340 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using Unity.BossRoom.VisualEffects;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using BlockingMode = Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions.BlockingModeType;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.Actions
/// <summary>
/// The abstract parent class that all Actions derive from.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The Action System is a generalized mechanism for Characters to "do stuff" in a networked way. Actions
/// include everything from your basic character attack, to a fancy skill like the Archer's Volley Shot, but also
/// include more mundane things like pulling a lever.
/// For every ActionLogic enum, there will be one specialization of this class.
/// There is only ever one active Action (also called the "blocking" action) at a time on a character, but multiple
/// Actions may exist at once, with subsequent Actions pending behind the currently active one, and possibly
/// "non-blocking" actions running in the background. See ActionPlayer.cs
/// The flow for Actions is:
/// Initially: Start()
/// Every frame: ShouldBecomeNonBlocking() (only if Action is blocking), then Update()
/// On shutdown: End() or Cancel()
/// After shutdown: ChainIntoNewAction() (only if Action was blocking, and only if End() was called, not Cancel())
/// Note also that if Start() returns false, no other functions are called on the Action, not even End().
/// This Action system has not been designed to be generic and extractable to be reused in other projects - keep that in mind when reading through this code.
/// A better action system would need to be more accessible and customizable by game designers and allow more design emergence. It'd have ways to define smaller atomic action steps and have a generic way to define and access character data. It would also need to be more performant, as actions would scale with your number of characters and concurrent actions.
/// </remarks>
public abstract class Action : ScriptableObject
/// <summary>
/// An index into the GameDataSource array of action prototypes. Set at runtime by GameDataSource class. If action is not itself a prototype - will contain the action id of the prototype reference.
/// This field is used to identify actions in a way that can be sent over the network.
/// </summary>
public ActionID ActionID;
/// <summary>
/// The default hit react animation; several different ActionFXs make use of this.
/// </summary>
public const string k_DefaultHitReact = "HitReact1";
protected ActionRequestData m_Data;
/// <summary>
/// Time when this Action was started (from Time.time) in seconds. Set by the ActionPlayer or ActionVisualization.
/// </summary>
public float TimeStarted { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How long the Action has been running (since its Start was called)--in seconds, measured via Time.time.
/// </summary>
public float TimeRunning { get { return (Time.time - TimeStarted); } }
/// <summary>
/// RequestData we were instantiated with. Value should be treated as readonly.
/// </summary>
public ref ActionRequestData Data => ref m_Data;
/// <summary>
/// Data Description for this action.
/// </summary>
public ActionConfig Config;
public bool IsChaseAction => ActionID == GameDataSource.Instance.GeneralChaseActionPrototype.ActionID;
public bool IsStunAction => ActionID == GameDataSource.Instance.StunnedActionPrototype.ActionID;
public bool IsGeneralTargetAction => ActionID == GameDataSource.Instance.GeneralTargetActionPrototype.ActionID;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. The "data" parameter should not be retained after passing in to this method, because we take ownership of its internal memory.
/// Needs to be called by the ActionFactory.
/// </summary>
public void Initialize(ref ActionRequestData data)
m_Data = data;
ActionID = data.ActionID;
/// <summary>
/// This function resets the action before returning it to the pool
/// </summary>
public virtual void Reset()
m_Data = default;
ActionID = default;
TimeStarted = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the Action starts actually playing (which may be after it is created, because of queueing).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>false if the action decided it doesn't want to run after all, true otherwise. </returns>
public abstract bool OnStart(ServerCharacter serverCharacter);
/// <summary>
/// Called each frame while the action is running.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true to keep running, false to stop. The Action will stop by default when its duration expires, if it has a duration set. </returns>
public abstract bool OnUpdate(ServerCharacter clientCharacter);
/// <summary>
/// Called each frame (before OnUpdate()) for the active ("blocking") Action, asking if it should become a background Action.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true to become a non-blocking Action, false to remain a blocking Action</returns>
public virtual bool ShouldBecomeNonBlocking()
return Config.BlockingMode == BlockingModeType.OnlyDuringExecTime ? TimeRunning >= Config.ExecTimeSeconds : false;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the Action ends naturally. By default just calls Cancel()
/// </summary>
public virtual void End(ServerCharacter serverCharacter)
/// <summary>
/// This will get called when the Action gets canceled. The Action should clean up any ongoing effects at this point.
