using System.Reflection; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace AssetUsageDetectorNamespace { public class SearchResultTooltip : EditorWindow { private static SearchResultTooltip mainWindow; private static string tooltip; private static GUIStyle m_style; internal static GUIStyle Style { get { if( m_style == null ) { m_style = (GUIStyle) typeof( EditorStyles ).GetProperty( "tooltip", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static ).GetValue( null, null ); m_style.richText = true; } return m_style; } } public static void Show( Rect sourcePosition, string tooltip ) { Vector2 preferredSize = Style.CalcSize( new GUIContent( tooltip ) ) + Style.contentOffset + new Vector2( Style.padding.horizontal + Style.margin.horizontal, Style.padding.vertical + Style.margin.vertical ); Rect preferredPosition; Rect positionLeft = new Rect( sourcePosition.position - new Vector2( preferredSize.x, 0f ), preferredSize ); Rect screenFittedPositionLeft = Utilities.GetScreenFittedRect( positionLeft ); Vector2 positionOffset = positionLeft.position - screenFittedPositionLeft.position; Vector2 sizeOffset = positionLeft.size - screenFittedPositionLeft.size; if( positionOffset.sqrMagnitude <= 400f && sizeOffset.sqrMagnitude <= 400f ) preferredPosition = screenFittedPositionLeft; else { Rect positionRight = new Rect( sourcePosition.position + new Vector2( sourcePosition.width, 0f ), preferredSize ); Rect screenFittedPositionRight = Utilities.GetScreenFittedRect( positionRight ); Vector2 positionOffset2 = positionRight.position - screenFittedPositionRight.position; Vector2 sizeOffset2 = positionRight.size - screenFittedPositionRight.size; if( positionOffset2.magnitude + sizeOffset2.magnitude < positionOffset.magnitude + sizeOffset.magnitude ) preferredPosition = screenFittedPositionRight; else preferredPosition = screenFittedPositionLeft; } // Don't lose focus to the previous window EditorWindow prevFocusedWindow = focusedWindow; if( !mainWindow ) { mainWindow = CreateInstance<SearchResultTooltip>(); mainWindow.ShowPopup(); } SearchResultTooltip.tooltip = tooltip; mainWindow.minSize = preferredPosition.size; mainWindow.position = preferredPosition; mainWindow.Repaint(); if( prevFocusedWindow ) prevFocusedWindow.Focus(); } public static void Hide() { if( mainWindow ) { mainWindow.Close(); mainWindow = null; } } private void OnGUI() { // If somehow the tooltip isn't automatically closed, allow closing it by clicking on it if( Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown ) { Hide(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUI.Label( new Rect(, position.size ), tooltip, Style ); } } }