Ali Sharoz 2 months ago
parent e580effe3c
commit c1be3b6936

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using VContainer;
using Avatar = Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Configuration.Avatar;
using System.Linq;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
@ -238,64 +239,74 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
/// <param name="seatIdx">Which seat we're sitting in, or -1 if SeatState is Inactive</param>
void UpdateCharacterSelection(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState state, int seatIdx = -1)
bool isNewSeat = m_LastSeatSelected != seatIdx;
if (seatIdx < -1 || seatIdx >= m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration.Length)
Debug.LogError($"Invalid seat index: {seatIdx}. Must be between 0 and {m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration.Length - 1}.");
return; // Prevent out-of-bounds access.
bool isNewSeat = m_LastSeatSelected != seatIdx;
m_LastSeatSelected = seatIdx;
if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive)
// Deactivate current character graphics when unselecting a seat
if (m_CurrentCharacterGraphics)
m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = false; // Reset lock-in status
if (seatIdx != -1)
// change character preview when selecting a new seat
if (isNewSeat)
var selectedCharacterGraphics = GetCharacterGraphics(m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration[seatIdx]);
if (m_CurrentCharacterGraphics)
if (seatIdx == -1)
Debug.LogWarning("Seat index is -1 for an active state. This should not happen.");
m_CurrentCharacterGraphics = selectedCharacterGraphics;
m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator = m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.GetComponent<Animator>();
// Change character preview when selecting a new seat
if (isNewSeat)
var selectedCharacterGraphics = GetCharacterGraphics(m_NetworkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration[seatIdx]);
if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn && !m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn)
// the local player has locked in their seat choice! Rearrange the UI appropriately
// the character should act excited
// m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator.SetTrigger(m_AnimationTriggerOnCharChosen);
ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(m_NetworkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value ? LobbyMode.LobbyEnding : LobbyMode.SeatChosen);
m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = true;
else if (m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn && state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active)
// reset character seats if locked in choice was unselected
if (m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn)
m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = false;
else if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active && isNewSeat)
if (m_CurrentCharacterGraphics)
// m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator.SetTrigger(m_AnimationTriggerOnCharSelect);
m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.SetActive(false); // Deactivate previous graphics
selectedCharacterGraphics.SetActive(true); // Activate new character graphics
m_CurrentCharacterGraphics = selectedCharacterGraphics;
m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator = m_CurrentCharacterGraphics.GetComponent<Animator>();
// Handle lock-in and active state changes
if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn && !m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn)
// Local player locks in their choice
ConfigureUIForLobbyMode(m_NetworkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value ? LobbyMode.LobbyEnding : LobbyMode.SeatChosen);
m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = true;
// m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator.SetTrigger(m_AnimationTriggerOnCharChosen); // Optional animation trigger
else if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active && m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn)
// Reset if locked-in choice was unselected
m_HasLocalPlayerLockedIn = false;
else if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active && isNewSeat)
// Handle animation trigger when actively selecting a new seat
// m_CurrentCharacterGraphicsAnimator.SetTrigger(m_AnimationTriggerOnCharSelect); // Optional animation trigger
/// <summary>
/// Internal utility that sets the graphics for the eight lobby-seats (based on their current networked state)
/// </summary>

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
public override GameState ActiveState => GameState.CharSelect;
public NetworkCharSelection networkCharSelection { get; private set; }
//public static int numOfPlayers;
Coroutine m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine;
@ -62,31 +62,7 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
if (newSeatIdx == -1)
// we can't lock in with no seat
lockedIn = false;
// see if someone has already locked-in that seat! If so, too late... discard this choice
foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerInfo in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
if (playerInfo.ClientId != clientId && playerInfo.SeatIdx == newSeatIdx && playerInfo.SeatState == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
// somebody already locked this choice in. Stop!
// Instead of granting lock request, change this player to Inactive state.
networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx] = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(clientId,
// then early out
// Allow multiple players to select the same character without restrictions
networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx] = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(clientId,
@ -94,24 +70,6 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
if (lockedIn)
// to help the clients visually keep track of who's in what seat, we'll "kick out" any other players
// who were also in that seat. (Those players didn't click "Ready!" fast enough, somebody else took their seat!)
for (int i = 0; i < networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; ++i)
if (networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].SeatIdx == newSeatIdx && i != idx)
// change this player to Inactive state.
networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i] = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(
@ -128,31 +86,20 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Looks through all our connections and sees if everyone has locked in their choice;
/// if so, we lock in the whole lobby, save state, and begin the transition to gameplay
/// </summary>
void CloseLobbyIfReady()
foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerInfo in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
if (playerInfo.SeatState != NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
return; // nope, at least one player isn't locked in yet!
return; // at least one player isn't locked in yet!