/// (e.g. an Action that involves moving should cancel the current active move).
/// </summary>
public virtual void Cancel(ServerCharacter serverCharacter) { }
/// <summary>
/// Called *AFTER* End(). At this point, the Action has ended, meaning its Update() etc. functions will never be
/// called again. If the Action wants to immediately segue into a different Action, it can do so here. The new
/// Action will take effect in the next Update().
/// Note that this is not called on prematurely cancelled Actions, only on ones that have their End() called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newAction">the new Action to immediately transition to</param>
/// <returns>true if there's a new action, false otherwise</returns>
public virtual bool ChainIntoNewAction(ref ActionRequestData newAction) { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Called on the active ("blocking") Action when this character collides with another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverCharacter"></param>
/// <param name="collision"></param>
public virtual void CollisionEntered(ServerCharacter serverCharacter, Collision collision) { }
public enum BuffableValue
PercentHealingReceived, // unbuffed value is 1.0. Reducing to 0 would mean "no healing". 2 would mean "double healing"
PercentDamageReceived, // unbuffed value is 1.0. Reducing to 0 would mean "no damage". 2 would mean "double damage"
ChanceToStunTramplers, // unbuffed value is 0. If > 0, is the chance that someone trampling this character becomes stunned
/// <summary>
/// Called on all active Actions to give them a chance to alter the outcome of a gameplay calculation. Note
/// that this is used for both "buffs" (positive gameplay benefits) and "debuffs" (gameplay penalties).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// In a more complex game with lots of buffs and debuffs, this function might be replaced by a separate
/// BuffRegistry component. This would let you add fancier features, such as defining which effects
/// "stack" with other ones, and could provide a UI that lists which are affecting each character
/// and for how long.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="buffType">Which gameplay variable being calculated</param>
/// <param name="orgValue">The original ("un-buffed") value</param>
/// <param name="buffedValue">The final ("buffed") value</param>
public virtual void BuffValue(BuffableValue buffType, ref float buffedValue) { }
/// <summary>
/// Static utility function that returns the default ("un-buffed") value for a BuffableValue.
/// (This just ensures that there's one place for all these constants.)
/// </summary>
public static float GetUnbuffedValue(Action.BuffableValue buffType)
switch (buffType)
case BuffableValue.PercentDamageReceived: return 1;
case BuffableValue.PercentHealingReceived: return 1;
case BuffableValue.ChanceToStunTramplers: return 0;
default: throw new System.Exception($"Unknown buff type {buffType}");
public enum GameplayActivity
UsingAttackAction, // called immediately before we perform the attack Action
/// <summary>
/// Called on active Actions to let them know when a notable gameplay event happens.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When a GameplayActivity of AttackedByEnemy or Healed happens, OnGameplayAction() is called BEFORE BuffValue() is called.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="serverCharacter"></param>
/// <param name="activityType"></param>
public virtual void OnGameplayActivity(ServerCharacter serverCharacter, GameplayActivity activityType) { }
/// <summary>
/// True if this actionFX began running immediately, prior to getting a confirmation from the server.
/// </summary>
public bool AnticipatedClient { get; protected set; }
/// <summary>
/// Starts the ActionFX. Derived classes may return false if they wish to end immediately without their Update being called.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Derived class should be sure to call base.OnStart() in their implementation, but note that this resets "Anticipated" to false.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>true to play, false to be immediately cleaned up.</returns>
public virtual bool OnStartClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter)
AnticipatedClient = false; //once you start for real you are no longer an anticipated action.
TimeStarted = UnityEngine.Time.time;
return true;
public virtual bool OnUpdateClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter)
return ActionConclusion.Continue;
/// <summary>
/// End is always called when the ActionFX finishes playing. This is a good place for derived classes to put
/// wrap-up logic (perhaps playing the "puff of smoke" that rises when a persistent fire AOE goes away). Derived
/// classes should aren't required to call base.End(); by default, the method just calls 'Cancel', to handle the
/// common case where Cancel and End do the same thing.
