecursively( this, references, reverseGraphNodes, objectsToSearchSet );

			// Remove weak links if they aren't ultimately connected to a non-weak link
			HashSet<ReferenceNode> visitedNodes = new HashSet<ReferenceNode>();
			for( int i = references.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				references[i].RemoveRedundantLinksRecursively( visitedNodes );

			// When a GameObject is a root node, then any components of that GameObject that are also root nodes should omit their links to the
			// GameObject's node because otherwise, search results are filled with redundant 'GameObject->Its Component' references
			HashSet<ReferenceNode> rootGameObjectNodes = new HashSet<ReferenceNode>();
			for( int i = references.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( references[i].nodeObject as GameObject )
					rootGameObjectNodes.Add( references[i] );

			for( int i = references.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				ReferenceNode node = references[i];
				Component component = node.nodeObject as Component;
				if( component )
					for( int j = node.NumberOfOutgoingLinks - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
						if( ReferenceEquals( node[j].targetNode.nodeObject, component.gameObject ) && rootGameObjectNodes.Contains( node[j].targetNode ) )
							node.RemoveLink( j );

			// Remove root nodes that don't have any outgoing links
			for( int i = references.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( references[i].NumberOfOutgoingLinks == 0 )
					references.RemoveAt( i );

			// Sort root nodes
			if( references.Count > 1 )
				SearchResult.SortedEntry[] sortedEntries = new SearchResult.SortedEntry[references.Count];
				for( int i = references.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					sortedEntries[i] = new SearchResult.SortedEntry( references[i] );

				Array.Sort( sortedEntries );

				for( int i = 0; i < sortedEntries.Length; i++ )
					references[i] = (ReferenceNode) sortedEntries[i].entry;

			for( int i = references.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				references[i].SortLinks(); // Sort immediate links of the root nodes

		// Draw the results found for this container
		public float DrawOnGUI( SearchResult searchResult, EditorWindow window, float scrollPosition, bool noAssetDatabaseChanges )
			Event ev = Event.current;
			Color c = GUI.backgroundColor;

			float headerHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2f;
			float refreshButtonWidth = 100f;

			GUI.backgroundColor = AssetUsageDetectorSettings.SearchResultGroupHeaderColor;

			Rect headerRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect( false, headerHeight );
			float width = headerRect.width;
			headerRect.width = headerHeight;
			if( GUI.Button( headerRect, IsExpanded ? "v" : ">" ) )
				IsExpanded = !IsExpanded;
				if( ev.alt && treeView != null )
					if( !IsExpanded )


			headerRect.x += headerHeight;
			headerRect.width = width - ( searchResult != null ? ( refreshButtonWidth + headerHeight ) : headerHeight );

			if( GUI.Button( headerRect, Title, Utilities.BoxGUIStyle ) )
				if( ev.button != 1 )
					if( Type == GroupType.Scene )
						// If the container (scene, usually) is left clicked, highlight it on Project view
						SceneAsset sceneAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>( ScenePath );
						if( sceneAsset )
							if( AssetUsageDetectorSettings.PingClickedObjects )
								EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( sceneAsset );
							if( AssetUsageDetectorSettings.SelectClickedObjects )
								Selection.activeObject = sceneAsset;
					GenericMenu contextMenu = new GenericMenu();

					if( searchResult != null )
						contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Hide" ), false, () => searchResult.RemoveSearchResultGroup( this ) );

					if( references.Count > 0 && treeView != null )
						if( contextMenu.GetItemCount() > 0 )
							contextMenu.AddSeparator( "" );

						if( Type != GroupType.UnusedObjects )
							contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Expand Direct References Only" ), false, () =>
								IsExpanded = true;
							} );

							contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Expand Main References Only" ), false, () =>
								IsExpanded = true;
							} );

						if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( treeViewState.searchTerm ) && treeViewState.searchMode == SearchResultTreeView.SearchMode.ReferencesOnly )
							contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Expand Matching Search Results Only" ), false, () =>
								IsExpanded = true;
							} );

						contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Expand All" ), false, () =>
							IsExpanded = true;
						} );

						contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Collapse All" ), false, () =>
							IsExpanded = true;
						} );