// everybody's ready at the same time! Lock it down!
networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value = true;
// remember our choices so the next scene can use the info
// Delay a few seconds to give the UI time to react, then switch scenes
m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine = StartCoroutine(WaitToEndLobby());
/// <summary>
/// Cancels the process of closing the lobby, so that if a new player joins, they are able to chose a character.
/// </summary>
void CancelCloseLobby()
if (m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine != null)
@ -165,7 +112,6 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
void SaveLobbyResults()
int numofPlayersInLobby = networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count;
//numOfPlayers = numofPlayersInLobby;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("NumberOfLobbyPlayers", numofPlayersInLobby);
Debug.Log("Number of Players in lobby are: " + numofPlayersInLobby);
foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerInfo in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
@ -174,8 +120,6 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
if (playerNetworkObject && playerNetworkObject.TryGetComponent(out PersistentPlayer persistentPlayer))
// pass avatar GUID to PersistentPlayer
// it'd be great to simplify this with something like a NetworkScriptableObjects :(
persistentPlayer.NetworkAvatarGuidState.AvatarGuid.Value =
@ -218,9 +162,7 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
void OnSceneEvent(SceneEvent sceneEvent)
// We need to filter out the event that are not a client has finished loading the scene
if (sceneEvent.SceneEventType != SceneEventType.LoadComplete) return;
// When the client finishes loading the Lobby Map, we will need to Seat it
@ -233,28 +175,23 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
return possiblePlayerNumber;
// we couldn't get a Player# for this person... which means the lobby is full!
return -1;
bool IsPlayerNumberAvailable(int playerNumber)
bool found = false;
foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerState in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
if (playerState.PlayerNumber == playerNumber)
found = true;
return false;
return !found;
return true;
void SeatNewPlayer(ulong clientId)
// If lobby is closing and waiting to start the game, cancel to allow that new player to select a character
if (networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value)
@ -266,13 +203,11 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
var playerData = sessionPlayerData.Value;
if (playerData.PlayerNumber == -1 || !IsPlayerNumberAvailable(playerData.PlayerNumber))
// If no player num already assigned or if player num is no longer available, get an available one.
playerData.PlayerNumber = GetAvailablePlayerNumber();
if (playerData.PlayerNumber == -1)
// Sanity check. We ran out of seats... there was no room!
throw new Exception($"we shouldn't be here, connection approval should have refused this connection already for client ID {clientId} and player num {playerData.PlayerNumber}");
throw new Exception($"No available player number for client ID {clientId}");
networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Add(new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(clientId, playerData.PlayerName, playerData.PlayerNumber, NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive));
@ -282,7 +217,6 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
void OnClientDisconnectCallback(ulong clientId)
// clear this client's PlayerNumber and any associated visuals (so other players know they're gone).
for (int i = 0; i < networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; ++i)
if (networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].ClientId == clientId)
@ -294,9 +228,312 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
if (!networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value)
// If the lobby is not already closing, close if the remaining players are all ready
//using System;
//using System.Collections;
//using Unity.BossRoom.ConnectionManagement;
//using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects;
//using Unity.BossRoom.Infrastructure;
//using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.BossRoom;
//using Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities;
//using Unity.Netcode;
//using UnityEngine;
//using VContainer;
//namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState
// /// <summary>
// /// Server specialization of Character Select game state.