/// </summary>
public virtual void EndClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter)
/// <summary>
/// Cancel is called when an ActionFX is interrupted prematurely. It is kept logically distinct from End to allow
/// for the possibility that an Action might want to play something different if it is interrupted, rather than
/// completing. For example, a "ChargeShot" action might want to emit a projectile object in its End method, but
/// instead play a "Stagger" animation in its Cancel method.
/// </summary>
public virtual void CancelClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter) { }
/// <summary>
/// Should this ActionFX be created anticipatively on the owning client?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientCharacter">The ActionVisualization that would be playing this ActionFX.</param>
/// <param name="data">The request being sent to the server</param>
/// <returns>If true ActionVisualization should pre-emptively create the ActionFX on the owning client, before hearing back from the server.</returns>
public static bool ShouldClientAnticipate(ClientCharacter clientCharacter, ref ActionRequestData data)
if (!clientCharacter.CanPerformActions) { return false; }
var actionDescription = GameDataSource.Instance.GetActionPrototypeByID(data.ActionID).Config;
//for actions with ShouldClose set, we check our range locally. If we are out of range, we shouldn't anticipate, as we will
//need to execute a ChaseAction (synthesized on the server) prior to actually playing the skill.
bool isTargetEligible = true;
if (data.ShouldClose == true)
ulong targetId = (data.TargetIds != null && data.TargetIds.Length > 0) ? data.TargetIds[0] : 0;
if (NetworkManager.Singleton.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.TryGetValue(targetId, out NetworkObject networkObject))
float rangeSquared = actionDescription.Range * actionDescription.Range;
isTargetEligible = (networkObject.transform.position - clientCharacter.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < rangeSquared;
//at present all Actionts anticipate except for the Target action, which runs a single instance on the client and is
//responsible for action anticipation on its own.
return isTargetEligible && actionDescription.Logic != ActionLogic.Target;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the visualization receives an animation event.
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnAnimEventClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter, string id) { }
/// <summary>
/// Called when this action has finished "charging up". (Which is only meaningful for a
/// few types of actions -- it is not called for other actions.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="finalChargeUpPercentage"></param>
public virtual void OnStoppedChargingUpClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter, float finalChargeUpPercentage) { }
/// <summary>
/// Utility function that instantiates all the graphics in the Spawns list.
/// If parentToOrigin is true, the new graphics are parented to the origin Transform.
/// If false, they are positioned/oriented the same way but are not parented.
/// </summary>
protected List<SpecialFXGraphic> InstantiateSpecialFXGraphics(Transform origin, bool parentToOrigin)
var returnList = new List<SpecialFXGraphic>();
foreach (var prefab in Config.Spawns)
if (!prefab) { continue; } // skip blank entries in our prefab list
returnList.Add(InstantiateSpecialFXGraphic(prefab, origin, parentToOrigin));
return returnList;
/// <summary>
/// Utility function that instantiates one of the graphics from the Spawns list.
/// If parentToOrigin is true, the new graphics are parented to the origin Transform.
/// If false, they are positioned/oriented the same way but are not parented.
/// </summary>
protected SpecialFXGraphic InstantiateSpecialFXGraphic(GameObject prefab, Transform origin, bool parentToOrigin)
if (prefab.GetComponent<SpecialFXGraphic>() == null)
throw new System.Exception($"One of the Spawns on action {this.name} does not have a SpecialFXGraphic component and can't be instantiated!");
var graphicsGO = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, origin.transform.position, origin.transform.rotation, (parentToOrigin ? origin.transform : null));
return graphicsGO.GetComponent<SpecialFXGraphic>();
/// <summary>
/// Called when the action is being "anticipated" on the client. For example, if you are the owner of a tank and you swing your hammer,
/// you get this call immediately on the client, before the server round-trip.
/// Overriders should always call the base class in their implementation!
/// </summary>
public virtual void AnticipateActionClient(ClientCharacter clientCharacter)
AnticipatedClient = true;
TimeStarted = UnityEngine.Time.time;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.AnimAnticipation))