using System.Collections; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; public class VectorFencePrefab : NetworkBehaviour { [Header("Fence Settings")] public VectorFenceAbility Ability; private NavMeshObstacle navMeshObstacle; private void Awake() { navMeshObstacle = GetComponent<NavMeshObstacle>(); if (navMeshObstacle == null) { Debug.LogError("[VectorFencePrefab] NavMeshObstacle is missing on the prefab!"); } transform.localScale = new Vector3(Ability.wallLength, 0, Ability.wallWidth); // Start with zero height } public override void OnNetworkSpawn() { if (IsServer) { StartCoroutine(ScaleUp()); StartCoroutine(DestroyAfterLifetime()); } } private IEnumerator ScaleUp() { if (navMeshObstacle != null) { navMeshObstacle.enabled = true; navMeshObstacle.carving = true; navMeshObstacle.carveOnlyStationary = false; navMeshObstacle.carvingMoveThreshold = 0.01f; =; // Adjust center if needed navMeshObstacle.shape = NavMeshObstacleShape.Box; } float elapsedTime = 0f; Vector3 originalScale = transform.localScale; Vector3 targetScale = new Vector3(Ability.wallLength, Ability.wallHeight, Ability.wallWidth); // Target full height scale while (elapsedTime < Ability.scaleUpDuration) { transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(originalScale, targetScale, elapsedTime / Ability.scaleUpDuration); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } transform.localScale = targetScale; } private IEnumerator DestroyAfterLifetime() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(Ability.abilityDuration); if (IsServer) { if (NetworkObject != null) { NetworkObject.Despawn(true); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } Debug.Log("[VectorFencePrefab] Fence destroyed."); } } }