// /// </summary>
// [RequireComponent(typeof(NetcodeHooks), typeof(NetworkCharSelection))]
// public class ServerCharSelectState : GameStateBehaviour
// {
// [SerializeField]
// NetcodeHooks m_NetcodeHooks;
// public override GameState ActiveState => GameState.CharSelect;
// public NetworkCharSelection networkCharSelection { get; private set; }
// //public static int numOfPlayers;
// Coroutine m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine;
// [Inject]
// ConnectionManager m_ConnectionManager;
// protected override void Awake()
// {
// base.Awake();
// networkCharSelection = GetComponent<NetworkCharSelection>();
// m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkSpawnHook += OnNetworkSpawn;
// m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkDespawnHook += OnNetworkDespawn;
// }
// protected override void OnDestroy()
// {
// base.OnDestroy();
// if (m_NetcodeHooks)
// {
// m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkSpawnHook -= OnNetworkSpawn;
// m_NetcodeHooks.OnNetworkDespawnHook -= OnNetworkDespawn;
// }
// }
// void OnClientChangedSeat(ulong clientId, int newSeatIdx, bool lockedIn)
// {
// int idx = FindLobbyPlayerIdx(clientId);
// if (idx == -1)
// {
// throw new Exception($"OnClientChangedSeat: client ID {clientId} is not a lobby player and cannot change seats! Shouldn't be here!");
// }
// if (networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value)
// {
// // The user tried to change their class after everything was locked in... too late! Discard this choice
// return;
// }
// if (newSeatIdx == -1)
// {
// // we can't lock in with no seat
// lockedIn = false;
// }
// else
// {
// // see if someone has already locked-in that seat! If so, too late... discard this choice
// foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerInfo in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
// {
// if (playerInfo.ClientId != clientId && playerInfo.SeatIdx == newSeatIdx && playerInfo.SeatState == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
// {
// // somebody already locked this choice in. Stop!
// // Instead of granting lock request, change this player to Inactive state.
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx] = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(clientId,
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx].PlayerName,
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx].PlayerNumber,
// NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive);
// // then early out
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx] = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(clientId,
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx].PlayerName,
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[idx].PlayerNumber,
// lockedIn ? NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn : NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Active,
// newSeatIdx,
// Time.time);
// if (lockedIn)
// {
// // to help the clients visually keep track of who's in what seat, we'll "kick out" any other players
// // who were also in that seat. (Those players didn't click "Ready!" fast enough, somebody else took their seat!)
// for (int i = 0; i < networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; ++i)
// {
// if (networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].SeatIdx == newSeatIdx && i != idx)
// {
// // change this player to Inactive state.
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i] = new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].ClientId,
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].PlayerName,
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].PlayerNumber,
// NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive);
// }
// }
// }
// CloseLobbyIfReady();
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Returns the index of a client in the master LobbyPlayer list, or -1 if not found
// /// </summary>
// int FindLobbyPlayerIdx(ulong clientId)
// {
// for (int i = 0; i < networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; ++i)
// {
// if (networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].ClientId == clientId)
// return i;
// }
// return -1;
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Looks through all our connections and sees if everyone has locked in their choice;
// /// if so, we lock in the whole lobby, save state, and begin the transition to gameplay
// /// </summary>
// void CloseLobbyIfReady()
// {
// foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerInfo in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
// {
// if (playerInfo.SeatState != NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
// return; // nope, at least one player isn't locked in yet!
// }
// // everybody's ready at the same time! Lock it down!
// networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value = true;
// // remember our choices so the next scene can use the info
// SaveLobbyResults();
// // Delay a few seconds to give the UI time to react, then switch scenes
// m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine = StartCoroutine(WaitToEndLobby());
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Cancels the process of closing the lobby, so that if a new player joins, they are able to chose a character.
// /// </summary>
// void CancelCloseLobby()
// {
// if (m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine != null)
// {
// StopCoroutine(m_WaitToEndLobbyCoroutine);
// }
// networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value = false;
// }
// void SaveLobbyResults()
// {
// int numofPlayersInLobby = networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count;
// //numOfPlayers = numofPlayersInLobby;
// PlayerPrefs.SetInt("NumberOfLobbyPlayers", numofPlayersInLobby);
// Debug.Log("Number of Players in lobby are: " + numofPlayersInLobby);
// foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerInfo in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
// {
// var playerNetworkObject = NetworkManager.Singleton.SpawnManager.GetPlayerNetworkObject(playerInfo.ClientId);
// if (playerNetworkObject && playerNetworkObject.TryGetComponent(out PersistentPlayer persistentPlayer))
// {
// // pass avatar GUID to PersistentPlayer
// // it'd be great to simplify this with something like a NetworkScriptableObjects :(
// persistentPlayer.NetworkAvatarGuidState.AvatarGuid.Value =
// networkCharSelection.AvatarConfiguration[playerInfo.SeatIdx].Guid.ToNetworkGuid();
// }
// }
// }
// IEnumerator WaitToEndLobby()
// {
// yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
// SceneLoaderWrapper.Instance.LoadScene("BossRoom", useNetworkSceneManager: true);
// }
// public void OnNetworkDespawn()
// {
// if (NetworkManager.Singleton)
// {
// NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= OnClientDisconnectCallback;
// NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.OnSceneEvent -= OnSceneEvent;
// }
// if (networkCharSelection)
// {
// networkCharSelection.OnClientChangedSeat -= OnClientChangedSeat;
// }
// }
// public void OnNetworkSpawn()
// {
// if (!NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
// {
// enabled = false;
// }
// else
// {
// NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += OnClientDisconnectCallback;
// networkCharSelection.OnClientChangedSeat += OnClientChangedSeat;
// NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.OnSceneEvent += OnSceneEvent;
// }
// }
// void OnSceneEvent(SceneEvent sceneEvent)
// {
// // We need to filter out the event that are not a client has finished loading the scene
// if (sceneEvent.SceneEventType != SceneEventType.LoadComplete) return;
// // When the client finishes loading the Lobby Map, we will need to Seat it
// SeatNewPlayer(sceneEvent.ClientId);
// }
// int GetAvailablePlayerNumber()
// {
// for (int possiblePlayerNumber = 0; possiblePlayerNumber < m_ConnectionManager.MaxConnectedPlayers; ++possiblePlayerNumber)
// {
// if (IsPlayerNumberAvailable(possiblePlayerNumber))
// {
// return possiblePlayerNumber;
// }
// }
// // we couldn't get a Player# for this person... which means the lobby is full!