						if( searchResult != null && searchResult.NumberOfGroups > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( treeViewState.searchTerm ) )
							if( contextMenu.GetItemCount() > 0 )
								contextMenu.AddSeparator( "" );

							contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Apply Search to All Results" ), false, () =>
								for( int i = 0; i < searchResult.NumberOfGroups; i++ )
									if( searchResult[i].treeView == null )

									string previousSearchTerm = searchResult[i].treeViewState.searchTerm ?? "";
									SearchResultTreeView.SearchMode previousSearchMode = searchResult[i].treeViewState.searchMode;

									searchResult[i].treeViewState.searchTerm = treeViewState.searchTerm ?? "";
									searchResult[i].treeViewState.searchMode = treeViewState.searchMode;

									if( treeViewState.searchTerm != previousSearchTerm || treeViewState.searchMode != previousSearchMode )
										searchResult[i].treeView.RefreshSearch( previousSearchTerm );
							} );

#if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER
					int loadedSceneCount = SceneManager.loadedSceneCount;
					int loadedSceneCount = EditorSceneManager.loadedSceneCount;
					if( Type == GroupType.Scene && !EditorApplication.isPlaying && loadedSceneCount > 1 )
						// Show context menu when SearchResultGroup's header is right clicked
						Scene scene = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( ScenePath );
						if( scene.isLoaded )
							if( contextMenu.GetItemCount() > 0 )
								contextMenu.AddSeparator( "" );

							contextMenu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Close Scene" ), false, () =>
								if( !scene.isDirty || EditorSceneManager.SaveModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo( new Scene[1] { scene } ) )
									EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( scene, true );
							} );


			if( searchResult != null )
				bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;
				GUI.enabled = Type != GroupType.UnusedObjects;

				headerRect.x += width - ( refreshButtonWidth + headerHeight );
				headerRect.width = refreshButtonWidth;
				if( GUI.Button( headerRect, "Refresh" ) )
					searchResult.RefreshSearchResultGroup( this, noAssetDatabaseChanges );

				GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

			GUI.backgroundColor = c;

			if( IsExpanded )
				if( PendingSearch )
					GUILayout.Box( "Lazy Search: this scene potentially has some references, hit Refresh to find them", Utilities.BoxGUIStyle );
				else if( references.Count == 0 )
					GUILayout.Box( ( Type == GroupType.UnusedObjects ) ? "No unused objects left..." : "No references found...", Utilities.BoxGUIStyle );
					if( Type == GroupType.UnusedObjects )
						if( searchResult != null && searchResult.HasPendingLazySceneSearchResults )
							EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Some scene(s) aren't searched yet (lazy scene search). Refreshing those scene(s) will automatically update this list.", MessageType.Warning );

						if( searchResult != null && searchResult.SearchParameters.dontSearchInSourceAssets && searchResult.SearchParameters.objectsToSearch.Length > 1 )
							EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "'Don't search \"SEARCHED OBJECTS\" themselves for references' is enabled, some of these objects might be used by \"SEARCHED OBJECTS\".", MessageType.Warning );

						if( !AssetUsageDetectorSettings.MarkUsedAssetsSubAssetsAsUsed )
							EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "'Hide unused sub-assets in \"Unused Objects\" list if their parent assets are used' is disabled, unused sub-assets' parent assets might be used.", MessageType.Warning );

						EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Although no references to these objects are found, they might still be used somewhere (e.g. via Resources.Load). If you intend to delete these objects, consider creating a backup of your project first.", MessageType.Info );

					if( treeView == null )
						bool isFirstInitialization = ( treeViewState == null );
						if( isFirstInitialization )
							treeViewState = new SearchResultTreeViewState();

						// This isn't inside isFirstInitialization because SearchResultTreeViewState might have been initialized by
						// Unity's serialization system after a domain reload
						bool shouldUpdateInitialTreeViewNodeId = ( treeViewState.initialNodeId == 0 && searchResult != null );
						if( shouldUpdateInitialTreeViewNodeId )
							treeViewState.initialNodeId = searchResult.nextTreeViewId;

						treeView = new SearchResultTreeView( treeViewState, references, ( Type == GroupType.UnusedObjects ) ? SearchResultTreeView.TreeType.UnusedObjects : SearchResultTreeView.TreeType.Normal, searchResult != null ? searchResult.UsedObjects : null, searchResult != null && searchResult.SearchParameters.hideDuplicateRows, searchResult != null && searchResult.SearchParameters.hideReduntantPrefabVariantLinks, true );

