using System;
using TMPro;
using Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.GameplayObjects.Character;
using Unity.BossRoom.Utils;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.BossRoom.Gameplay.UI
/// <summary>
/// Class containing references to UI children that we can display. Both are disabled by default on prefab.
/// </summary>
public class UIStateDisplay : MonoBehaviour
public SwapConfirmationPanel swapConfirmationPanel;
public string playerName;
UIName m_UIName;
UIHealth m_UIHealth;
public FloatingScore floatingScorePrefab;
private void OnEnable()
ScoreManager.OnScoreUpdated += OnScoreChanged;
private void OnDisable()
ScoreManager.OnScoreUpdated -= OnScoreChanged;
public void DisplayName(NetworkVariable<FixedPlayerName> networkedName)
//var servercharacterName = GetComponentInParent<ServerCharacter>();
//servercharacterName.name = playerName;
swapConfirmationPanel.gameObject.name += networkedName.Value;
public void DisplayHealth(NetworkVariable<int> networkedHealth, int maxValue)
m_UIHealth.Initialize(networkedHealth, maxValue);
public void HideHealth()
[SerializeField] private Transform scoreEffectSpawnPoint; // position above the head for the effect
private int previousScore = 0;
// Called when the NetworkVariable changes.
private void OnScoreChanged(ulong oldScore, int newScore)
// Trigger a floating effect on all clients.
// Using a ClientRpc so that every client sees the same effect.
// if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
RpcPlayScoreAnimationClientRpc(newScore, scoreEffectSpawnPoint);
// This ClientRpc will be executed on all clients.
private void RpcPlayScoreAnimationClientRpc(int change, UnityEngine.Transform spawnPosition)
// Instantiate the floating score effect prefab on each client.
FloatingScore effect = Instantiate(floatingScorePrefab, spawnPosition);
effect.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
effect.transform.localEulerAngles= Vector3.zero;