using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character.AI
    public class IdleAIState : AIState
        private AIBrain m_Brain;

        public IdleAIState(AIBrain brain)
            m_Brain = brain;

        public override bool IsEligible()
            return m_Brain.GetHatedEnemies().Count == 0;

        public override void Initialize()

        public override void Update()
            // while idle, we are scanning for jerks to hate

        protected void DetectFoes()
            float detectionRange = m_Brain.DetectRange;
            // we are doing this check every Update, so we'll use square-magnitude distance to avoid the expensive sqrt (that's implicit in Vector3.magnitude)
            float detectionRangeSqr = detectionRange * detectionRange;
            Vector3 position = m_Brain.GetMyServerCharacter().physicsWrapper.Transform.position;

            // in this game, NPCs only attack players (and never other NPCs), so we can just iterate over the players to see if any are nearby
            foreach (var character in PlayerServerCharacter.GetPlayerServerCharacters())
                if (m_Brain.IsAppropriateFoe(character) && (character.physicsWrapper.Transform.position - position).sqrMagnitude <= detectionRangeSqr)