						if( isFirstInitialization )
							if( Type != GroupType.UnusedObjects )

						if( shouldUpdateInitialTreeViewNodeId )
							searchResult.nextTreeViewId = treeViewState.finalNodeId;

					if( treeViewSearchField == null )
						treeViewSearchField = new SearchField() { autoSetFocusOnFindCommand = false };
						treeViewSearchField.downOrUpArrowKeyPressed += () => treeView.SetFocusAndEnsureSelectedItem(); // Not assigning SetFocusAndEnsureSelectedItem directly in case treeView's value changes

					Rect searchFieldRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect( false, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight );
					string previousSearchTerm = treeViewState.searchTerm ?? "";
					SearchResultTreeView.SearchMode previousSearchMode = treeViewState.searchMode;
					treeViewState.searchTerm = treeViewSearchField.OnToolbarGUI( new Rect( searchFieldRect.x, searchFieldRect.y, searchFieldRect.width - 100f, searchFieldRect.height ), treeViewState.searchTerm ) ?? "";
					treeViewState.searchMode = (SearchResultTreeView.SearchMode) EditorGUI.EnumPopup( new Rect( searchFieldRect.xMax - 100f, searchFieldRect.y, 100f, searchFieldRect.height ), treeViewState.searchMode );
					if( treeViewState.searchTerm != previousSearchTerm || treeViewState.searchMode != previousSearchMode )
						treeView.RefreshSearch( previousSearchTerm );

					KeyCode pressedKeyboardNavigationKey = KeyCode.None;
					bool treeViewKeyboardNavigation = false;
					if( ev.type == EventType.KeyDown )
						pressedKeyboardNavigationKey = ev.keyCode;
						switch( pressedKeyboardNavigationKey )
							case KeyCode.UpArrow:
							case KeyCode.DownArrow:
							case KeyCode.LeftArrow:
							case KeyCode.RightArrow:
							case KeyCode.PageUp:
							case KeyCode.PageDown:
							case KeyCode.Home:
							case KeyCode.End:
							case KeyCode.F: treeViewKeyboardNavigation = true; break;

					else if( ( ev.type == EventType.ValidateCommand || ev.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand ) && ev.commandName == "Find" && treeView.HasFocus() )
						if( ev.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand )

							// Framed rect padding: Top = 2, Bottom = 2 + the first element in the TreeView
							scrollPosition = FrameRectInScrollView( scrollPosition, new Vector2( searchFieldRect.y - 2f, searchFieldRect.yMax + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 2f ), window.position.height );


					else if( ev.type == EventType.ScrollWheel )

					bool isFirstRowSelected = false, isLastRowSelected = false, isSelectedRowExpanded = false, canExpandSelectedRow = false;
					if( treeViewKeyboardNavigation && treeView.HasFocus() && treeView.HasSelection() )
						treeView.GetRowStateWithId( treeViewState.lastClickedID, out isFirstRowSelected, out isLastRowSelected, out isSelectedRowExpanded, out canExpandSelectedRow );

					Rect treeViewRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect( false, treeView.totalHeight );
					if( ev.type == EventType.Repaint )
						lastTreeViewRect = treeViewRect;

#if !UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
						// TreeView calls RowGUI for all rows instead of only the visible rows on early Unity versions which leads to performance issues. Do manual row culling on those versions
						// Credit:
						float topPixel = scrollPosition - treeViewRect.y;
						float heightInPixels = window.position.height;
						treeView.visibleRowTop = (int) Mathf.Floor( topPixel / treeView.rowHeight );
						treeView.visibleRowBottom = treeView.visibleRowTop + (int) Mathf.Ceil( heightInPixels / treeView.rowHeight );

					treeView.OnGUI( treeViewRect );

