using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; public class AbilitySystem : NetworkBehaviour { [Header("Assigned Abilities")] public List abilities = new List(); private Ability activeAbility; // Tracks the currently active ability in "spawn mode" private bool isAbilityActive = false; private HashSet abilitiesOnCooldown = new HashSet(); [SerializeField] private GameObject currentAbilityIndicator; void Update() { if (isAbilityActive) { UpdateIndicatorPosition(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { UseActiveAbility(); } } } /// /// Activates an ability by its keybind. /// public void ActivateAbilityByKey(string key) { foreach (var ability in abilities) { if (ability.abilityKey == key) { if (!abilitiesOnCooldown.Contains(ability)) { ToggleAbilityMode(ability); } else { Debug.Log($"{ability.abilityName} is on cooldown."); } return; } } Debug.LogWarning($"No ability assigned to key {key}."); } public bool IsAbilityModeActive() { return isAbilityActive; // Returns true if an ability mode is currently active } private void ToggleAbilityMode(Ability ability) { if (isAbilityActive && activeAbility == ability) { DeactivateAbilityMode(); } else { ActivateAbilityMode(ability); } } private void ActivateAbilityMode(Ability ability) { isAbilityActive = true; activeAbility = ability; currentAbilityIndicator.SetActive(true); Debug.Log($"Ability {ability.abilityName} activated! Click to use."); } private void DeactivateAbilityMode() { isAbilityActive = false; activeAbility = null; currentAbilityIndicator.SetActive(false); Debug.Log("Ability mode deactivated."); } private void UseActiveAbility() { if (activeAbility != null) { var spawnPosition = currentAbilityIndicator.transform.position; SpawnAbilityServerRpc(activeAbility.abilityKey, spawnPosition); StartCoroutine(StartCooldown(activeAbility)); DeactivateAbilityMode(); } } /// /// Starts the cooldown coroutine for the ability. /// private IEnumerator StartCooldown(Ability ability) { abilitiesOnCooldown.Add(ability); Debug.Log($"{ability.abilityName} is now on cooldown for {ability.cooldownTime} seconds."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(ability.cooldownTime); abilitiesOnCooldown.Remove(ability); Debug.Log($"{ability.abilityName} is off cooldown."); } /// /// Spawns the requested ability on the server. /// [ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)] private void SpawnAbilityServerRpc(string abilityKey, Vector3 position, ServerRpcParams rpcParams = default) { var ability = abilities.Find(a => a.abilityKey == abilityKey); if (ability == null) { Debug.LogError($"Ability {abilityKey} not found in the Ability System!"); return; } var prefab = ability.GetPrefab(); // Ensure your Ability class has a method to get the prefab if (prefab == null) { Debug.LogError($"Prefab for Ability {abilityKey} is not assigned!"); return; } GameObject abilityInstance = Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity); var networkObject = abilityInstance.GetComponent(); if (networkObject != null) { networkObject.Spawn(); Debug.Log($"Spawned {abilityKey} at {position}."); } else { Debug.LogError($"Ability prefab {abilityKey} must have a NetworkObject component."); } } private void UpdateIndicatorPosition() { // Raycast to get the position of the cursor on the ground Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit)) { currentAbilityIndicator.transform.position = hit.point; currentAbilityIndicator.transform.localScale = * activeAbility.abilityRadius; } } }