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4 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace Unity.Multiplayer.Samples.Utilities
/// <summary>
/// This NetworkBehavior, when added to a GameObject containing a collider (or multiple colliders) with the
/// IsTrigger property On, allows the server to load or unload a scene additively according to the position of
/// player-owned objects. The scene is loaded when there is at least one NetworkObject with the specified tag that
/// enters its collider. It also unloads it when all such NetworkObjects leave the collider, after a specified
/// delay to prevent it from repeatedly loading and unloading the same scene.
/// </summary>
public class ServerAdditiveSceneLoader : NetworkBehaviour
float m_DelayBeforeUnload = 5.0f;
string m_SceneName;
/// <summary>
/// We assume that all NetworkObjects with this tag are player-owned
/// </summary>
string m_PlayerTag;
/// <summary>
/// We keep the clientIds of every player-owned object inside the collider's volume
/// </summary>
List<ulong> m_PlayersInTrigger;
bool IsActive => IsServer && IsSpawned;
3 months ago
public enum SceneState
4 months ago
3 months ago
public SceneState m_SceneState = SceneState.Unloaded;
4 months ago
Coroutine m_UnloadCoroutine;
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (IsServer)
// Adding this to remove all pending references to a specific client when they disconnect, since objects
// that are destroyed do not generate OnTriggerExit events.
NetworkManager.OnClientDisconnectCallback += RemovePlayer;
NetworkManager.SceneManager.OnSceneEvent += OnSceneEvent;
m_PlayersInTrigger = new List<ulong>();
public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
if (IsServer)
NetworkManager.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= RemovePlayer;
NetworkManager.SceneManager.OnSceneEvent -= OnSceneEvent;
void OnSceneEvent(SceneEvent sceneEvent)
if (sceneEvent.SceneEventType == SceneEventType.LoadEventCompleted && sceneEvent.SceneName == m_SceneName)
m_SceneState = SceneState.Loaded;
else if (sceneEvent.SceneEventType == SceneEventType.UnloadEventCompleted && sceneEvent.SceneName == m_SceneName)
m_SceneState = SceneState.Unloaded;
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (IsActive) // make sure that OnNetworkSpawn has been called before this
if (other.CompareTag(m_PlayerTag) && other.TryGetComponent(out NetworkObject networkObject))
if (m_UnloadCoroutine != null)
// stopping the unloading coroutine since there is now a player-owned NetworkObject inside
if (m_SceneState == SceneState.WaitingToUnload)
m_SceneState = SceneState.Loaded;
void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
if (IsActive) // make sure that OnNetworkSpawn has been called before this
if (other.CompareTag(m_PlayerTag) && other.TryGetComponent(out NetworkObject networkObject))
void FixedUpdate()
if (IsActive) // make sure that OnNetworkSpawn has been called before this
if (m_SceneState == SceneState.Unloaded && m_PlayersInTrigger.Count > 0)
var status = NetworkManager.SceneManager.LoadScene(m_SceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
// if successfully started a LoadScene event, set state to Loading
if (status == SceneEventProgressStatus.Started)
m_SceneState = SceneState.Loading;
else if (m_SceneState == SceneState.Loaded && m_PlayersInTrigger.Count == 0)
// using a coroutine here to add a delay before unloading the scene
m_UnloadCoroutine = StartCoroutine(WaitToUnloadCoroutine());
m_SceneState = SceneState.WaitingToUnload;
void RemovePlayer(ulong clientId)
// remove all references to this clientId. There could be multiple references if a single client owns
// multiple NetworkObjects with the m_PlayerTag, or if this script's GameObject has overlapping colliders
while (m_PlayersInTrigger.Remove(clientId)) { }
IEnumerator WaitToUnloadCoroutine()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_DelayBeforeUnload);
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(m_SceneName);
if (scene.isLoaded)
var status = NetworkManager.SceneManager.UnloadScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByName(m_SceneName));
// if successfully started an UnloadScene event, set state to Unloading, if not, reset state to Loaded so a new Coroutine will start
m_SceneState = status == SceneEventProgressStatus.Started ? SceneState.Unloading : SceneState.Loaded;