// return -1;
// }
// bool IsPlayerNumberAvailable(int playerNumber)
// {
// bool found = false;
// foreach (NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState playerState in networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers)
// {
// if (playerState.PlayerNumber == playerNumber)
// {
// found = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// return !found;
// }
// void SeatNewPlayer(ulong clientId)
// {
// // If lobby is closing and waiting to start the game, cancel to allow that new player to select a character
// if (networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value)
// {
// CancelCloseLobby();
// }
// SessionPlayerData? sessionPlayerData = SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.GetPlayerData(clientId);
// if (sessionPlayerData.HasValue)
// {
// var playerData = sessionPlayerData.Value;
// if (playerData.PlayerNumber == -1 || !IsPlayerNumberAvailable(playerData.PlayerNumber))
// {
// // If no player num already assigned or if player num is no longer available, get an available one.
// playerData.PlayerNumber = GetAvailablePlayerNumber();
// }
// if (playerData.PlayerNumber == -1)
// {
// // Sanity check. We ran out of seats... there was no room!
// throw new Exception($"we shouldn't be here, connection approval should have refused this connection already for client ID {clientId} and player num {playerData.PlayerNumber}");
// }
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Add(new NetworkCharSelection.LobbyPlayerState(clientId, playerData.PlayerName, playerData.PlayerNumber, NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive));
// SessionManager<SessionPlayerData>.Instance.SetPlayerData(clientId, playerData);
// }
// }
// void OnClientDisconnectCallback(ulong clientId)
// {
// // clear this client's PlayerNumber and any associated visuals (so other players know they're gone).
// for (int i = 0; i < networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.Count; ++i)
// {
// if (networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers[i].ClientId == clientId)
// {
// networkCharSelection.LobbyPlayers.RemoveAt(i);
// break;
// }
// }
// if (!networkCharSelection.IsLobbyClosed.Value)
// {
// // If the lobby is not already closing, close if the remaining players are all ready
// CloseLobbyIfReady();
// }
// }
// }

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState;
using TMPro;
@ -7,9 +8,6 @@ using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI
/// <summary>
/// Controls one of the eight "seats" on the character-select screen (the boxes along the bottom).
/// </summary>
public class UICharSelectPlayerSeat : MonoBehaviour
@ -17,9 +15,13 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI
private GameObject m_ActiveStateVisuals;
private Image m_PlayerNumberHolder;
private Transform m_PlayerNumberHolderParent; // Parent for player images
private TextMeshProUGUI m_PlayerNameHolder;
private Transform m_PlayerNameHolderParent; // Parent for player names
private GameObject m_PlayerNumberTemplate; // Prefab template for player images
private GameObject m_PlayerNameTemplate; // Prefab template for player names
private Image m_Glow;
@ -36,52 +38,135 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI
private CharacterTypeEnum m_CharacterClass;
// just a way to designate which seat we are -- the leftmost seat on the lobby UI is index 0, the next one is index 1, etc.
private int m_SeatIndex;
// playerNumber of who is sitting in this seat right now. 0-based; e.g. this is 0 for Player 1, 1 for Player 2, etc. Meaningless when m_State is Inactive (and in that case it is set to -1 for clarity)
private int m_PlayerNumber;
// the last SeatState we were assigned
private List<int> m_PlayerNumbers = new List<int>();
private List<string> m_PlayerNames = new List<string>();
private NetworkCharSelection.SeatState m_State;
// once this is true, we're never clickable again!
private bool m_IsDisabled;
public static event Action<int, int> OnPlayerSwitchedProfile; // Event for player switching
public void Initialize(int seatIndex)
m_SeatIndex = seatIndex;
m_State = NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive;
m_PlayerNumber = -1;
public void SetState(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState state, int playerIndex, string playerName)
public bool IsLocked()
return m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn && m_PlayerNumbers.Count > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the state of the seat and updates the UI for the selected players.