					if( treeViewKeyboardNavigation && treeView.HasFocus() && treeView.HasSelection() )
						Rect targetTreeViewRowRect;
						if( treeView.GetRowRectWithId( treeViewState.lastClickedID, out targetTreeViewRowRect ) )
							// Allow keyboard navigation between different SearchResultGroups' TreeViews
							Rect targetTreeViewRect = lastTreeViewRect;
							if( !ev.control && !ev.command && !ev.shift )
								if( isFirstRowSelected && ( pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.UpArrow || pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.PageUp || pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.Home || ( pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.LeftArrow && !isSelectedRowExpanded ) ) )
									int searchResultGroupIndex = searchResult.IndexOf( this );
									for( int i = searchResultGroupIndex - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
										if( !searchResult[i].PendingSearch && searchResult[i].IsExpanded && searchResult[i].references.Count > 0 )

											targetTreeViewRect = searchResult[i].lastTreeViewRect;
											targetTreeViewRowRect = searchResult[i].treeView.SelectLastRowAndReturnRect();

								else if( isLastRowSelected && ( pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.DownArrow || pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.PageDown || pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.End || ( pressedKeyboardNavigationKey == KeyCode.RightArrow && !canExpandSelectedRow ) ) )
									int searchResultGroupIndex = searchResult.IndexOf( this );
									for( int i = searchResultGroupIndex + 1; i < searchResult.NumberOfGroups; i++ )
										if( !searchResult[i].PendingSearch && searchResult[i].IsExpanded && searchResult[i].references.Count > 0 )

											targetTreeViewRect = searchResult[i].lastTreeViewRect;
											targetTreeViewRowRect = searchResult[i].treeView.SelectFirstRowAndReturnRect();


							// When key event isn't automatically used by the focused TreeView (happens when its search results are empty), if we navigate to
							// a new TreeView, key event will be consumed by that TreeView and hence, keyboard navigation will occur twice
							if( ev.type != EventType.Used )

							float scrollTop = targetTreeViewRect.y + targetTreeViewRowRect.y;
							float scrollBottom = targetTreeViewRect.y + targetTreeViewRowRect.yMax;

							scrollPosition = FrameRectInScrollView( scrollPosition, new Vector2( scrollTop, scrollBottom ), window.position.height );

			return scrollPosition;

		// Frame selection (it isn't handled automatically when using an external scroll view)
		// Credit:
		private float FrameRectInScrollView( float scrollPosition, Vector2 rectBounds, float windowHeight )
			return Mathf.Clamp( scrollPosition, rectBounds.y - windowHeight, rectBounds.x );

		// Serialize this result group
		internal SearchResult.SerializableResultGroup Serialize( Dictionary<ReferenceNode, int> nodeToIndex, List<SearchResult.SerializableNode> serializedNodes )
			SearchResult.SerializableResultGroup serializedResultGroup = new SearchResult.SerializableResultGroup()
				title = Title,
				type = Type,
				isExpanded = IsExpanded,
				pendingSearch = PendingSearch,
				treeViewState = treeViewState

			if( references != null )
				serializedResultGroup.initialSerializedNodes = new List<int>( references.Count );

				for( int i = 0; i < references.Count; i++ )
					serializedResultGroup.initialSerializedNodes.Add( references[i].SerializeRecursively( nodeToIndex, serializedNodes ) );

			return serializedResultGroup;

		// Deserialize this result group from the serialized data
		internal void Deserialize( SearchResult.SerializableResultGroup serializedResultGroup, List<ReferenceNode> allNodes )
			treeViewState = serializedResultGroup.treeViewState;

			if( serializedResultGroup.initialSerializedNodes != null )
				for( int i = 0; i < serializedResultGroup.initialSerializedNodes.Count; i++ )
					references.Add( allNodes[serializedResultGroup.initialSerializedNodes[i]] );

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return ( (IEnumerable) references ).GetEnumerator(); }
		IEnumerator<ReferenceNode> IEnumerable<ReferenceNode>.GetEnumerator() { return ( (IEnumerable<ReferenceNode>) references ).GetEnumerator(); }

	// Custom class to hold an object in the path to a reference as a node
	public class ReferenceNode
		internal enum UsedState { Unused, MixedCollapsed, MixedExpanded, Used };

		public class Link
			public readonly ReferenceNode targetNode;
			public readonly List<string> descriptions;
			public bool isWeakLink; // Weak links can be omitted from search results if this ReferenceNode isn't referenced by any other node

			public Link( ReferenceNode targetNode, string description, bool isWeakLink )
				this.targetNode = targetNode;
				this.descriptions = string.IsNullOrEmpty( description ) ? new List<string>() : new List<string>( 1 ) { description };
				this.isWeakLink = isWeakLink;

			public Link( ReferenceNode targetNode, List<string> descriptions, bool isWeakLink )
				this.targetNode = targetNode;
				this.descriptions = descriptions;
				this.isWeakLink = isWeakLink;

