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2 weeks ago
void MainLight_float(float3 WorldPosition, out float3 Direction, out float3 Color, out float ShadowAttenuation)
Direction = float3(0.5,0.5,0);
Color = 1;
ShadowAttenuation = 1;
float4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(WorldPosition);
Light mainLight = GetMainLight(shadowCoord);
Direction = mainLight.direction;
Color = mainLight.color;
#if !defined(_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS) || defined(_RECIEVE_SHADOWS_OFF)
ShadowAttenuation = 1.0h;
ShadowSamplingData shadowSamplingData = GetMainLightShadowSamplingData();
float shadowStrength = GetMainLightShadowStrength();
ShadowAttentuation = SampleShadowmap(shadowCoord, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_MainLightShadowmapTexture,
sampler_MainLightShadowmapTexture), shadowSamplingData, shadowStrength, false);