/// </summary>
public void SetState(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState state, int playerNumber, string playerName)
if (state == m_State && playerIndex == m_PlayerNumber)
return; // no actual changes
if (state == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive)
OnPlayerSwitchedProfile?.Invoke(playerNumber, m_SeatIndex); // Notify other seats
AddPlayer(playerNumber, playerName);
m_State = state;
m_PlayerNumber = playerIndex;
m_PlayerNameHolder.text = playerName;
if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive)
m_PlayerNumber = -1;
public bool IsLocked()
/// <summary>
/// Adds a player's number and name to the seat.
/// </summary>
public void AddPlayer(int playerNumber, string playerName)
return m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn;
if (!m_PlayerNumbers.Contains(playerNumber))
public void SetDisableInteraction(bool disable)
/// <summary>
/// Removes a player's number and name from the seat.
/// </summary>
public void RemovePlayer(int playerNumber)
m_Button.interactable = !disable;
m_IsDisabled = disable;
int index = m_PlayerNumbers.IndexOf(playerNumber);
if (index >= 0)
if (!disable)
private void ConfigureStateGraphics()
// Clear existing player images and names.
foreach (Transform child in m_PlayerNumberHolderParent)
foreach (Transform child in m_PlayerNameHolderParent)
if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive || m_PlayerNumbers.Count == 0)
float playerNumberYPosition = 0f; // Starting Y-position for player images.
float playerNameYPosition = 0f; // Starting Y-position for player names.
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlayerNumbers.Count; i++)
// Instantiate and position player number (image).
var playerImageObj = Instantiate(m_PlayerNumberTemplate, m_PlayerNumberHolderParent);
var playerImage = playerImageObj.GetComponent<Image>();
playerImage.sprite = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumbers[i]].Indicator;
// Set position of player image with Y-offset of +60 units.
RectTransform imageRect = playerImageObj.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
imageRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(imageRect.anchoredPosition.x, playerNumberYPosition);
playerNumberYPosition += 60f; // Move upward by 60 units for the next image.
// Instantiate and position player name (text).
var playerNameObj = Instantiate(m_PlayerNameTemplate, m_PlayerNameHolderParent);
var playerNameText = playerNameObj.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
playerNameText.text = m_PlayerNames[i];
playerNameText.color = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumbers[i]].Color;
// Set position of player name with Y-offset of -20 units.
RectTransform nameRect = playerNameObj.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
nameRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(nameRect.anchoredPosition.x, playerNameYPosition);
playerNameYPosition -= 20f; // Move downward by 20 units for the next name.
if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
m_Glow.color = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumbers[0]].Color;
// if we were locked move to unlocked state
@ -104,50 +189,198 @@ namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI
private void ConfigureStateGraphics()
public void SetDisableInteraction(bool disable)
if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive)
m_Button.interactable = m_IsDisabled ? false : true;
else // either active or locked-in... these states are visually very similar
m_PlayerNumberHolder.sprite = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumber].Indicator;
m_PlayerNameHolder.color = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumber].Color;
m_Button.interactable = m_IsDisabled ? false : true;
if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
m_Glow.color = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumber].Color;
m_Button.interactable = false;
m_IsDisabled = disable;
// Called directly by Button in UI
public void OnClicked()
private void OnEnable()
OnPlayerSwitchedProfile += HandlePlayerSwitched;
private void OnDisable()
OnPlayerSwitchedProfile -= HandlePlayerSwitched;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the player from this seat if they select another.
/// </summary>
private void HandlePlayerSwitched(int playerNumber, int newSeatIndex)
if (newSeatIndex != m_SeatIndex)
//using System;
//using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
//using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameState;
//using TMPro;
//using UnityEngine;
//using UnityEngine.UI;
//namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI
// /// <summary>
// /// Controls one of the eight "seats" on the character-select screen (the boxes along the bottom).