		// Unique identifier is used while serializing the node
		private static int uid_last = 0;
		private readonly int uid;

		public string Label { get; private set; }
		public bool IsMainReference { get; private set; } // True: if belongs to a scene search result group, then it's an object in that scene. If belongs to the assets search result group, then it's an asset

		internal object nodeObject;
		private int? instanceId; // instanceId of the nodeObject if it is a Unity object, null otherwise
		public Object UnityObject { get { return instanceId.HasValue ? EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject( instanceId.Value ) : null; } }

		private readonly List<Link> links = new List<Link>( 2 );
		public int NumberOfOutgoingLinks { get { return links.Count; } }
		public Link this[int index] { get { return links[index]; } }

		internal UsedState usedState;

		public ReferenceNode()
			uid = uid_last++;
			usedState = UsedState.Used;

		// Add a one-way connection to another node
		public void AddLinkTo( ReferenceNode nextNode, string description = null, bool isWeakLink = false )
			if( nextNode != null && nextNode != this )
				if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( description ) )
					description = "[" + description + "]";

				// Avoid duplicate links
				for( int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++ )
					if( links[i].targetNode == nextNode )
						if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( description ) && !links[i].descriptions.Contains( description ) )
							links[i].descriptions.Add( description );

						links[i].isWeakLink &= isWeakLink;

				links.Add( new Link( nextNode, description, isWeakLink ) );

		public void RemoveLink( int index )
			links.RemoveAt( index );

		public bool RemoveLink( ReferenceNode nextNode )
			for( int i = links.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( links[i].targetNode == nextNode )
					links.RemoveAt( i );
					return true;

			return false;

		public void SortLinks()
			if( links.Count > 1 )
				SearchResult.SortedEntry[] sortedEntries = new SearchResult.SortedEntry[links.Count];
				for( int i = links.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					sortedEntries[i] = new SearchResult.SortedEntry( links[i] );

				Array.Sort( sortedEntries );

				for( int i = 0; i < sortedEntries.Length; i++ )
					links[i] = (Link) sortedEntries[i].entry;

		public void CopyReferencesTo( ReferenceNode other )
			other.links.AddRange( links );

		// Clear this node so that it can be reused later
		public void Clear()
			nodeObject = null;

		public void InitializeRecursively()
			if( Label != null ) // Already initialized

			Object unityObject = nodeObject as Object;
			if( unityObject != null )
				instanceId = unityObject.GetInstanceID();
				Label = + " (" + unityObject.GetType().Name + ")";

				if( AssetUsageDetectorSettings.ShowRootAssetName && unityObject.IsAsset() && !AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset( unityObject ) )
					string mainAssetName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( unityObject ) );
					if( != mainAssetName )
						Label += " <in " + mainAssetName + ">";
			else if( nodeObject != null )
				instanceId = null;
				Label = nodeObject.GetType() + " object";
				instanceId = null;
				Label = "<<destroyed>>";

			nodeObject = null; // Don't hold Object reference, allow Unity to GC used memory

			for( int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++ )

		public ReferenceNode CreateReverseGraphRecursively( SearchResultGroup searchResultGroup, List<ReferenceNode> reverseGraphRoots, Dictionary<ReferenceNode, ReferenceNode> reverseGraphNodes, HashSet<Object> objectsToSearchSet )
			ReferenceNode result;
			if( !reverseGraphNodes.TryGetValue( this, out result ) )
				reverseGraphNodes[this] = result = new ReferenceNode() { nodeObject = nodeObject };

