using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using BossRoom.Scripts.Shared.Utilities; using Unity.BossRoom.ConnectionManagement; using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState; using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities; using UnityEngine; using VContainer; namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom.Server { public class DSLobbyManagementState : GameStateBehaviour { [Inject] ConnectionManager m_ConnectionManager; public override GameState ActiveState => GameState.DedicatedServerLobbyManagement; protected override void Start() { base.Start(); // TODO create DGS lobby here, register to matchmaking, etc. This state bypasses the main menu setup users would normally do get in a game // and does its own game setup MTT-4035 var address = ""; // Change this for fancier infrastructure hosting setup where you can listen on different IP addresses. Right now listening on all. var port = 9998; // Some quick command line processing. Dictionary args = new(); foreach (var oneArg in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()) { var keyValue = oneArg.Split('='); args.Add(keyValue[0], keyValue.Length > 1 ? keyValue[1] : null); } var portArg = "-port"; if (args.ContainsKey(portArg) && !int.TryParse(args[portArg], out port)) { DedicatedServerUtilities.Log("failed to parse -port arg: " + args[portArg]); } var ipArg = "-ip"; if (args.TryGetValue(ipArg, out var arg)) { address = arg; DedicatedServerUtilities.Log("Got IP: " + args[portArg]); } IEnumerator StartServerCoroutine() { DedicatedServerUtilities.Log($"Starting Headless Server, listening on address {address}:{port}"); m_ConnectionManager.StartServerIP(address, port); // This will switch to the char select scene once the server started callback has been called yield return new WaitForServerStarted(); // Less performant than just the callback, but way more readable than a callback hell. // TODO change scene to char select here and do other init. why is it handled by connection manager right now? SceneLoaderWrapper.Instance.AddOnSceneEventCallback(); m_ConnectionManager.SetGameState(ConnectionManager.ServerGameState.Lobby); SceneLoaderWrapper.Instance.LoadScene("CharSelect", useNetworkSceneManager: true); } StartCoroutine(StartServerCoroutine()); } } }