// /// </summary>
// public class UICharSelectPlayerSeat : MonoBehaviour
// {
// [SerializeField]
// private GameObject m_InactiveStateVisuals;
// [SerializeField]
// private GameObject m_ActiveStateVisuals;
// [SerializeField]
// private Image m_PlayerNumberHolder;
// [SerializeField]
// private TextMeshProUGUI m_PlayerNameHolder;
// [SerializeField]
// private Image m_Glow;
// [SerializeField]
// private Image m_Checkbox;
// [SerializeField]
// private Button m_Button;
// [SerializeField]
// private Animator m_Animator;
// [SerializeField]
// private string m_AnimatorTriggerWhenLockedIn = "LockedIn";
// [SerializeField]
// private string m_AnimatorTriggerWhenUnlocked = "Unlocked";
// [SerializeField]
// private CharacterTypeEnum m_CharacterClass;
// // just a way to designate which seat we are -- the leftmost seat on the lobby UI is index 0, the next one is index 1, etc.
// private int m_SeatIndex;
// // playerNumber of who is sitting in this seat right now. 0-based; e.g. this is 0 for Player 1, 1 for Player 2, etc. Meaningless when m_State is Inactive (and in that case it is set to -1 for clarity)
// private int m_PlayerNumber;
// // the last SeatState we were assigned
// private NetworkCharSelection.SeatState m_State;
// // once this is true, we're never clickable again!
// private bool m_IsDisabled;
// public void Initialize(int seatIndex)
// {
// m_SeatIndex = seatIndex;
// m_State = NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive;
// m_PlayerNumber = -1;
// ConfigureStateGraphics();
// }
// public void SetState(NetworkCharSelection.SeatState state, int playerIndex, string playerName)
// {
// if (state == m_State && playerIndex == m_PlayerNumber)
// return; // no actual changes
// m_State = state;
// m_PlayerNumber = playerIndex;
// m_PlayerNameHolder.text = playerName;
// if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive)
// m_PlayerNumber = -1;
// ConfigureStateGraphics();
// }
// public bool IsLocked()
// {
// return m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn;
// }
// public void SetDisableInteraction(bool disable)
// {
// Debug.Log("Ali Interactable False");
// //m_Button.interactable = !disable;
// m_IsDisabled = disable;
// if (!disable)
// {
// // if we were locked move to unlocked state
// PlayUnlockAnim();
// }
// }
// private void PlayLockAnim()
// {
// if (m_Animator)
// {
// m_Animator.ResetTrigger(m_AnimatorTriggerWhenUnlocked);
// m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_AnimatorTriggerWhenLockedIn);
// }
// }
// private void PlayUnlockAnim()
// {
// if (m_Animator)
// {
// m_Animator.ResetTrigger(m_AnimatorTriggerWhenLockedIn);
// m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_AnimatorTriggerWhenUnlocked);
// }
// }
// private void ConfigureStateGraphics()
// {
// if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.Inactive)
// {
// m_InactiveStateVisuals.SetActive(true);
// m_ActiveStateVisuals.SetActive(false);
// m_Glow.gameObject.SetActive(false);
// m_Checkbox.gameObject.SetActive(false);
// m_PlayerNameHolder.gameObject.SetActive(false);
// Debug.Log("Ali Interactable False 2");
// //m_Button.interactable = !m_IsDisabled;
// PlayUnlockAnim();
// }
// else // either active or locked-in... these states are visually very similar
// {
// m_InactiveStateVisuals.SetActive(false);
// m_PlayerNumberHolder.sprite = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumber].Indicator;
// m_ActiveStateVisuals.SetActive(true);
// m_PlayerNameHolder.gameObject.SetActive(true);
// m_PlayerNameHolder.color = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumber].Color;
// //m_Button.interactable = !m_IsDisabled;
// Debug.Log("Ali Interactable False 3");
// if (m_State == NetworkCharSelection.SeatState.LockedIn)
// {
// m_Glow.color = ClientCharSelectState.Instance.m_IdentifiersForEachPlayerNumber[m_PlayerNumber].Color;
// m_Glow.gameObject.SetActive(true);
// m_Checkbox.gameObject.SetActive(true);
// Debug.Log("Ali Interactable False 4");
// //m_Button.interactable = false;
// PlayLockAnim();
// }
// else
// {
// m_Glow.gameObject.SetActive(false);
// m_Checkbox.gameObject.SetActive(false);
// PlayUnlockAnim();
// }
// }
// }
// // Called directly by Button in UI
// public void OnClicked()
// {
// ClientCharSelectState.Instance.OnPlayerClickedSeat(m_SeatIndex);
// }
// }