				Object obj = nodeObject as Object;
				if( obj && objectsToSearchSet.Contains( obj ) )
					reverseGraphRoots.Add( result );
				//else // When 'else' is uncommented, 'Don't search "Find referenced of" themselves for references" option simply does nothing. I am not entirely sure if commenting it out will have any side effects, so fingers crossed?
					for( int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++ )
						ReferenceNode linkedNode = links[i].targetNode.CreateReverseGraphRecursively( searchResultGroup, reverseGraphRoots, reverseGraphNodes, objectsToSearchSet );
						linkedNode.links.Add( new Link( result, links[i].descriptions, links[i].isWeakLink ) );

				if( obj )
					if( obj is Component )
						obj = ( (Component) obj ).gameObject;

					switch( searchResultGroup.Type )
						case SearchResultGroup.GroupType.Assets: result.IsMainReference = obj.IsAsset() && ( obj is GameObject || ( obj.hideFlags & ( HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.HideInHierarchy ) ) == HideFlags.None ); break;
						case SearchResultGroup.GroupType.ProjectSettings: result.IsMainReference = obj.IsAsset() && AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( obj ).StartsWith( "ProjectSettings/" ); break;
						case SearchResultGroup.GroupType.Scene:
						case SearchResultGroup.GroupType.DontDestroyOnLoad:
							if( obj is GameObject )
								Scene scene = ( (GameObject) obj ).scene;
								if( scene.IsValid() )
									result.IsMainReference = ( searchResultGroup.Type == SearchResultGroup.GroupType.Scene ) ? scene.path == searchResultGroup.ScenePath : == "DontDestroyOnLoad";


			return result;

		public void RemoveRedundantLinksRecursively( HashSet<ReferenceNode> visitedNodes )
			if( !visitedNodes.Add( this ) )

			List<ReferenceNode> stack = null;
			for( int i = links.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( !links[i].isWeakLink )

				if( links[i].targetNode.links.Count == 0 )
					links.RemoveAt( i );
					if( stack == null )
						stack = new List<ReferenceNode>( 2 );

					if( !links[i].targetNode.CheckForNonWeakLinksRecursively( stack ) )
						links.RemoveAt( i );

			for( int i = links.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				links[i].targetNode.RemoveRedundantLinksRecursively( visitedNodes );

		private bool CheckForNonWeakLinksRecursively( List<ReferenceNode> stack )
			if( stack.Contains( this ) || links.Count == 0 )
				return false;

			for( int i = links.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( !links[i].isWeakLink )
					return true;

			stack.Add( this );

			for( int i = links.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if( links[i].targetNode.CheckForNonWeakLinksRecursively( stack ) )
					return true;

			stack.RemoveAt( stack.Count - 1 );

			return false;

		// Serialize this node and its connected nodes recursively
		internal int SerializeRecursively( Dictionary<ReferenceNode, int> nodeToIndex, List<SearchResult.SerializableNode> serializedNodes )
			int index;
			if( nodeToIndex.TryGetValue( this, out index ) )
				return index;

			SearchResult.SerializableNode serializedNode = new SearchResult.SerializableNode()
				label = Label,
				isMainReference = IsMainReference,
				instanceId = instanceId ?? 0,
				isUnityObject = instanceId.HasValue,
				usedState = usedState

			index = serializedNodes.Count;
			nodeToIndex[this] = index;
			serializedNodes.Add( serializedNode );

			if( links.Count > 0 )
				serializedNode.links = new List<int>( links.Count );
				serializedNode.linkDescriptions = new List<SearchResult.SerializableNode.SerializableLinkDescriptions>( links.Count );
				serializedNode.linkWeakStates = new List<bool>( links.Count );

				for( int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++ )
					serializedNode.links.Add( links[i].targetNode.SerializeRecursively( nodeToIndex, serializedNodes ) );
					serializedNode.linkDescriptions.Add( new SearchResult.SerializableNode.SerializableLinkDescriptions() { value = links[i].descriptions } );
					serializedNode.linkWeakStates.Add( links[i].isWeakLink );

			return index;

		// Deserialize this node and its links from the serialized data
		internal void Deserialize( SearchResult.SerializableNode serializedNode, List<ReferenceNode> allNodes )
			if( serializedNode.isUnityObject )
				instanceId = serializedNode.instanceId;
				instanceId = null;

			Label = serializedNode.label;
			IsMainReference = serializedNode.isMainReference;
			usedState = serializedNode.usedState;

			if( serializedNode.links != null )
				for( int i = 0; i < serializedNode.links.Count; i++ )
					links.Add( new Link( allNodes[serializedNode.links[i]], serializedNode.linkDescriptions[i].value, serializedNode.linkWeakStates[i] ) );

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return uid;